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10 Dog Breeds Similar to Cane Corsos

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on February 19, 2024
Cane Corsos are majestic, powerful dogs known for their impressive physique and protective nature. Originating from Italy, these dogs were bred for hunting large game and guarding property, qualities that have made them highly valued by those seeking a capable and loyal companion. With their muscular build, intelligence, and commanding presence, Cane Corsos are not just pets but are considered members of the family, offering both companionship and protection. However, their size, strength, and energy levels require owners who are experienced with large breeds and can provide the training, socialization, and exercise these dogs need. For those fascinated by the traits of the Cane Corso but exploring similar breeds for various reasons—be it temperament, availability, or size—there are several other breeds that share comparable characteristics. These breeds, like the Cane Corso, possess a blend of strength, loyalty, and courage, making them suitable for various roles including protection, companionship, and work.

1. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are powerful dogs known for their loyalty, strength, and protective instincts, making them a close match to the Cane Corso in both temperament and purpose. Originally bred in Germany to drive cattle and pull carts for farmers and butchers, Rottweilers have a rich history as working dogs. Like Cane Corsos, they have a strong, muscular build and a confident demeanor that demands respect. Rottweilers are extremely intelligent and trainable, excelling in obedience, tracking, and protection work. Their protective nature makes them excellent guard dogs, but they also require early socialization and consistent, firm training to ensure they become well-adjusted family members. The commitment to providing a Rottweiler with the structure, exercise, and leadership they need mirrors that of owning a Cane Corso, making them a suitable alternative for experienced dog owners who appreciate the unique combination of loyalty, strength, and intelligence.

2. Bullmastiff

Bullmastiffs share many traits with Cane Corsos, including their origin as estate guardians. Bred from the English Mastiff and the now-extinct Old English Bulldog, Bullmastiffs were designed to be fast, powerful, and fearless, capable of deterring poachers without causing serious harm. This breed possesses a formidable appearance with a robust structure and a keen sense of loyalty to their family, akin to the Cane Corso. Bullmastiffs are known for their intelligence and reserved nature, often being less vocal than other guardian breeds. They form deep bonds with their families and are gentle with children, showing a patient and protective demeanor. Despite their size, they are relatively low-energy but still require regular exercise to maintain their health and happiness. Bullmastiffs, like Cane Corsos, need early socialization and consistent training from an experienced owner to manage their protective instincts properly.

3. Doberman Pinscher

With their sleek coat, athletic build, and regal posture, Doberman Pinschers embody a different aspect of similarity to the Cane Corso—intelligence and loyalty. Bred in Germany by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann for protection, these dogs are known for their alertness, speed, and fearless nature. Dobermans are highly trainable and excel in various canine sports and roles, including police and military work. Their protective instinct makes them excellent guard dogs, much like the Cane Corso. However, Dobermans are more than just protectors; they are affectionate with their families, displaying a loving and loyal side to those they trust. Their requirement for mental and physical stimulation aligns with the active lifestyle needed by Cane Corsos. Owners must commit to rigorous training and socialization to ensure their Doberman is well-behaved and confident in different situations.

4. Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff, another breed originating from Italy, shares the imposing presence and protective nature of the Cane Corso. Known for their loose, wrinkled skin and massive stature, Neapolitan Mastiffs were bred to guard homes and estates. These dogs are the epitome of a gentle giant, showing immense loyalty and affection towards their family while being wary of strangers. Their protective instincts are innate, requiring no training to emerge. Despite their formidable appearance, Neapolitan Mastiffs are relatively low-energy but need space to accommodate their size. They are known for their calm and steady temperament, making them excellent companions for families with children. Owners of Neapolitan Mastiffs, similar to those of Cane Corsos, must prioritize early socialization and consistent training to manage their protective behavior and ensure they grow into well-adjusted adults.

