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25 Cat Breeds That Are Basically Furry Therapists in Disguise

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| October 22, 2024


Cats are often seen as independent, but certain breeds excel at sensing human emotions and offering comfort when needed. These feline companions provide more than soft fur and gentle purring—they can serve as emotional support animals, helping ease anxiety, loneliness, and even depression. Whether you’re having a rough day or need a cuddle, these breeds can soothe and calm the soul. These “furry therapists in disguise” are perfect for those seeking a compassionate, comforting companion to share their lives with.



Ragdolls are the ultimate lap cats, known for their docile and affectionate nature. They are often described as “puppy-like” because they enjoy being around people and will follow you from room to room. Ragdolls won’t hesitate to curl up next to you or in your lap when you feel down, providing warmth and companionship. Their calm demeanor and love for cuddling make them excellent emotional support animals, offering instant comfort. Plus, when picked up, their gentle, floppy nature is like getting a hug from a friend who truly understands.

Maine Coon


Maine Coons might be one of the largest domesticated cat breeds, but their size is matched only by the size of their heart. These gentle giants are known for being incredibly friendly, social, and intelligent. They have a knack for sensing when their owners need emotional support and will often sit quietly beside you, providing a reassuring presence. Maine Coons are also great listeners, happy to “chat” with you in their soft, chirping voice, making them perfect for anyone needing a sympathetic ear and a fluffy companion.

Scottish Fold


With their adorable folded ears and round eyes, Scottish Folds have an irresistible charm. These cats are known for their calm, laid-back nature and tendency to form strong bonds with humans. Scottish Folds love to snuggle, often seeking out laps to sit in or warm spots to relax nearby. Their quiet and affectionate personalities make them perfect for people who need a comforting presence without overwhelming energy. If you’re looking for a furry therapist who’s happy to sit with you and provide gentle affection, a Scottish Fold might be your perfect match.



Persians are the epitome of luxury in the cat world, with their long, silky fur and regal demeanor. However, beneath their elegant exterior lies a cat with a heart full of love. Persians are known for being calm, gentle, and incredibly affectionate. They thrive on human companionship and are often found lounging close to their owners, soaking in affection and attention. Their relaxed, easygoing nature makes them excellent emotional support companions, offering a calming presence during stressful times. When you need to relax, a Persian’s soothing purr is like a personal therapy session.



Birmans are not only beautiful with their striking blue eyes and silky coats, but they are also incredibly affectionate and loving. Known as the “Sacred Cat of Burma,” Birmans are social creatures who love spending time with their human companions. They are gentle, easygoing, and have a knack for sensing when their owners need emotional support. Whether it’s sitting quietly beside you or curling up in your lap, Birmans provide a calming presence that can help reduce anxiety and stress. Their unwavering loyalty and love make them fantastic emotional support cats.



The Sphynx may be hairless but full of personality and warmth. These affectionate cats crave human interaction and love being close to their owners. Sphynxes are known for their social, playful nature, but they also excel at offering emotional comfort. Their lack of fur makes them extra snuggly since they seek warmth, often curling up with their humans for body heat. This physical closeness and their loving and curious personality make the Sphynx a great companion for those needing emotional support.



Siamese cats are famous for their vocal nature and strong attachment to their humans. They’re known to “talk” to their owners, offering comfort and companionship with their distinctive, melodious meows. Siamese cats are highly intelligent and intuitive, often sensing when their humans are feeling down or anxious. They are also incredibly affectionate, regularly seeking out cuddles and playtime. With their ability to form deep emotional connections and their constant presence by your side, Siamese cats make excellent furry therapists for anyone needing a loyal and empathetic companion.

British Shorthair


The British Shorthair is the quintessential “teddy bear” of the cat world. With their round faces and plush coats, these cats exude calm and warmth. British Shorthairs are known for being independent yet affectionate, striking the perfect balance for those who want a companion that’s not overly demanding but still enjoys being close. They are calm, patient, and gentle, making them ideal for providing emotional support without overwhelming their owners. The British Shorthair fits the bill perfectly if you’re looking for a quiet, comforting presence.



