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10 Dog Breeds Most Prone to Dental Disease (Deadly!)

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| February 1, 2024

Dental disease in dogs is a common yet often overlooked health issue that can lead to serious complications, including heart, liver, and kidney disease if left untreated. Certain dog breeds are more prone to dental diseases due to various factors such as genetics, mouth shape, and dietary habits. These conditions can range from mild plaque and tartar build-up to severe periodontal disease, which can be deadly if not addressed properly. Understanding which breeds are at higher risk can help pet owners take preventive measures to ensure their furry friends maintain good oral health throughout their lives. This article will explore ten dog breeds that are most prone to dental disease, shedding light on why these specific breeds are affected and how owners can help mitigate these risks.

1. Toy Poodle

Toy Poodles are highly susceptible to dental diseases due to their small mouths, which can lead to overcrowded teeth. This overcrowding makes it difficult for natural cleaning processes to occur as food particles and bacteria can easily become trapped between teeth, leading to plaque build-up and eventually tartar. If not properly addressed through regular dental cleanings and home care, this can progress to periodontal disease. Toy Poodles often require more frequent dental check-ups and cleanings than larger breeds to maintain their oral health. Additionally, their genetics may predispose them to weaker dental structures, further increasing their risk of dental complications.

2. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are another small breed that faces a high risk of dental disease. Similar to Toy Poodles, Yorkies often suffer from dental overcrowding, leading to increased plaque and tartar build-up. Their long lifespan also contributes to the higher prevalence of dental issues, as there is more time for these problems to develop if not adequately managed. Yorkies may also have less robust dental structures, making them more susceptible to tooth loss and gum disease. Regular dental care, both professional and at home, is crucial to prevent serious health issues in Yorkshire Terriers.

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are predisposed to dental diseases due to their breed-specific traits, including a shorter snout and a smaller jaw, which can result in crowded teeth. This crowding can hinder proper cleaning and saliva distribution, making it easier for plaque and tartar to accumulate. Furthermore, Cavaliers are known to have a higher incidence of gum disease, which can lead to tooth decay and loss if untreated. Owners of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels should be vigilant about their pet’s dental health, ensuring regular veterinary check-ups and adopting a consistent oral hygiene routine.

4. Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are particularly prone to dental disease because of their small size and the shape of their mouths. Overcrowding of teeth in such a small jaw space can lead to significant dental problems, including periodontal disease. Chihuahuas also have a longer life expectancy, which increases their exposure to potential dental issues over time. Their tiny teeth are more susceptible to decay and loss, especially without proper dental care. Chihuahua owners need to prioritize dental health, including regular brushing and professional cleanings, to mitigate these risks.

5. Dachshund

Dachshunds are at risk for dental disease due to their long, narrow jaws, which can lead to issues with overcrowded and misaligned teeth. This overcrowding makes it difficult for teeth to be cleaned naturally by chewing, leading to an accumulation of plaque and tartar. Dachshunds also have a tendency towards gum disease, which can further exacerbate dental problems. Regular dental check-ups, along with diligent home care, are vital to preventing severe dental issues in Dachshunds and ensuring their overall well-being.

6. Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdogs, or Shelties, have a predisposition to dental problems, primarily due to their genetic background and mouth structure. Their relatively small mouths can result in crowded teeth, similar to other small breeds, leading to increased plaque accumulation and the risk of periodontal disease. Additionally, Shelties may inherit a tendency towards weaker dental structures, making them more susceptible to dental issues. Regular veterinary dental examinations and a proactive approach to dental hygiene can help manage these risks and keep Shelties healthy.

7. Greyhound

Greyhounds are unique among the breeds listed here due to their specific dental issues. They are prone to periodontal disease not necessarily because of overcrowded teeth but due to their diet and the texture of their gums and teeth. Greyhounds’ teeth have less enamel protection compared to other breeds, making them more susceptible to wear and tear, as well as plaque build-up and tartar. Owners of Greyhounds need to be particularly attentive to their pets’ dental health, including regular brushing and professional cleanings to prevent serious dental diseases.

8. Pug

Pugs face a higher risk of dental disease due to their brachycephalic (short-nosed) facial structure. This physical trait leads to dental crowding within their small jaws, making it challenging to maintain proper oral hygiene. The accumulation of plaque and tartar can quickly lead to gum disease and tooth decay if not addressed. Furthermore, Pugs’ unique facial structure can cause difficulties with chewing, which would otherwise help in the natural cleaning of teeth. Vigilant dental care practices are essential for Pug owners to prevent the onset of dental diseases.

9. Maltese

Maltese dogs are prone to dental issues for several reasons, including their small jaw size leading to crowded teeth, and their predisposition to tartar build-up. These factors make them particularly susceptible to periodontal disease. Maltese also tend to retain their baby teeth, which can cause problems if not removed, such as the development of plaque and tartar in hard-to-reach places. Regular dental care, including brushing and professional cleanings, is crucial for maintaining the dental health of Maltese.

10. Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are another brachycephalic breed that suffers from dental crowding due to their short heads and flat faces. This anatomical feature can complicate oral hygiene, leading to an increased risk of dental diseases, including periodontal disease. Their unique facial structure also affects how effectively they can chew, reducing the natural cleaning action that chewing provides. Therefore, Boston Terriers require diligent oral care from their owners, including regular brushing and veterinary dental check-ups, to manage these risks effectively.

Dental disease is a significant health issue for many dog breeds, particularly those with small mouths, brachycephalic features, or specific genetic predispositions. The breeds listed above are among the most prone to dental problems, which can lead to severe health complications if not properly managed. Owners of these breeds should prioritize dental care, including regular veterinary check-ups, professional cleanings, and daily brushing, to mitigate the risk of dental disease. By recognizing the breeds at higher risk and taking proactive steps towards dental hygiene, owners can ensure their dogs lead healthier, happier lives.