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11 Dog Breeds Known for Their Incredible Sense of Smell

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 26, 2024

Dogs are famous for their exceptional sense of smell, with certain dog breeds having this trait refined over generations. These dogs possess olfactory abilities far beyond others, making them invaluable for search-and-rescue, tracking, and detecting medical conditions. Their powerful noses can pick up scents undetectable to humans, and for these breeds, finding clues, identifying dangers, or even sniffing out truffles is second nature. Whether working or just playing, these dogs showcase the incredible capabilities of a canine’s sense of smell.



The Bloodhound is perhaps the most famous scent-tracking breed, with an olfactory system so advanced it has been used in law enforcement for centuries. Their long ears and wrinkled skin help funnel scents toward their nose, which contains approximately 300 million scent receptors, compared to a human’s 5 million. Bloodhounds can follow trails over great distances and through difficult terrain, making them ideal for tracking lost people or criminals. Their tracking ability is so reliable that the evidence they find is admissible in court. Their determination and persistence when following a scent make them unmatched in the world of scent work.

Basset Hound


With their droopy ears and low-to-the-ground stature, Basset Hounds are designed for sniffing. These dogs have one of the most acute senses of smell in the canine world, second only to the Bloodhound. Their short legs keep them close to the ground, where they can easily pick up and follow scents. Originally bred for hunting small game like rabbits, Basset Hounds can track a scent for miles without losing focus. Their calm and easygoing nature makes them patient trackers, capable of following a scent for hours. Basset Hounds are not only skilled hunters but also make lovable, loyal companions.



Beagles are small but mighty when it comes to their sense of smell. These compact hounds were originally bred for hunting small game, such as rabbits, and their keen noses helped them excel in the field. With around 225 million scent receptors, Beagles are highly effective at picking up and following scents. Their natural curiosity and determination make them excellent scent hounds for tasks such as detecting illegal agricultural products at airports. In addition to their work as scent detection dogs, beagles are known for their friendly, sociable nature, making them a popular choice for both working dogs and family pets.

German Shepherd


While often recognized for their roles in police and military work, German Shepherds are also highly valued for their exceptional sense of smell. They have been used in various scent-detection roles, including tracking, search and rescue, and detecting explosives or narcotics. German Shepherds possess a keen nose and the intelligence to interpret and act on the scents they detect. Their strong work ethic and olfactory abilities make them versatile dogs in both protective roles and detection work. Their ability to focus on tasks and loyalty to their handlers make them ideal for high-stakes situations.



As their name suggests, Coonhounds were bred to track raccoons and other small game, relying heavily on their superior sense of smell. With long, droopy ears that help waft scents toward their nose, Coonhounds are expert trackers that can follow a scent trail over long distances and difficult terrain. Known for their tenacity, Coonhounds will stay on the trail of their quarry for hours or even days if necessary. These dogs are persistent and skilled hunters, capable of tracking animals through forests and rivers. Coonhounds’ drive to follow a scent is so strong that they are almost impossible to distract once on a trail.

English Springer Spaniel


English Springer Spaniels are known for their versatility as hunting dogs, but their incredible sense of smell has also made them valuable in roles such as drug detection and search-and-rescue. Originally bred to “spring” game from thick brush, these dogs are highly attuned to scent cues. Their keen noses and energetic and eager-to-please nature make them excellent partners for scent work. English Springer Spaniels are particularly adept at detecting hidden scents in difficult environments, such as explosives or drugs, making them a popular choice for law enforcement and airport security teams.

Belgian Malinois


Although often overshadowed by the German Shepherd, the Belgian Malinois is equally impressive regarding scent detection. These highly intelligent and agile dogs are frequently used in police, military, and detection roles due to their remarkable sense of smell and quick learning abilities. Belgian Malinois are known for their work in detecting narcotics and explosives and tracking missing persons. Their high energy levels and determination make them exceptional working dogs. They are often chosen for roles that require both olfactory prowess and the physical stamina to perform tasks for extended periods of time.



The Otterhound is a lesser-known breed with an impressive sense of smell, specifically bred to track and hunt otters in water. Their rough, waterproof coats and webbed feet make them excellent swimmers, while their keen noses help them locate prey on land and in the water. Otterhounds can track scents over long distances, and their endurance allows them to stay on a trail for hours. Although not as commonly seen today, Otterhounds are known for their persistence, making them skilled trackers in difficult environments, especially aquatic scent trails.

Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retrievers are well-known for their roles as service and assistance dogs, but their sense of smell is equally impressive. Labradors have been widely used in scent detection roles, including search and rescue, detecting explosives, and working as detection dogs for medical conditions like diabetes or cancer. Their friendly, eager-to-please nature and olfactory abilities make them excellent working dogs in various fields. Labradors have an exceptional ability to focus on scent detection tasks while remaining calm and gentle, making them invaluable in roles that require precision and reliability.


the best snout soother for your Weimaraner

Weimaraners were originally bred in Germany as hunting dogs, known for their ability to track and retrieve game over long distances. Their strong noses and relentless drive to follow a scent make them exceptional trackers. Weimaraners are particularly skilled at scenting larger game, such as deer and boar, and are known for their speed and stamina in the field. Their sleek, athletic build lets them quickly cover large areas of ground, while their keen sense of smell helps them detect scents from far away. Although they are often kept as family pets today, Weimaraners still retain their natural hunting instincts and scent-tracking abilities.

Lagotto Romagnolo


The Lagotto Romagnolo is a lesser-known breed that has gained fame for its remarkable ability to sniff out truffles, a rare and valuable delicacy found underground. This breed hails from Italy and was originally used as a water retriever. However, their keen noses and natural drive to search for scents made them ideal for truffle hunting. Lagotto Romagnolos are highly focused and persistent, using their sense of smell to locate truffles hidden deep beneath the forest floor. Their unique talent for detecting these hidden treasures has made them highly prized among truffle hunters.

The World of Superior Sniffers


These extraordinary dog breeds demonstrate the impressive range and power of a dog’s sense of smell. Whether tracking games, detecting explosives, or uncovering hidden truffles, their finely tuned noses guide them to success. Each breed brings unique abilities to the world of scent detection, highlighting the vital role that a dog’s sense of smell plays. From search-and-rescue missions to specialized tasks, these dogs show how essential and remarkable their olfactory skills are, making them invaluable in various important global roles.