5. Argentine Dogo

The Argentine Dogo is a breed that mirrors the Cane Corso’s strength, courage, and loyalty. Developed in Argentina for big-game hunting, including wild boar and pumas, Dogos are muscular, agile, and have a high pain tolerance. They possess a striking white coat and are known for their fearless yet friendly nature. Argentine Dogos are highly intelligent and versatile, capable of serving in protection, search and rescue, and police work. They form strong bonds with their families and are protective of their home. Like Cane Corsos, Argentine Dogos require experienced owners who can provide firm, consistent training and ample exercise to channel their energy positively. Their hunting background also means they have a strong prey drive, which needs to be managed through training and socialization.

6. Great Dane

Great Danes, known as the “Apollo of dogs” for their noble appearance, share the impressive stature and gentle temperament seen in Cane Corsos. Despite their size, they are friendly, affectionate, and great with children, making them excellent family pets. Great Danes were originally bred to hunt wild boar, but today, they are more likely to be found lounging on the couch with their owners. Their calm demeanor and tolerance make them well-suited to homes with children and other pets. However, like Cane Corsos, they require space to accommodate their large size and benefit from regular, moderate exercise to stay healthy. Owners must also be prepared for the challenges of managing a dog of this size, including potential health issues common in large breeds.

7. Presa Canario

The Presa Canario, or Canary Mastiff, has a strong, imposing presence and a history of working as a livestock guardian and protector. Originating from the Canary Islands, these dogs share the Cane Corso’s muscular build, loyalty, and protective instincts. Presa Canarios are known for their confident and calm demeanor but can be aloof with strangers, making early socialization crucial. They form strong bonds with their families and are excellent guardians of their home. Like Cane Corsos, Presa Canarios requires an owner experienced with large breeds who can provide firm, consistent training and establish themselves as the pack leader. Their high intelligence and working background suit them for various tasks, including protection and obedience.

8. American Bulldog

American Bulldogs are powerful, athletic dogs with the Cane Corso’s versatility and protective nature. Originally bred for farm work, hunting, and guarding, they have a strong build and a courageous temperament. American Bulldogs are known for their loyalty to their families and ability to form strong bonds with their owners. They are more energetic than Cane Corsos, requiring regular, vigorous exercise to maintain physical and mental health. Their intelligence and eagerness to please make them trainable, but they also possess a strong will that requires a confident owner who can provide consistent leadership and boundaries. American Bulldogs are excellent with children and can be good family pets when their exercise and companionship needs are met.

9. Tosa Inu

The Tosa Inu, or Japanese Mastiff, is a rare breed that shares similarities with the Cane Corso in terms of size, strength, and dignity. Bred in Japan for dog fighting, Tosa Inus are calm, courageous, and reserved, with a quiet dignity that commands respect. They are incredibly loyal to their families and have a protective nature. Tosa Inus require a knowledgeable owner who can provide firm, respectful training and understand the breed’s need for social hierarchy. Their size and strength make them suitable for experienced dog owners who can handle a large, powerful breed. Tosa Inus, like Cane Corsos, thrive in environments where they are given a role and responsibilities, benefiting from mental and physical challenges.

10. Anatolian Shepherd

Anatolian Shepherds are formidable livestock guardians originating from Turkey, known for their independence, intelligence, and protective instincts. These traits make them similar to Cane Corsos in their role as protectors and companions. Anatolian Shepherds are large, muscular dogs with a strong will and the ability to make decisions independently, traits necessary for guarding flocks without human intervention. They are loyal and affectionate with their families but reserved with strangers, making early socialization and training essential. Like Cane Corsos, Anatolian Shepherds require owners who understand and respect their need for leadership and structure. Their endurance and work ethic make them suitable for various roles, including guarding and companionship.
While Cane Corsos hold a unique place in the hearts of their admirers, there are several breeds with similar traits that can fulfill the roles of protector, companion, and family member. From the loyal Rottweiler to the noble Great Dane, each breed offers a combination of strength, loyalty, and affection that mirrors the qualities found in Cane Corsos. Choosing any of these breeds requires a commitment to training, socialization, and understanding the specific needs of large, powerful dogs. For those drawn to the characteristics of the Cane Corso, these breeds present viable alternatives that embody the spirit and capabilities of these remarkable guardians.

