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The Top 12 Qualities Dogs Have That Every Politician Should Learn

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| September 27, 2024

Dogs have been our loyal companions for thousands of years, and along the way, they’ve displayed some of the most admirable traits that humans can learn from. In a world where politics often feels divisive and impersonal, dogs remind us of the importance of qualities like loyalty, empathy, and resilience. These traits, when applied to the political arena, could lead to more compassionate and effective leadership. Politicians could stand to learn a lot from the character of dogs, who consistently show integrity and care, even in the most trying circumstances.



Few qualities are more synonymous with dogs than loyalty. Dogs, whether they are protecting their home or staying by their owner’s side through thick and thin, demonstrate unwavering loyalty. Politicians could learn a lot from this trait, as true loyalty to the public means consistently advocating for the people’s best interests, even when it’s politically challenging. Breeds like the Akita, known for their fierce loyalty and protective nature, embody this trait. Just as an Akita stays devoted to its family, politicians should remain steadfast in their commitment to their constituents.



Dogs have an incredible ability to sense emotions and offer comfort, showcasing a level of empathy that could teach politicians to be more attuned to the needs of their people. Empathy allows dogs to connect with humans on a deep emotional level, whether it’s by offering a comforting paw or simply being present during difficult times. A breed like the Labrador Retriever, known for its gentle and empathetic nature, serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding others’ feelings. Politicians who cultivate empathy would better serve their constituents by being compassionate and responsive to their concerns.



Dogs demonstrate resilience in many aspects of their lives, whether it’s recovering from illness, injury, or hardship. Take the Greyhound, for example, a breed often used in racing that, despite its past, can bounce back and live a fulfilling life as a beloved family pet. Politicians, too, should learn to be resilient in the face of challenges, pushing forward with grace and determination even after setbacks. Resilience in leadership means continuing to strive for progress, despite obstacles, much like a dog that never gives up its zest for life.



Dogs are transparent in their emotions. When they are happy, their wagging tails make it clear; when they are uncomfortable, they let you know with their body language. This kind of honesty is something many politicians could benefit from adopting. Breeds like the Beagle, with their expressive faces and clear emotions, remind us that honesty builds trust. If politicians were as forthright as Beagles, citizens would be able to have more confidence in their intentions, leading to better relationships between leaders and the people they serve.



Dogs are known for their ability to persevere through adversity. Whether it’s learning a new trick, overcoming fears, or staying determined in difficult situations, dogs never give up. A breed like the Border Collie, renowned for its work ethic and determination in herding livestock, perfectly illustrates perseverance. This is a quality every politician should adopt. Perseverance means pushing for positive change, even when the odds are stacked against you. It means continuing to fight for what’s right, just as a Border Collie tirelessly moves sheep to where they need to go.



Dogs are incredibly adaptable, adjusting to new environments, families, or routines with relative ease. A breed like the Australian Shepherd thrives on change and is always ready for a new challenge. This ability to adapt is something that politicians must master. In an ever-changing political landscape, adaptability allows leaders to pivot when necessary, remain open to new ideas, and better serve their communities in dynamic circumstances. Like the Australian Shepherd that adjusts to different tasks, politicians should be prepared to handle unexpected challenges with flexibility and ease.



Patience is a virtue that dogs often show when learning new skills or waiting for their owners to return home. This quality is especially important in breeds like the Basset Hound, which is known for its calm and patient demeanor. Politicians, too, must exercise patience—whether in negotiations, policymaking, or dealing with criticism. Just as a Basset Hound calmly waits for its turn during a hunt, politicians should be willing to take the time to listen, collaborate, and build long-term solutions rather than rushing through temporary fixes.


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Courage is another trait dogs display without hesitation, whether it’s protecting their owners from danger or overcoming fears. Breeds like the German Shepherd are particularly known for their bravery, often serving in police or military roles. Politicians could learn from this courage by standing up for what’s right, even when it’s not the popular opinion. Political courage means taking a stance on difficult issues and fighting for justice, just as a German Shepherd bravely takes on challenges to protect those it cares about.



Dogs are naturally optimistic creatures, always expecting the best from their day. They greet each new moment with enthusiasm and hope. A breed like the Golden Retriever, known for its cheerful disposition, reminds us that optimism can be contagious. Politicians, too, should lead with hope and positivity, focusing on what can be achieved rather than dwelling on challenges. By adopting an optimistic outlook, leaders can inspire confidence and bring about constructive change in their communities, just as a Golden Retriever brings joy to everyone it meets.



Dogs don’t discriminate when it comes to making friends. They are open and welcoming, regardless of someone’s background or appearance. The mixed-breed dog, or “mutt,” often shows us the most inclusive attitude. Politicians could learn from this quality, understanding the importance of inclusivity in policy-making and leadership. Just as a mixed-breed dog plays with dogs of all shapes, sizes, and breeds, politicians should strive to represent and advocate for all citizens, regardless of their background, fostering a more united and inclusive society.



Dogs thrive on consistency, and their behavior reflects the security that comes from knowing what to expect. The Dalmatian, known for its reliability as a working dog and companion, highlights the importance of consistent behavior. For politicians, consistency is key to maintaining trust and stability. By consistently following through on promises and maintaining integrity, politicians can build stronger relationships with their constituents. Like the Dalmatian who consistently performs their duties, political leaders should be dependable in their actions and principles.



Finally, compassion is a core trait that defines dogs. Whether they’re offering comfort to someone in need or showing affection, dogs are compassionate creatures that care deeply for their families. The Saint Bernard, known for its history of rescuing people stranded in the snow, is a prime example of compassion in action. Politicians who lead with compassion put the well-being of others above their own interests, focusing on policies that uplift and protect vulnerable communities. Just as the Saint Bernard shows selflessness and care, political leaders should prioritize kindness and humanity in their decisions.

A Dog’s Guide to Better Leadership


Dogs offer valuable lessons on how to be better leaders, especially in the world of politics. Qualities like loyalty, empathy, resilience, and compassion are traits dogs demonstrate daily. If politicians adopted even a portion of these characteristics, they could become more trusted, respected, and inspiring leaders. True leadership is about more than just holding power—it’s about showing care, fostering connections, and committing to the well-being of others. By learning from dogs, politicians could lead with greater integrity and make a meaningful difference in their communities.\

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