The Tonkinese is a cross between the Burmese and Siamese, combining the best traits of both breeds. These cats are known for their playful, affectionate nature and deep attachment to humans. Tonkinese cats thrive on interaction and will often follow their owners around, providing companionship and emotional comfort. They’re incredibly friendly and love to snuggle, making them ideal for anyone seeking a loyal and engaging companion. With their fun-loving spirit and empathetic nature, Tonkinese cats are like little furry therapists who always know how to brighten your day.



RagaMuffins are big, fluffy, and irresistibly cuddly. Known for their sweet and gentle nature, these cats love being close to their humans. RagaMuffins are incredibly affectionate and enjoy being held, making them perfect lap cats for those needing emotional comfort. They’re also known for being patient and tolerant, making them great companions for families or individuals who need a calm, loving presence. When stressed or anxious, a RagaMuffin will happily curl up in your lap and provide a soothing, purring therapy session.



Burmese cats are affectionate, loyal, and known for their playful yet calm nature. These cats form strong bonds with their humans and are often described as “dog-like” in their devotion. Burmese love being around people and will follow their owners from room to room, providing companionship and comfort. They’re also incredibly cuddly, often seeking laps or warm snuggle spots. Their friendly and empathetic nature makes them ideal emotional support cats, offering unconditional love and attention to those most in need.

Devon Rex


The Devon Rex may have a quirky appearance with its large ears and wavy coat, but their loving and playful personality makes them stand out. These cats are known for being highly social and affectionate, often forming strong bonds with their human companions. Devon Rex cats are also sensitive to their owners’ emotions and will provide comfort when they sense something is wrong. Whether it’s snuggling up on the couch or playing a game of fetch, the Devon Rex is always there to bring a smile to your face and provide emotional support.

Exotic Shorthair


Exotic Shorthairs are often described as the “lazy man’s Persian” because they share the same calm and affectionate nature but with a shorter, easier-to-maintain coat. These cats are sweet and gentle and love spending time with their humans. They’re the perfect companion for anyone looking for a low-maintenance, loving pet who will provide emotional support without demanding too much attention. Exotic Shorthairs are known for their calm, soothing presence, making them excellent furry therapists for those needing extra love and comfort.



The Abyssinian is a highly active and intelligent cat breed known for its playful and inquisitive nature. While they may not be lap cats in the traditional sense, Abyssinians are excellent at providing emotional support through their engaging and lively personalities. They love interacting with their humans and often initiate games or playful activities to lift the mood. Abyssinians are also highly intuitive and can sense when their owners need extra attention, making them great companions for those who enjoy an active, affectionate pet.

Norwegian Forest Cat


The Norwegian Forest Cat is known for its majestic appearance and calm demeanor, making it a perfect furry therapist. These cats are incredibly affectionate and enjoy spending time with their humans without being overly demanding. They are social creatures but have a calm, grounded presence that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Their thick, fluffy coat is perfect for snuggling, and they make their owners feel safe and comfortable. When you need some emotional support, a Norwegian Forest Cat is more than happy to provide it with a gentle nudge and a cozy cuddle.

American Shorthair


American Shorthairs are known for their easygoing and friendly nature. They adapt well to different environments and are excellent companions for people looking for a low-maintenance but affectionate cat. Their calm temperament makes them perfect for providing emotional support, as they can sense when their owners need comfort and respond with gentle affection. Whether lounging by your side or curling up in your lap, American Shorthairs are always there to provide quiet companionship and comfort, making them great candidates for emotional support cats.