What Are Cane Corsos Like? How Are They Different Than Other Breeds?

Cane Corsos are a breed that commands attention—not just because of their size but due to their dignified presence and muscular physique. Originating from Italy, these dogs are part of the Molosser family and were historically used for guarding property, hunting, and farming. Today, they are cherished as loyal companions and formidable protectors of their homes. A Cane Corso’s temperament is a blend of seriousness and affection. They are known for their intelligence, confidence, and unwavering loyalty to their family. This breed is not overly aggressive but is naturally protective and can be reserved with strangers. Their protective nature makes them excellent watchdogs, always alert and ready to defend their loved ones if necessary. Socialization and training from an early age are crucial for Cane Corsos. Their intelligence makes them highly trainable, but their strong will requires a firm, consistent hand. They respond well to positive reinforcement and clear boundaries. Properly trained and socialized Cane Corsos are gentle giants, known to be affectionate with their families and gentle with children. Physically, Cane Corsos are impressive. They possess a large, sturdy frame with males standing between 24 to 27 inches at the shoulder and weighing in at 99 to 110 pounds, while females are slightly smaller. Their coat is short, dense, and comes in a variety of colors including black, gray, fawn, and red, often with a brindled pattern. Their expressive eyes and trademark cropped ears (in countries where this is still practiced) add to their distinctive appearance.

Health and Care

Cane Corsos are generally healthy, but like all large breeds, they are prone to certain health issues. Hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and gastric torsion are among the conditions to watch for. Regular veterinary check-ups, a proper diet, and adequate exercise can help maintain their health and prevent some of these issues. Caring for a Cane Corso goes beyond addressing their physical needs. Mental stimulation is equally important. They thrive on having jobs to do, whether it’s obedience training, agility, or simply being involved in daily family activities. Without proper exercise and mental engagement, they can become bored and destructive. Grooming requirements for Cane Corsos are moderate. Their short coat sheds, but regular brushing can help manage this. They also require basic care like nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental hygiene to prevent common issues.

Interaction with Other Pets and Children

Cane Corsos can get along well with other pets and children, especially if they are raised together. However, due to their size and strength, interactions with small children and animals should always be supervised. Teaching children how to interact safely with large dogs is essential to prevent accidental injuries. Despite their imposing size, Cane Corsos are known for their sensitivity. They are closely attuned to their family’s emotions and make empathetic companions. Their approach to other pets in the household is usually respectful, but early socialization is key to fostering harmonious relationships.

How Are They Different Than Other Breeds?

Cane Corsos stand out from other breeds in several ways. Their combination of size, intelligence, and protective nature makes them unique among working dogs. Unlike breeds that may excel in only one area, such as hunting or herding, Cane Corsos are versatile, capable of performing various tasks while also being affectionate family members. Their protective instinct is more pronounced than in many other breeds. While all dogs are protective to some degree, Cane Corsos have a deep-seated instinct to guard and protect, which is a direct result of their breeding history. This trait, combined with their size, requires owners to be particularly responsible about training and socialization. Cane Corsos also have a unique appearance. Their large, muscular build, combined with their noble bearing and distinctive head shape, sets them apart visually from other breeds. Their physical appearance reflects their strength and agility, traits that were essential for their traditional roles. Cane Corsos are a breed apart, offering a unique combination of strength, loyalty, and versatility. Their imposing presence, coupled with their intelligence and protective nature, makes them outstanding companions for the right owner. Understanding and meeting their needs—through training, socialization, and care—can lead to a rewarding relationship with these magnificent dogs. While they may not be the right fit for every home, for those prepared for the commitment, a Cane Corso can be a loving, loyal, and protective member of the family. Their differences from other breeds lie not just in their physical appearance but in their profound connection with their owners, making them truly unique among canines.