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Home Forums Breeds Border Collies Behavior & Training Questions

6mo old male growls and snaps when approached

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    • #441575

      Hi everyone, I’m new to this forum and I have a bit of an issue with my puppy. I was wondering if anyone can lend some insight to the problem I’m having.

      Background: We have a 2yr old F Lab, 2yr old M collie/lab mix and our new pup 6mo old M BC whom we’ve had since October 2015.

      All the dogs get along the issue is the pup snaps and growls at anyone in our family if approached while he’s laying down. We just recently started working with a trainer and are being told to put a prong collar and leash on him at all times and to correct him when he snaps. We are also working with him to walk on a leash and establish us as alphas. He seems to be catching on and obeys commands which has me puzzled as to why he feels threatened by anyone approaching him for affection. After growling and snapping, he shows signs of being submissive( will lay on his back, offer a paw, follow you for a pet or try to give kisses).

      I’ve read so much about aggression on the Internet and most articles are contradicting. I figured I’d come here and ask BC owners! Help!

      Thank you in advance

    • #454585

      get rid of that trainer who puts a prong collar on a puppy. That baby sounds more fearful than aggressive. Don’t approach him when he is lying down, call him to you for treats and reward him for approaching. Throw treats at him if need be so that he will come to you. Don’t stare at him but have him come to your side. STop punishing and reward all good behavior. You do NOT need to be alpha, you should be partners. Get rid of the prong collar and cut up steak for your baby.

      • #478180

        Thanks for replying. UPDATE : we didn’t use the collar what we did do was start teaching him a few tricks and reward him with treats and affection. He now comes to us for kisses and belly rubs and jumps in our arms! I believe he needed to find his place in our pack. We notice he’s more secure and at ease. We are so happy! He’s really growing into a sweet boy!

    • #457828

      Please please get rid of that trainer and find a force free one! Your pup may feel threatened when approached so you will need to go back to basics with members of the family in an open space slowly getting closer and treating lots

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