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5 Myths About Staffordshire Bull Terriers You Should Stop Believing

By: Zyra Capalac
Zyra is a Special Project Coordinator of HomeLife Media and a writer for She has 3 dogs namely Skye, Luna, and one of them is a rescue, named Tesla.Read more
| September 13, 2024

Staffordshire Bull Terriers, commonly referred to as “Staffies,” are a beloved breed with a reputation that often swings between adoration and misconception. Sadly, many myths about these intelligent, loyal, and affectionate dogs persist. These misconceptions often stem from confusion with other breeds, misunderstanding their history, or misjudging their behavior based on stereotypes.

Myth 1: Staffordshire Bull Terriers Are Naturally Aggressive

The Reality: Staffordshire Bull Terriers are often unfairly labeled as aggressive due to their muscular build and unfortunate association with dog fighting in the past. However, aggression is not an inherent trait in this breed. In fact, when raised in a loving and nurturing environment, Staffies are known for being extremely friendly and sociable.

The truth is, any dog’s behavior is largely shaped by their upbringing, training, and socialization. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s loyal, playful, and affectionate personality shines through when properly cared for. They are great with people and can thrive in family environments. The American Kennel Club (AKC) describes the breed as “affectionate, especially towards children,” with a strong desire to please their humans.

If a Staffordshire Bull Terrier displays aggression, it’s usually the result of poor socialization or abusive environments rather than an innate tendency. Like any dog, they require proper training and socialization from an early age to develop into well-adjusted companions.

Myth 2: They Are the Same as Pit Bulls

The Reality: While Staffies and Pit Bulls may share some physical similarities and historical roots, they are distinct breeds. The confusion likely arises because both breeds have muscular builds, square-shaped heads, and were historically bred for similar purposes. However, they have different breed standards and temperaments.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is larger than the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, which is more compact and stocky. Additionally, the personalities of the breeds differ. Staffordshire Bull Terriers are often known for their gentleness with people and are sometimes called “nanny dogs” due to their nurturing nature towards children.

While both breeds can make wonderful pets, it’s important to understand that they are not interchangeable. Each has its own unique traits, and lumping them together does a disservice to both.

Myth 3: They Are Not Good Family Pets

The Reality: One of the biggest myths about Staffordshire Bull Terriers is that they aren’t suitable for families, especially those with children. In reality, Staffies are known for their gentle and affectionate nature, particularly with kids. Their nickname, “nanny dogs,” comes from their reputation for being protective and loving towards children.

The breed’s temperament is described as outgoing and eager to please, making them excellent companions in a family setting. They form strong bonds with their humans and are highly loyal, often going to great lengths to protect their loved ones.

However, like any breed, proper training and supervision are essential, especially around young children. Staffies are strong dogs, and their exuberance can sometimes be overwhelming for small children. Early training and establishing boundaries will ensure a harmonious relationship between your Staffie and your family.

Myth 4: They Require Excessive Exercise

The Reality: While Staffordshire Bull Terriers are active dogs, they do not require extreme levels of exercise to stay happy and healthy. This myth likely stems from their muscular build, which makes them appear like dogs that need to be constantly on the move.

In reality, Staffies have moderate exercise needs. A daily walk or two, combined with some playtime, will usually be enough to satisfy their energy levels. They do enjoy activities like agility training or fetch, but they are equally content to lounge around the house with their family. As long as they get regular exercise and mental stimulation, Staffordshire Bull Terriers can adapt well to various living environments, including apartments or homes without large yards.

The key to keeping a Staffie happy is ensuring they get both physical and mental stimulation. Boredom can lead to destructive behavior in any dog, but with proper attention, your Staffie will be a relaxed and well-adjusted companion.

Myth 5: They Are Difficult to Train

The Reality: Some people believe that Staffordshire Bull Terriers are stubborn or difficult to train. While it’s true that they can be strong-willed, they are also intelligent, eager to please, and highly trainable. The key to training a Staffie, as with any dog, is consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement.

Staffies thrive in environments where they are rewarded for good behavior. Harsh training methods, such as yelling or physical punishment, are not only ineffective but can damage the trust between you and your dog. Instead, focusing on positive reinforcement—treats, praise, and playtime—will yield much better results.

Training a Staffordshire Bull Terrier can be a rewarding experience, as they tend to pick up commands quickly and enjoy the mental stimulation that training provides. Start training early and be consistent in your expectations, and you’ll find that your Staffie is more than capable of learning a wide range of behaviors and commands.


Staffordshire Bull Terriers are wonderful dogs that often suffer from unjustified stereotypes. These myths, perpetuated by misinformation and fear, fail to reflect the breed’s true nature. Staffies are loving, loyal, and intelligent companions who thrive in the right environment.

By understanding the truth behind these common misconceptions, we can begin to see the breed for what it truly is: a fantastic family pet with a lot of love to give. It’s time to stop believing the myths and start recognizing Staffordshire Bull Terriers for the gentle, affectionate, and loyal companions they are.

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