It took Marina Piro two months to complete the project she had anticipated. She purchased a 2001 Renault Kangoo, ripped out the interior to add a bed, curtains, a kitchenette, some lighting and even some houseplants. But restoring the van wasn’t the only adventure she had in mind. In fact, it’s just a small piece of her master plan. The Italian woman who now lives in the UK has set her sights on traveling the globe in her van. Why the van, you ask? Because she wants Odie to come with her. Odie is her rescued dog and she can’t imagine traveling anywhere without him.
With the van, the two can go comfortably wherever they want. So many planes, trains and other public transportation options either don’t allow dogs or make it very difficult to travel with them. Piro wasn’t about to leave Odie behind, so the Renault provides them all of the freedom they need. Right now the duo (or trio, if you count the van, called Pam) is in Italy, but we’re excited to see where else they’ll go. Thankfully they’ve got a killer Instagram so we can follow them everywhere they go! You can follow them on Instagram or on their blog, Pam the Van.