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My Shih zue is 15, help on coughing

  • This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #588192

      He has a cough I can’t seem to get rid of. Sometimes he spits up flem and sometimes he don’t. I’ve spent several hundreds of dollars on vet bills and not one vet can help me. Can someone please help me find out how to fix this.

    • #591619

      I would try a humidifier & maybe make a tent over the kennel to keep the moisture in. Also, there are several essential oils and botanicals that can be used on dogs if you do a little research. Our Our dog had kennel cough at one time because he was a rescue dog and he still has a cough now & then plus throws up when excited. I would take the collar off & only use a harness. Try soft food for the throat. Or maybe try a complete raw diet. With supplements. Our Shih Tzu has had great success with the raw diet & dog greens which has improved her health. Keep dog dry, warm, dry, no draft area & away from any form of smoke. Like BBQ, fire pits, etc. good luck to you fur baby & you. It’s so hard to understand what is wrong when they hurt. Could be environmental as well.

    • #595750

      Our Shih Tzu will be 14 next month. He, too, started having a strange cough about 5 months ago – he especially gets “coughy” when we put him on the floor after we’ve carried him up or down stairs or onto the couch or bed. He can’t jump up/down or do stairs anymore. At our last vet visit, it was recommended that we have an ultrasound done to see what’s going on with the cough and to check on his major organs. Turns out, small doggies like ours, as they age, can develop constrictions in their tracheas. I saw this on the ultrasound. So any pressure on that area, especially around their chests, can make them cough. It doesn’t happen all the time. Usually it goes away pretty soon after it starts. But, on occasion, when it gets severe, we give him a prescribed dose of hydrocodone (or something similar). It relaxes him, lessens the cough, and makes him sleep. We give it to him rarely, but jeep it on hand, just in case. Other than the occasional coughing, thankfully our pooch is in pretty good shape.

    • #712388

      Our Holly (rescue – 9-10 yr?) developed a cough about a yr ago. 2 sets of X-rays & sonograms indicated chronic bronchitis. She now takes a bronchodilator Rx, plus a canine inhaler daily & a low dose steroid. I also use a humidifier at night for her, but have not seen any change since using this – but our ceiling fan could nullify the effect… She also has a cough suppressant Rx for limited time usage. Fortunately we have pet specialists in our area (Orlando) & her regular vet recommended she see the Internal Medicine group.

    • #765977

      My Baby was. 16 she was coughing and coughing took her to my Vet and they put her on some Medicine but also said she had a heart Memoir so I was also given medicine for her heart in the meantime she totally lost her vision she was on both medicines for three months but her coughing got worse and with her vision gone she was scared and started to fall a lot after three months me reporting each month to my vet they told me they could up her medicine but she probably just sleep all the time . I watch her try to sleep and she wake up struggling to breath I knew in my heart she was suffering more and more I made a doctor appointment and was praying they could help her but they told me she probably only had a few weeks left ,I totally fell apart I knew I had to let her go in fact the vet said that the kindest thing I could do for her was to let her go they left me to think about it and Because I loved her so much I had to make one of the hardest decision of my life she went to heaven on July 15 this year and I’m still emotional about it . I had her cremated she will one day be buried with me. This all started with her coughing I’m not trying to scare you but see if your vet can tell if your baby has a heart Memoir I never was told mine had one until her coughing became so bad.maybe it can be treated early and not when it to late . God Bless ill pray for your Angel ,I still have my other two Shih-tzus Delilah was my very first dog and I had a wonderful life with her she knew how much she was loved by me and I know I did take the very best care of her .Now myself and my other girls have to go on but one day I know we will all be together one day I know my Lord has a place in heaven for our Angels . Many prayers coming your way. Please just ask your vet ,see whAt they say.better safe than sorry wish mine had told me sooner.
      Billie K Anderson

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