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19 Most Obedient Dog Breeds

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| October 25, 2024


Choosing the right breed is essential when looking for an obedient dog. Certain breeds are naturally inclined to listen, follow commands, and cooperate, making them excellent companions for those who appreciate a well-behaved pet. Whether you’re seeking a loyal family dog, a working companion, or a furry friend who’s easy to train, these breeds excel due to their intelligence, loyalty, and strong trainability. Their consistent obedience makes them favorites among trainers and owners alike, providing the perfect blend of companionship and reliability.

Border Collie


Border Collies are considered the most intelligent and obedient dog breed, especially in herding. Known for their incredible work ethic and quick learning ability, Border Collies are used in various roles, from herding livestock to competing in agility and obedience sports. These dogs are highly responsive to commands and thrive when given tasks, making them ideal for owners who enjoy training and providing mental stimulation. With their high intelligence and willingness to learn, Border Collies excel in obedience and are often seen as the gold standard for trainability.



Poodles, in all their varieties—Standard, Miniature, and Toy—are exceptionally intelligent and eager to please, making them one of the most obedient dog breeds. Known for their quick learning and versatility, Poodles excel in obedience, agility, and various canine sports. Their keen intelligence means they pick up on commands quickly and thrive on mental stimulation. Poodles are also people-oriented, which makes them highly responsive to training. Whether performing tricks or simply following commands around the house, Poodles are known for their impeccable obedience and trainability.

German Shepherd


German Shepherds are famous for their loyalty, intelligence, and strong work ethic, making them a top choice for obedience. Often used in police and military roles, German Shepherds are incredibly receptive to training and naturally desire to work with their handlers. Their obedience and reliability in high-pressure situations make them a favorite among trainers. German Shepherds are also great family dogs, known for their protective and affectionate nature. Their obedience and loyalty make them one of the most versatile and dependable breeds, whether as working dogs or loving family pets.

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly and eager-to-please personalities, making them one of the most obedient and trainable dog breeds. With their gentle nature and love for human interaction, Golden Retrievers are incredibly responsive to training and make wonderful family pets. Their intelligence and calm demeanor mean they quickly learn commands and are adaptable to various roles, including therapy and service work. Golden Retrievers are obedient but also affectionate and gentle, making them ideal for families looking for a well-behaved and loving companion.

Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retrievers are renowned for their friendly disposition, intelligence, and eagerness to please, making them one of the most obedient dog breeds. Known for their loyalty and gentle nature, Labs are highly trainable and excel in various roles, from service work to family pets. Their love of learning and natural affinity for people make them incredibly responsive to commands. Labs are easy-going and versatile, making them a perfect choice for families, service workers, and anyone seeking a dog that’s easy to train and quick to obey.

Shetland Sheepdog


The Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie, is a small herding breed known for its intelligence and obedience. Shelties are quick learners and thrive on training and mental challenges. Known for their agility and responsiveness, they excel in obedience trials and dog sports. Shelties are also incredibly loyal to their families and enjoy pleasing their owners, which makes them eager to follow commands. Their strong work ethic and natural intelligence make them one of the most obedient small breeds, ideal for those looking for a smaller dog with a big brain.

Doberman Pinscher


Doberman Pinschers are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and strong protective instincts. With proper training, Dobermans are highly obedient and responsive, making them excellent guard dogs and loyal family companions. This breed is intelligent and quick to learn, often excelling in obedience trials and working roles. Dobermans are highly trainable and naturally desire to please, especially when bonded with their owners. Their obedience and their loyal and protective nature make them a top choice for those seeking a reliable and well-behaved dog.



Rottweilers are powerful, intelligent dogs with a natural inclination for obedience and loyalty. Often used as working dogs in search and rescue, police work, and guarding, Rottweilers are highly trainable and respond well to consistent commands. They are known for their calm demeanor and patience, which, combined with their intelligence, make them excellent family dogs and protectors. While they may appear imposing, Rottweilers are often gentle with their families and thrive when given structure and leadership, making them a highly obedient and dependable breed.

Australian Shepherd


Australian Shepherds are energetic and intelligent dogs known for their herding skills and eagerness to learn. Due to their quick learning and high energy, these dogs excel in obedience and agility sports. Australian Shepherds thrive on mental stimulation and are happiest when given tasks or commands to follow. Their strong desire to please, combined with their intelligence, makes them highly obedient and trainable. Australian Shepherds are ideal for active individuals who enjoy training and working with their dogs, as they are always ready to learn and eager to obey.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi


Pembroke Welsh Corgis may be small, but they are known for their intelligence and trainability. Originally bred as herding dogs, Corgis are natural workers who respond well to commands and training. Their eagerness to please and energetic personalities make them highly obedient and adaptable to various environments. Corgis are quick learners and love mental challenges, which makes them excellent for obedience training. Their friendly, loyal nature and natural intelligence make them perfect for families seeking an obedient and easy-to-train companion in a compact size.

