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7 Crazy Things That Are Perfectly Normal For Bernese Mountain Dogs

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| September 30, 2024

Bernese Mountain Dogs, or “Berners,” are large, lovable giants known for their gentle temperament and striking tri-color coats. Originating from the Swiss Alps, these dogs were originally bred to work on farms, pulling carts and herding livestock. While their working roots remain strong, today, they are just as often found lounging on the couch with their families as they are helping out with outdoor tasks. Affectionate and delightfully quirky, Berners might initially seem strange, but their goofy charm quickly wins everyone over. They’re simply being their authentic, lovable selves.

Sprawling Out Like a Rug (Anywhere and Everywhere)


If you’ve ever owned or spent time with a Bernese Mountain Dog, you’ve probably noticed their unique approach to relaxation—sprawling out flat on the floor like a living rug. It’s common to see a Berner lying on their back, paws up in the air, or stretched out belly-down with their legs splayed behind them in what some call the “froggy pose.” This massive dog can take up more floor space than you’d expect, and they do it confidently. No bed or couch? No problem. Berners are just as happy laying flat on the hardwood floor, wherever they feel most comfortable. Their giant, cozy sprawl may seem excessive, but it’s all part of their laid-back nature for them.

Dramatic Flopping: A Berner’s Signature Move


Bernese Mountain Dogs have perfected the art of dramatic flopping. What is dramatic flopping, you ask? It’s when your Berner suddenly decides they’re done walking, playing, or simply existing upright and throws themselves onto the ground with an exaggerated sigh. This breed has mastered the art of making every movement look like a scene from a melodramatic play. Whether they’re protesting the end of playtime or telling you it’s time for a belly rub, a Bernese Mountain Dog’s flop is always accompanied by a look of pure, unadulterated exasperation. To them, flopping isn’t just a resting position—it’s an event.

Enthusiastic Leaning (And Nearly Toppling You Over)


If you’ve ever been leaned on by a Bernese Mountain Dog, you know just how much weight they can throw into a lean. This breed is famous for expressing affection by leaning their full body weight into their humans, often with enough force to knock over an unsuspecting person. Berners don’t just lean—they lean with love. It’s their way of showing affection and claiming you as their own. Despite their size, they have no concept of personal space, and leaning is their favorite way to get close and make you feel loved. Of course, this often leads to hilarious situations where owners stumble under the weight of their affectionate giant.

Getting Absolutely Filthy (And Loving Every Minute of It)


Bernese Mountain Dogs may be stunning with their lush coats and dignified appearance, but don’t be fooled—they love getting dirty. Mud, snow, dirt—if it’s messy, a Berner will find it. These dogs seem to have an innate ability to seek out the most mucky, muddy patch of ground and dive right in, much to the dismay of their owners. Whether splashing through puddles or rolling in the dirt, Berners enjoy every messy experience. Given their history as hardworking farm dogs, this instinct to get dirty is probably in their DNA. A muddy Berner is a happy Berner, and owners learn to embrace this quirk with plenty of baths and towels at the ready.

Loving Everyone (To the Point of Overwhelming)


The Bernese Mountain Dog is the perfect choice if you want a dog that loves everyone they meet. Berners are known for their social and affectionate nature, often greeting new people with wagging tails and big, friendly smiles. Their friendliness knows no bounds, and they’re quick to offer affection to friends, family, strangers, and other pets. While this is one of their most endearing qualities, it can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when their excitement gets the best and they forget how large they are. Berners will often greet you with a full-body wag, and before you know it, you’re on the receiving end of a 100-pound dog’s enthusiastic affection. Their love is sincere, but you’ll need to be prepared for the whirlwind of attention that comes with it.

Acting Like a Puppy… Forever


Despite their large size, Bernese Mountain Dogs have a puppy-like attitude that often lasts well into adulthood. As they age, these dogs maintain their playful, joyful nature, and their goofy, puppy-like behavior can be both endearing and comical. It’s not unusual to see a fully grown Berner chasing their tail, bouncing around with a toy, or trying to squeeze into a space too small for their bulky frame. This youthful energy and playful spirit are part of what makes Berners so charming. Still, it can also lead to some hilariously awkward moments as they navigate their oversized puppy bodies in a world not built for dogs their size.

The Stare That Pierces Your Soul

the best eye supplements for your Bernese Mountain Dog

Have you ever felt like you were being watched, only to look up and find your Bernese Mountain Dog gazing at you with intense, soulful eyes? It’s a look that many Berner owners know all too well—the “I love you, but also, do you have food?” stare. Berners have an uncanny ability to sit perfectly still and watch their humans with an unwavering gaze that feels almost human. This stare is often a mixture of affection, curiosity, and perhaps a little hope that a snack might come their way. It’s as if they can read your thoughts and wait for you to acknowledge their quiet, loving presence. It may seem a little unnerving at first, but once you’re used to it, you’ll realize that it’s just their way of saying, “I’m here, I love you, and I’m very hungry.”

From Drama Flops to Dirty Paws


Bernese Mountain Dogs are the lovable drama queens of the dog world. Whether flopping on the floor in protest or giving you the soulful stare-down of the century, these dogs know how to command attention. Their goofy quirks, love of mud, and oversized lapdog mentality make them hilarious and heartwarming companions. With a Berner by your side, every day is an adventure—just be prepared for a little extra dirt, a lot of affection, and more than a few dramatic sighs along the way.