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Who would look after your dog if something were to happen to you?

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    • #4207538
      Arlene Divina

      Have you ever considered who would look after your dog if something were to happen to you? – Marky C.

    • #4207847
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      Linda A.

      Before I rescued my dog I spoke with my daughter about looking after him if anything happened to me. Also part of the adoption process was to promise to return him to them rather than any pound. No problem my family love him as much as I do

    • #4207851
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      Cynthia J.

      My daughter. She would take good care of any & all of my animals until they were old and passed away. She’s rescues animals all the time.

    • #4207854
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      Jackie J.

      Yes, many times!
      Everyone in my family wants my Rottweiler Bear!
      He’s a gentle giant! No problem there! My girl Boo
      Lab/german Shepard mix has a lot of anxiety and is very reactive! I worry about her cuz no one wants her!

    • #4207858
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      Shelley C.

      Absolutely! We have a list of people that would adopt him. The first one on the list is my SIL who owns his best friend and we trade dog sitting. My Wendall knows them, their house and their dog. My Wendall was abandoned once before we adopted him from the shelter. I would never put him in that situation again. Wendall has 3 backup offers just in case.

    • #4207861
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      Jo M.

      Yes. My Duds is cared for to the end of his days

    • #4207864
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      Terri W.

      Yes My sister…..6 months after I got him as a puppy I was having health problems and was in the hospital for 2 weeks with 3 weeks of recovery. So my dog stayed with her family he loved it! She has a big fenced in yard a pool (he loves to swim) and other dogs.

    • #4207867
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      Saddie M.

      I only have two now and a good friend will take them so I am fine with that. It was harder when my Mum passed and left her Jack Russell. Neither of my sisters could take him and I lived miles away and already had multi dogs of my own but thankfully Mum’s vet knew of an ideal home for Oscar and we saw him settled happily into his new home before we returned to our own lives. Had the vet not stepped in with the perfect home though Mum had told us he had to be euthanised when she passed as he was a rescue dog and she didn’t want him to be in that situation again. But thankfully all went well.

    • #4207873
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      Pamela M.

      Yes. I have instructed that if something should happen to me and my husband, our granddaughter is to take both my dog and cat. She is the one who I trust the most with them and will treat them with all the love and care we do.

    • #4207877
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      Shannon B.

      Yes, and I told my son if you want my life insurance you better take care of my 2 dogs and cat

    • #4207880
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      Gemma J.

      I have 4 people already committed to having him if the worst should happen. Plus his breeder would take him back. 

    • #4207883
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      Marilyn T.

      My sister will give him a good home
      She was his first mom, he was born in her house, she owned the parents..
      I got him at 8 wks old
      He’s 4 yrs old now
      My best friend & companion..

    • #4207892
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      Ardella K.

      My youngest son. His love for dogs is the same as mine!

    • #4207894
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      Glen H.

      I definitely have considered it. After I was diagnosed with cancer I decided not to get another dog for fear that it would outlive me. I hate not having a dog but it was a selfless decision.

    • #4207896
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      Maryann F.

      I was recently ran to er my son was out of the country and all I could think about was my dogs were aline and not getting fed. it broke my heart and I’m looking for more solutions if it ever happens again. thankfully it was just 24hrs.

    • #4207899
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      Ymmik E.

      Idk, my biggest fear that no one love them like i do.

    • #4207902
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      Anne S.

      Yup. And the new owner gets $$ to take care of the dog for her natural life.

    • #4207906
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      Sharron H.

      Yes I have ,an elderly couple love my dog,said they will look after him anytime.They lost there dog and love him around

    • #4207908
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      Bernice D.

      My daughter. She fell in love with my little dog when she was 11 weeks old and has never stopped loving her 

    • #4207910
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      Andrea P.

      Yes. Our dog is in our will. My son will take her and there will be enough money to take care of the lifestyle she is accustomed to.

    • #4207913
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      Lynn S.

      Yes my dog Ruby has God parents

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