Russian Blue


With their striking blue-gray coat and soulful green eyes, Russian Blues are beautiful and make fantastic emotional support companions. These cats are known for their shy yet affectionate personalities, often forming deep bonds with their owners. Russian Blues are sensitive and intuitive, making them excellent at providing comfort when their humans are feeling down. Their calm and quiet demeanor is soothing, and they’re often found snuggling up with their favorite person to provide a sense of peace and relaxation.



Balinese cats are known for their social, affectionate nature and their beautiful silky coats. They thrive on human interaction and offer comfort when their owners are upset. These cats are talkative and will engage in gentle conversations with you, helping to lift your spirits. Their playful and loving personality makes them a joy, especially when you need a furry therapist to provide emotional support. Whether cuddling or playing, the Balinese cat always knows how to cheer you up.



The Chartreux is a rare breed known for its striking blue-gray coat and sweet, gentle personality. These cats are quiet but incredibly affectionate, often forming strong emotional bonds with their owners. They have a calm and serene nature, making them perfect for providing emotional support. Chartreux cats enjoy being close to their humans and will often seek out your company when you need comfort. Their soft purring and gentle presence can help alleviate stress and bring peace.



Himalayans, with their striking blue eyes and fluffy coats, are known for their calm and loving demeanor. These cats love nothing more than snuggling up with their humans, making them perfect for providing emotional support. Himalayans are patient, gentle, and intuitive, often sensing when their owners need extra love and affection. Their laid-back nature makes them ideal for anyone seeking a low-stress, calming companion to help ease anxiety and provide a comforting presence.



Despite their wild appearance, Ocicats are incredibly social and affectionate cats who love being around people. They form strong bonds with their owners and thrive on interaction, making them great for providing emotional support. Ocicats are playful and energetic, which can greatly distract when feeling down. Their loving nature and willingness to engage in fun activities can help lift your spirits, while their loyalty and affection offer the emotional support you need during tough times.



LaPerms are known for their curly coats and playful personalities, but they’re also incredibly affectionate and intuitive when sensing their owners’ emotions. These cats love to cuddle and will often curl up in your lap when they sense you need comfort. LaPerms are social cats that thrive on human interaction, making them excellent emotional support animals. Their unique appearance and loving nature make them stand out as one of the best breeds for providing comfort and companionship when you need it most.

Oriental Shorthair


Oriental Shorthairs are known for their sleek, slender bodies and large, expressive ears. They are highly social cats that form strong bonds with their owners and love to be involved in everything they do. Oriental Shorthairs are affectionate and intuitive, often sensing when their humans need emotional support. Whether it’s through playful antics or snuggling up next to you, these cats know how to make their owners feel loved and cared for. Their unmatched loyalty and companionship make them excellent candidates for furry therapists.

Turkish Van


Turkish Vans are known for their love of water, but they also have a special place in the hearts of those seeking emotional support. These cats are playful, affectionate, and highly intelligent, making them great companions for anyone needing comfort and companionship. Turkish Vans are known for their loyalty and will often follow their owners around, providing comfort simply by being nearby. Their playful nature can help lift your spirits, while their affection and love provide the emotional support you need to get through tough days.

Cornish Rex


Cornish Rex cats are known for their distinctive wavy coats and their playful, outgoing personalities. These cats love to be around people and thrive on interaction, making them excellent emotional support animals. Cornish Rexes are affectionate and love to cuddle, often seeking out their owners for snuggles and attention. Their playful nature and ability to sense their owner’s emotions make them perfect for anyone looking for a furry therapist who’s always ready to provide comfort and joy.

The Purr-fect Prescription for All Your Emotional Needs


Regarding emotional support, these cat breeds are more than just pets—they’re furry therapists offering comfort, companionship, and endless snuggles right when you need them. Whether it’s their calm demeanor, affectionate nature, or intuitive ability to sense when you’re feeling down, these cats are always ready to brighten your day. They can lift your spirits from a soothing purr to a warm cuddle. If you’re seeking furry therapy, these empathetic feline companions are always on call, ready to offer love and brighten your world.