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Adorable Pet With An Identity Crisis, Thinks He’s A Dog But He’s Not A Dog At All

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| August 17, 2024

In a cozy home nestled in the countryside, an extraordinary pet captures the hearts of everyone who meets him—Tiny Tim, a donkey who believes with all his might that he’s a dog. This little donkey, with his big personality, has embraced the life of an indoor pet as if he were born to it. From playing with pillows to eagerly following doggy commands, Tiny Tim’s journey from a fragile newborn to a vibrant, dog-like companion is a heartwarming tale of love, resilience, and the surprising ways our environment shapes who we become.

Image Credit: YouTube

Tiny Tim wasn’t always the robust and lively donkey he is today. His beginning was fraught with challenges, and his very survival was uncertain. Born significantly underweight at less than 10 pounds, Tiny Tim was a mere shadow of what a typical newborn donkey should be. Most donkeys enter the world weighing between 50 to 60 pounds, but Tiny Tim’s tiny frame was so delicate and small that when his human mother first laid eyes on him, she thought she was looking at a rabbit. “When I found Tiny Tim in the barn, I honestly believed he was a rabbit,” she recalled in an interview with The Dodo. “He was so incredibly small.”

This fragile start was just the beginning of Tiny Tim’s challenges. His unusually small size came with a host of health complications, casting doubt on his chances of survival. A visit to the vet revealed that his liver wasn’t functioning properly, and his human mom was warned that his outlook was grim. The vet expressed serious concerns, doubting that Tiny Tim would pull through. However, Tiny Tim’s human mother wasn’t ready to give up. Her determination to save him fueled a rigorous care regimen that would eventually see him through those critical early days.

Determined to give Tiny Tim the best possible chance, his owner made the decision to bring him into the house, away from the cold and potentially dangerous conditions of the barn. In the warmth of her home, she began the painstaking process of nursing him back to health. At first, this meant feeding Tiny Tim every 20 minutes, a task that required an incredible amount of dedication and love. His small size made it difficult for him to feed on his own, so his adoptive parents used a syringe to carefully administer his meals. Every drop of nourishment was a step towards recovery, and Tiny Tim’s human family was committed to seeing him thrive.

As the days passed, Tiny Tim’s strength began to grow. His tiny body, once so fragile and weak, slowly began to gain weight and vitality. After a week of around-the-clock care, his parents were able to extend the time between feedings to 40 minutes, and eventually to every hour. Each small victory in his recovery was a cause for celebration, and his owners were overjoyed that their relentless efforts were paying off.

While Tiny Tim’s health improved, his small size presented another challenge. His owner had initially hoped that he could return to the barnyard and live among the other animals. However, it quickly became clear that Tiny Tim’s diminutive stature made this impossible. Even the smallest donkey or horse could unintentionally harm him, and the risk was too great. “I had hoped to reintroduce him outside with the other animals,” his owner explained, “but his size made it too dangerous. Even a small donkey or horse could easily injure him without meaning to.”

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With the decision made to keep Tiny Tim indoors, his new life as an indoor pet began in earnest. Adjusting to life inside the house, Tiny Tim quickly became a cherished member of the family. His owners recognized that if Tiny Tim was going to live inside, he needed to be trained just like a dog. And so, the training began. Tiny Tim’s human mom started teaching him to go outside for bathroom breaks, just like the family’s dogs. At first, it was a bit of an experiment—could a donkey really learn to follow dog commands? But to everyone’s surprise, Tiny Tim took to his new routine with remarkable ease. He quickly learned to line up at the door with the other dogs when it was time to go outside, eager to follow their lead.

Tiny Tim’s eagerness to learn and please his owner was a testament to his resilient spirit. Despite his early struggles, he had developed a strong bond with his human family and was determined to be the best “dog” he could be. “He was actually easier to train than a dog,” his owner remarked, still amazed by how quickly Tiny Tim adapted to his new life.

Now fully accustomed to indoor life, Tiny Tim spends his days surrounded by his doggy siblings, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his new home. He has become an expert at snuggling, often curling up with the dogs in their cozy beds. He adores affection and has developed some amusing habits that endear him even more to his family. One of his favorite activities is licking the dirty plates in the sink—just like a dog would do. It’s these small, dog-like behaviors that make Tiny Tim such a unique and beloved pet.

But Tiny Tim’s playful side doesn’t end there. He has a particular fondness for pillows and has made it his mission to engage in as many pillow-related activities as possible. Whether it’s a pillow fight with his dad or sneakily stealing pillows from the lawn furniture and tossing them into the pool, Tiny Tim’s antics are a source of endless amusement for his owners. While his behavior might drive them a little crazy at times, they can’t help but smile at his mischievous nature. After all, it’s clear that Tiny Tim is simply enjoying life to the fullest.

One of the most heartwarming aspects of Tiny Tim’s dog-like behavior is the way he greets his owners when they return home. Just like a loyal dog, Tiny Tim gets incredibly excited when his humans walk through the door. He runs to greet them, circling around and making joyful noises that express his happiness. His excitement is contagious, and his owners can’t help but feel their hearts swell with love every time they see his enthusiastic welcome. “When I was away for a couple of days,” Tiny Tim’s mom shared, “I came home, and he was so excited to see me. He circled around me, honking and making all kinds of excited noises. It was just like being greeted by a dog.”

Image Credit: YouTube
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Tiny Tim’s story is more than just a tale of a donkey who thinks he’s a dog. It’s a story of resilience, love, and the incredible bond that can form between humans and animals. Spending all his time with dogs has led Tiny Tim to believe that he’s one of them, and this unique identity has brought immense joy to his family. “He’s a very confused little guy,” his owner says with a smile. “He really doesn’t know what he is, but he’s happy, and that’s all that matters.”

Tiny Tim is living proof that our environment and the company we keep can have a profound impact on our sense of self. In his case, being surrounded by dogs has led him to adopt their behaviors and lifestyle, creating a unique and heartwarming dynamic in his household. His story is a beautiful reminder that love, care, and a little bit of confusion can lead to the most unexpected and wonderful outcomes. Tiny Tim may be a donkey, but in his heart, he’s just another one of the dogs—and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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