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The 16 Most Empathetic Dog Breeds

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| August 27, 2024

Dogs are well-known for their loyalty and companionship, but certain breeds are exceptionally skilled at sensing and responding to human emotions. These empathetic dogs offer comfort and support during difficult times, making them excellent companions for those needing emotional support. Their unique ability to understand and react to their owners’ feelings helps to create a deeper bond between the pet and the owner. This emotional sensitivity fosters a strong and lasting relationship, making these dogs invaluable companions who provide connection and comfort when needed.

Great Dane


Despite their imposing size, Great Danes are gentle giants with deep empathy. They are susceptible to their owners’ emotions and often act as a calming presence. Great Danes are known for their loyalty and gentle nature, making them excellent companions for emotional support. Their large size allows them to provide a comforting physical presence, and their gentle demeanor ensures they are always there to offer a reassuring paw or nuzzle.

German Shepherd


German Shepherds are highly intelligent and loyal, known for their strong protective instincts. They are very in tune with their owners’ emotions and often form deep, trusting bonds. German Shepherds are quick to respond to changes in their environment, including shifts in their owners’ moods. Their sensitivity makes them great emotional support animals, and they’re frequently used in therapy and service work due to their ability to pick up on emotional cues and provide reassurance and comfort.



Boxers are known for their playful, loving, and loyal personalities. They are extremely attuned to their owners and have a knack for sensing when something is wrong. Boxers form strong emotional connections and often show their empathy by staying close to their owners in times of distress. Their goofy and energetic nature brings joy, while their affectionate side makes them comforting companions. Boxers are often described as “shadows” because of their tendency to follow their favorite humans everywhere.

Doberman Pinscher


Dobermans are often misunderstood because of their protective nature, but they are also incredibly affectionate and intuitive. They are known to bond deeply with their families and can be very sensitive to emotional changes in their owners. Dobermans are quick to offer comfort and can be surprisingly gentle for their size. Their loyalty and alertness make them not only excellent guard dogs but also wonderful emotional support animals for those who need a strong, empathetic companion.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

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Staffordshire Bull Terriers, often called Staffies, are loving and devoted dogs known for their strong bond with humans. Despite their tough appearance, they are gentle and affectionate, often seeking out closeness with their families. Staffies are very sensitive to human emotions and are quick to offer comfort during difficult times. Their friendly and playful nature combined with their strong emotional connection to their owners makes them excellent companions for those in need of a supportive, empathetic dog.

Cocker Spaniel


Cocker Spaniels are well-known for their sweet, affectionate nature. They are incredibly sensitive to their owner’s moods and are always ready to provide emotional support. Cockers are known to stay close to their family members, offering comfort through gentle affection. Their calm and loving demeanor, combined with their keen emotional sensitivity, makes them wonderful companions, especially for people seeking a loyal and empathetic dog that thrives on human connection.

Shih Tzu


Shih Tzus are small, affectionate dogs that form strong bonds with their owners. They are incredibly in tune with human emotions and often provide comfort through their calm and gentle nature. Shih Tzus love to be close to their family members and are quick to notice when someone is feeling down or anxious. Their affectionate and soothing presence makes them great lap dogs and ideal companions for individuals looking for an empathetic, low-energy dog.

English Bulldog


English Bulldogs may look tough, but they are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They form strong emotional bonds with their families and are very attuned to changes in their owners’ feelings. Bulldogs often provide comfort by staying close and offering quiet companionship during stressful times. Their calm and loyal demeanor makes them excellent pets for individuals who need an emotionally supportive and low-energy companion.



Beagles are cheerful, affectionate dogs with a natural ability to bond closely with humans. They are very social and attuned to their owners’ emotional states, often offering comfort with their playful and loving personalities. Beagles are known for their loyalty and will stay close to family members who may need emotional support. Their joyful disposition and sensitivity to human feelings make them excellent companions for individuals seeking a fun and empathetic dog.

Each of these breeds demonstrates a unique combination of empathy, loyalty, and affection, making them excellent emotional support animals for those in need of a loving companion.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known for their affectionate and gentle nature. They are highly attuned to their owners’ emotions and can provide comfort when they sense sadness or stress. Cavaliers thrive on human interaction and enjoy being close to their owners, often curling up on their laps or snuggling beside them. Their expressive eyes and loving disposition make them excellent therapy dogs capable of calming and reassuring those in need.

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are renowned for their friendly and tolerant attitude. They are highly empathetic and often used as therapy and service dogs due to their ability to sense and respond to human emotions. Golden Retrievers are incredibly patient and gentle, making them ideal companions for those who need emotional support. Their cheerful disposition and eagerness to please ensure they are always ready to provide comfort and companionship, making them one of the most empathetic breeds.

Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retrievers are friendly, outgoing, and highly empathetic dogs. They are known for their ability to sense and respond to their owners’ emotions, making them excellent therapy and service dogs. Labs are loyal and form strong bonds with their families, providing comfort and companionship during stressful times. Their gentle and patient nature makes them ideal for families, children, and individuals needing emotional support. Labs are also brilliant and can be trained to perform tasks that assist their owners in various ways.

Border Collie


Border Collies are known for their intelligence and sensitivity. They are highly trainable and excel in tasks that require understanding and responding to human cues. Border Collies are attentive to their owners’ moods and can sense something wrong. They are loyal and protective, often staying close to their owners to offer comfort and reassurance. Their high energy and need for mental stimulation make them great companions for active individuals who also need emotional support.

Shetland Sheepdog


Shetland Sheepdogs, or Shelties, are affectionate and intelligent dogs known for their keen sensitivity to human emotions. They are very loyal and form strong bonds with their owners. Shelties quickly notice changes in their owners’ moods and are always ready to provide comfort and companionship. Their gentle and responsive nature makes them excellent therapy dogs capable of calming and reassuring those in need. Shelties are also very trainable and enjoy participating in activities that strengthen their bond with their owners.



Poodles are intelligent and highly trainable dogs that are also very sensitive to human emotions. They are quick to pick up on their owners’ moods and are known for their ability to provide comfort and companionship. Poodles come in three sizes—standard, miniature, and toy—all excellent at sensing and responding to emotional cues. Their adaptability and eagerness to please make them wonderful companions for those needing emotional support. Poodles are also known for their hypoallergenic coats, making them suitable for individuals with allergies.

Bichon Frise

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Bichon Frises are cheerful, affectionate dogs highly sensitive to their owners’ emotions. They are known for their playful and gentle nature, making them excellent companions for those needing emotional support. Bichons are very social and thrive on human interaction, providing comfort and companionship to their families. Their friendly and adaptable nature makes them great therapy dogs, capable of bringing joy and reassurance to those in need. Bichon Frises are flexible and thrive in various living environments, making them suitable for multiple households.

Fur Therapy at Its Finest!


These breeds are exceptional at understanding and responding to human emotions. Their empathetic nature and strong bond with their owners make them ideal companions and excellent therapy dogs. Whether you need comfort, companionship, or emotional support, these breeds offer the connection and understanding you seek. Their presence can significantly enhance the quality of life for those needing emotional reassurance, fostering a deep and lasting bond with their empathetic furry friends. These dogs truly excel at being there when it matters most.

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