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12 Dogs Who Love Car Rides (and 5 That Don’t)

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| October 16, 2024


For many dog owners, there’s nothing more enjoyable than taking their furry friend along for a car ride. Whether it’s a quick trip around the block or an adventure to a new hiking spot, some dogs absolutely love sticking their heads out of the window and feeling the breeze on their faces. These dogs eagerly jump into the car, ready for the next adventure, and often exhibit calm, happy behavior while traveling. On the other hand, not all dogs are fans of car rides. Some would much rather stay home, avoid the moving vehicle, and escape the stress of the journey. If you’re wondering which dogs are born road warriors and which would prefer a staycation, let’s dive into the breeds that love car rides and those that dread them.

Labrador Retriever


The Labrador Retriever is famously adventurous and outgoing, making car rides a dream for these energetic dogs. Whether it’s heading to the dog park, the beach, or simply running errands, Labs loves the thrill of new surroundings and the excitement that comes with a road trip. Labs are known for their calm demeanor when traveling, happily sticking their heads out the window or sitting contently in the back seat. Their love for outdoor adventures makes them natural companions for car rides, as they’re always ready for the next great experience.

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers, much like their Labrador cousins, are known for their enthusiastic and adventurous nature. These dogs love being part of any family activity, and car rides are no exception. With their calm temperament and love for exploration, Golden Retrievers enjoy riding in cars, especially if it leads to a fun destination like a park or a hike. They’re friendly, adaptable, and relaxed, making them great travel companions. Whether it’s a long road trip or a short drive around town, Goldens will happily hop into the car, excited for the adventure ahead.



Boxers are lively, playful dogs that love being with their families, and they have a natural curiosity about the world. This makes them excellent car companions, as they love the sights, sounds, and smells of a road trip. Boxers are known for their high energy and excitement, and the prospect of a car ride only amplifies their enthusiasm. They may spend part of the ride with their heads out of the window, taking in the fresh air or simply relaxing in the back seat. Boxers enjoy being part of the action and are always up for a car ride to anywhere fun.

Cocker Spaniel


Cocker Spaniels are affectionate, friendly dogs that love spending time with their owners, making them great companions for car rides. These dogs are known for their curiosity and enjoyment of new experiences, and they often associate car rides with positive outcomes like going to the park, visiting friends, or running fun errands. Their calm demeanor allows them to adapt well to traveling, and they are happy to sit quietly in the car, especially if they know a new adventure is on the horizon. Cocker Spaniels are the perfect size for car travel, and their easygoing nature makes them great road companions.



Despite their small size, Dachshunds are adventurous and curious dogs that enjoy exploring new places—and that includes car rides. These little dogs are brave and eager to experience the world, and many Dachshunds love jumping into the car for a ride. Whether it’s a trip to the park or a weekend getaway, Dachshunds enjoy being part of the adventure. Their curiosity and energetic personality make car rides fun, as they love looking out the window and watching the world go by. Despite their short legs, they’re long on enthusiasm for life’s adventures, and car rides are a great way to satisfy their curious nature.

Border Collie


Border Collies are known for their intelligence and high energy, and car rides are a great way for them to channel their need for activity and mental stimulation. These dogs are always ready for a new adventure, and they love the idea of going somewhere exciting. Border Collies are highly adaptable and can handle long car rides with ease, provided they get plenty of mental and physical exercise along the way. Whether they’re heading to a herding competition, a hiking trail, or simply tagging along for errands, Border Collies love being part of the action, making them great travel companions.

Australian Shepherd


Australian Shepherds are energetic, intelligent, and highly trainable dogs that love adventure, and car rides fit perfectly into their active lifestyle. Aussies enjoy exploring new places, and they’re always excited to hop into the car for the next outing. Their love for hiking, running, and outdoor activities makes them great companions for car trips to the countryside or other destinations. Australian Shepherds are curious and alert during car rides, often watching their surroundings with interest. They thrive on new experiences, and car rides are a great way for them to stay engaged and enjoy new sights and smells.


Beagle in car bedShutterstock

Beagles are scent hounds known for their curiosity and love of exploration, making them eager participants in car rides. These dogs are always excited about new adventures and love discovering new places, so they happily jump into the car when it’s time to go. Beagles are adaptable and handle car travel well, especially if it leads to outdoor activities like hiking or visiting new parks. Their love for tracking scents makes car rides particularly enjoyable, as they can catch new smells along the way. Beagles are energetic and friendly, making them fun travel companions.