Miniature Schnauzer


Miniature Schnauzers are small, spirited dogs known for their intelligence and obedience. They are quick learners and enjoy pleasing their owners, making them ideal for training and obedience trials. Miniature Schnauzers have a strong work ethic and respond well to consistent commands, making them reliable and obedient companions. Their friendly and loyal disposition makes them great family dogs, and they adapt well to various lifestyles. With their intelligence and eagerness to follow instructions, Miniature Schnauzers are a great choice for those seeking a small, obedient dog with plenty of personality.

Belgian Malinois


Belgian Malinois is a highly intelligent and obedient breed. Due to its strong work ethic and responsiveness to training, it is often seen working in police and military roles. These dogs are highly trainable and require an active lifestyle with plenty of mental stimulation. Belgian Malinois are known for their loyalty, focus, and eagerness to please, making them exceptionally obedient. While they require experienced handling, their intelligence, and quick learning ability make them a top choice for those seeking a highly obedient and versatile working dog.



Papillons may be small, but they are incredibly intelligent and obedient, often excelling in obedience and agility competitions. These tiny dogs are known for their playful nature and eagerness to please, making them quick to learn and responsive to commands. Despite their small size, Papillons are highly trainable and enjoy mental challenges, making them ideal for obedience training. Their friendly disposition and willingness to learn make them perfect for families or individuals seeking a compact, obedient companion.

Border Terrier


Border Terriers are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and trainability, making them one of the most obedient terrier breeds. These small dogs are eager to please and respond well to training, especially when it involves mental challenges. Border Terriers are active and enjoy activities like agility and obedience trials, where they can showcase their skills. Their friendly and adaptable nature makes them great family dogs, and their intelligence ensures they are quick to pick up on commands, making them a reliable and obedient companion.



Collies, known for their gentle nature and intelligence, are highly obedient and easy to train. These dogs were originally bred for herding and have a natural inclination for following commands and working with their handlers. Collies are known for their loyalty and protective nature, making them excellent family dogs. Their intelligence and eagerness to please make them quick learners, and they thrive on mental stimulation. With their calm demeanor and obedience, Collies are ideal for families seeking a well-behaved, intelligent companion.

American Staffordshire Terrier


The American Staffordshire Terrier, often called an “AmStaff,” is known for its loyalty and trainability. Despite common misconceptions, AmStaffs are highly obedient and responsive to training, especially when they strongly bond with their owner. These dogs are intelligent and eager to please, making them well-suited for obedience training and various canine sports. AmStaffs are friendly, affectionate, and adaptable, making them great family dogs for those willing to try to train them. With consistent leadership, they are obedient and loving companions.

English Springer Spaniel


English Springer Spaniels are intelligent, obedient dogs naturally eager to please. These sporting dogs are known for their friendly nature and love for human interaction, which makes them highly trainable. English Springer Spaniels excel in obedience and agility, and their intelligence makes them quick learners. Their loyal and affectionate nature ensures they are attentive to their owners, making them reliable and obedient companions. They are an excellent choice for active families looking for a well-behaved, trainable dog with a gentle disposition.



Keeshonds are known for their friendly and intelligent nature, making them highly trainable and obedient. These dogs are eager to please and respond well to consistent training, making them a favorite among families and trainers. Keeshonds are quick learners and enjoy mental challenges, which makes obedience training a rewarding experience for both dog and owner. With their affectionate and gentle demeanor, Keeshonds are excellent family pets and companions, known for their loyalty and responsiveness to commands.

Flat-Coated Retriever


Flat-coated retrievers are known for their friendly and playful personalities, as well as their intelligence and trainability. These dogs are eager to please and respond well to commands, making them highly obedient and reliable companions. Flat-coated retrievers are often used in hunting and retrieving roles, and they enjoy mental stimulation and training. Their loyalty and affectionate nature make them great family pets, and their obedience ensures they are easy to manage. They are ideal for those looking for a well-behaved, trainable dog with a fun-loving spirit.

The Obedience Champs


Choosing an obedient dog breed can make training and everyday interactions easier and more rewarding. These breeds are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and eagerness to please, making them quick learners and dependable companions. Whether you’re searching for a family dog, a working partner, or a pet that’s simple to train, these breeds are top choices for obedience. If you want a dog that listens like a pro, these obedient champs are ready to impress with their skills and loyalty—one sit, stay, and roll-over at a time!