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15 Dog Breeds That Grow Most Attached To Their Humans

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| October 24, 2024


Some breeds take attachment to their humans to a whole new level. Whether they’re shadowing you from room to room, curling up on your lap, or gazing lovingly into your eyes, these breeds have earned a reputation for being extra clingy—in the best way possible. While every dog loves its owner, some breeds are particularly known for forming incredibly close bonds with their humans. These dogs are happiest when they’re by your side, making them the perfect companions for those who enjoy a constant furry friend nearby.

Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retrievers are famous for their friendly and outgoing personalities, but their strong attachment to their humans is what makes them truly special. Labs thrive on companionship and are happiest when they’re with their families, whether it’s going for a walk, playing fetch, or just lounging on the couch. Their loyalty and desire to please make them incredibly devoted pets. If you have a Lab, you’ve likely noticed that they’ll follow you everywhere, wagging their tail and waiting for the next adventure—big or small.

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are the ultimate family dog, and their attachment to their humans is legendary. Known for their sweet and loving nature, Goldens are highly social animals who form deep bonds with their families. Whether they’re acting as therapy dogs, service animals, or just loyal companions, Goldens are always eager to be by your side. They’re excellent at reading emotions and providing comfort, making them not only physically close but also emotionally in tune with their owners. Their gentle, affectionate nature means they’ll happily stick to you like glue.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small dogs with big hearts. This breed is often referred to as a “velcro dog” because of how closely they stick to their humans. Cavaliers are extremely affectionate and thrive on companionship, making them the perfect lap dogs. They’re happiest when they’re cuddled up with you, whether it’s on the couch or in bed. Their gentle and affectionate nature means they form incredibly close bonds with their families and are known to follow their humans from room to room, just to be close.



Don’t let their small size fool you—Chihuahuas are fiercely loyal and deeply attached to their humans. This tiny breed often forms a strong bond with one particular person and will stay close to them like a shadow. Chihuahuas love to be held and carried around, and they’re always looking for an opportunity to snuggle. Despite their occasional reputation for being feisty, Chihuahuas are extremely affectionate and devoted to their humans, making them perfect for anyone who wants a constant companion by their side.

Border Collie


Border Collies are known for their intelligence and work ethic, but they’re also incredibly loyal and attached to their humans. These dogs are happiest when they’re working closely with their owners, whether it’s herding sheep or playing fetch in the yard. Border Collies are highly trainable and form strong bonds through their desire to work alongside their humans. Their attachment goes beyond physical closeness—they also need mental stimulation and thrive on the emotional connection they share with their owners.

Shetland Sheepdog


Shetland Sheepdogs, or Shelties, are known for their affectionate and loyal nature. These dogs are incredibly sensitive and form strong bonds with their humans, often following them around the house to stay close. Shelties are highly intelligent and thrive on companionship, making them excellent family pets. They’re also very in tune with their owner’s emotions, which makes them great at providing comfort and affection when needed. If you have a Sheltie, you probably can’t walk anywhere in the house without them trailing behind.

Australian Shepherd


Australian Shepherds are highly energetic and intelligent dogs, but they also have a strong desire to be close to their humans. This breed forms deep emotional connections with their families and thrives on spending time with them, whether it’s working on tasks, going for hikes, or just hanging out at home. Aussies are often called “velcro dogs” because they stick so closely to their owners. Their loyalty, intelligence, and love of companionship make them one of the most attached dog breeds out there.



Pugs are known for their comical expressions and playful personalities, but they’re also incredibly attached to their humans. This breed thrives on affection and loves being the center of attention. Pugs are happiest when they’re snuggling with their owners, and they often follow them around the house to stay close. Their friendly and loving nature makes them perfect companions for those who enjoy constant interaction with their pets. Pugs form deep bonds with their families and will go out of their way to be close to the people they love.

Shih Tzu


Shih Tzus were bred to be companion animals, and they take that role very seriously. These small, affectionate dogs are deeply attached to their humans and love being the center of attention. Shih Tzus thrive on human companionship and are happiest when they’re sitting on their owner’s lap or following them around the house. Their loving and loyal nature means they form incredibly close bonds with their families, and they’re always eager to be by your side. If you want a dog that’s dedicated to being your constant companion, the Shih Tzu is a perfect choice.

Great Dane


Despite their massive size, Great Danes are known for being gentle giants who form incredibly strong bonds with their humans. These dogs are affectionate and loyal, often seeking physical closeness despite their imposing stature. Great Danes love to lean on their owners or rest their heads on your lap, showing just how attached they are. They’re known for being patient and loving, especially with children, and they thrive on human interaction. Don’t be surprised if your Great Dane tries to climb into your lap—it’s their way of showing just how much they love being close to you.



Vizslas are often referred to as the “Velcro dog” because they tend to stick to their humans like glue. This breed is highly affectionate and forms incredibly strong bonds with their families. Vizslas are energetic and need plenty of physical activity, but they also crave emotional connection and closeness with their humans. They’re happiest when they’re spending time with their owners, whether it’s going for a run or just lounging around the house. If you have a Vizsla, you’ll never be alone—they’ll always be right by your side.

Bichon Frise


Bichon Frises are known for their cheerful personalities and their love of human companionship. This small, fluffy breed thrives on attention and forms deep bonds with their families. Bichons are incredibly affectionate and love being near their humans, whether it’s cuddling on the couch or following you around the house. Their friendly and loving nature makes them great companions, and they’re known for being particularly attached to their owners. If you want a dog that’s always eager to be close to you, the Bichon Frise is a great choice.



Dachshunds may be small, but their devotion to their humans is enormous. These curious and playful dogs form strong bonds with their families and are known for their loyalty. Dachshunds often choose one person in the household to be their primary attachment, and they’ll follow that person everywhere. Their close attachment to their humans makes them excellent companions, and they’re always eager to be involved in whatever their owners are doing. Whether it’s cuddling on the couch or exploring the yard, Dachshunds love to be by their human side.



Boxers are playful, energetic, and deeply affectionate dogs who form close bonds with their families. They’re known for their goofy personalities and their desire to be close to their humans at all times. Boxers are incredibly loyal and protective, often sticking close to their owners to ensure their safety and happiness. They love physical affection and will happily cuddle up with you whenever they get the chance. Their strong attachment to their families makes them fantastic companions for those looking for a dog that’s always eager to be by their side.



Maltese dogs are known for their sweet and loving nature, and they form incredibly strong bonds with their humans. These small dogs thrive on attention and love being pampered by their families. Maltese are happiest when they’re close to their owners, whether it’s sitting in their lap or following them around the house. Their affectionate and loyal nature makes them perfect companions for those who want a dog that’s dedicated to being by their side. If you have a Maltese, you’ll never have to worry about feeling lonely—they’ll always be there to keep you company.

Velcro Has Nothing On These Dogs


If you thought Velcro was clingy, you haven’t met these dogs! Whether they’re curled up on your lap, trailing you from one room to the next, or simply resting their heads on your feet, these breeds take attachment to a whole new level. They thrive on companionship, always wanting to be close to their humans. With their unwavering loyalty, affectionate nature, and constant presence, these dogs show that sometimes a little extra clinginess is just what we need to feel loved and cherished by our furry best friends.