French Bulldog


French Bulldogs may not be the most active breed, but they love spending time with their humans—and that includes car rides. These small, muscular dogs are affectionate and loyal, and they enjoy being part of the family, whether it’s for a short trip or a long journey. French Bulldogs are calm and adaptable, making them great companions for car travel. While they might not be as excited about outdoor adventures as some other breeds, they love being with their owners and are content to sit in the car and enjoy the ride, especially if it leads to a fun destination.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are affectionate, gentle dogs that thrive on companionship, making them excellent car companions. These small dogs love being close to their owners and enjoy participating in family outings. Whether it’s a quick trip to the store or a longer road trip, Cavaliers are calm and relaxed in the car, happy to be part of the journey. Their friendly and adaptable nature makes them great for car travel, and they enjoy the comfort of sitting close to their humans. Cavaliers are easygoing dogs that make any road trip more enjoyable with their sweet presence.



Pugs are small, lovable dogs with big personalities, and they enjoy car rides as much as they enjoy spending time with their owners. These affectionate dogs love being part of the action and are happy to tag along for any adventure. Pugs are known for their adaptability, and they handle car travel well, often sitting contently in the back seat or on a cozy blanket. While they may not be built for intense physical activity, Pugs love the novelty of car rides and enjoy being with their humans wherever they go. Their playful nature makes car trips fun for everyone involved.



Rottweilers may be large and muscular, but they have a soft spot for spending time with their families, including going on car rides. These loyal dogs are calm and composed during travel, making them great companions for road trips. Rottweilers are protective and love being close to their humans, so they’re always eager to hop into the car and be part of the adventure. Despite their size, they are often relaxed in the car, enjoying the journey and the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones. Rottweilers are great for families who love road trips and want a loyal companion by their side.

Dogs That Aren’t Fans of Car Rides


While many dogs love the thrill of a car ride, others would much rather stay home, avoid the motion, and enjoy the comforts of home. These breeds are more likely to experience stress, discomfort, or anxiety during car travel, making them less enthusiastic about hitting the road.



Chihuahuas may be small and portable, but that doesn’t mean they love car rides. Many Chihuahuas are anxious and uncomfortable in the car, especially on longer trips. Their small size can make them feel vulnerable in a moving vehicle, and they may become nervous or stressed. While some Chihuahuas can adapt to car travel with training and patience, many would much prefer the safety and stability of staying at home, away from the noise and movement of the road.

Shih Tzu


Shih Tzus are known for their calm, lap-dog personalities, and many of them don’t enjoy the motion and unpredictability of car rides. These dogs prefer the quiet, stable environment of their home and can become stressed or uncomfortable during travel. Shih Tzus are more likely to associate car rides with trips to the vet or other stressful situations, making them hesitant to jump into the car. While some Shih Tzus can adapt to short car trips, many would rather stay curled up on the couch than face the open road.

Basset Hound


Basset Hounds are laid-back dogs that prefer a slow, leisurely pace to the hustle and bustle of car travel. With their long ears and droopy expressions, Basset Hounds can get motion sickness during car rides, making them less enthusiastic about traveling. They are more content to stay at home, enjoying a slow walk or lounging in the yard, rather than embarking on a road trip. Their calm and easygoing nature makes them great homebodies, and they’re not particularly fond of the excitement and movement of car travel.



Pekingese dogs are dignified and independent, and many of them aren’t fans of car rides. These small dogs can become anxious or stressed in a moving vehicle, and they’re more likely to enjoy the comfort of their home over the motion of a car. Pekingese are often wary of new environments, and car rides can be overwhelming for them. While they may tolerate short trips, they’re generally not enthusiastic travelers and would rather stay home in familiar surroundings.

English Bulldog


English Bulldogs are known for their relaxed and lazy personalities, and car rides are not usually their favorite activity. Bulldogs can overheat easily, especially in warm weather, and the motion of the car can make them uncomfortable. Their stocky build and respiratory issues make traveling difficult, and they’re more likely to experience stress or discomfort during car rides. English Bulldogs are content to stay home, enjoying a slow, relaxed lifestyle without the excitement of travel.

The Road Warriors vs. The Couch Crusaders


Whether you’re cruising with a Labrador who loves the open road or staying home with a Chihuahua who prefers to avoid the car altogether, each dog has its unique preferences. For the road warriors, car rides are a thrilling adventure full of new sights and smells, while the couch crusaders would much rather stay in the comfort of their familiar surroundings. No matter what, the best travel buddy is the one that fits your lifestyle—whether that means hitting the road or staying cozy at home!