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Are Basset Hounds Good with Kids?

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| November 26, 2023

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears and mournful eyes, have captured the hearts of many families. In this article, we examine their suitability as family pets, especially in homes with children, by exploring their temperament, behavior, and needs.

Basset Hounds: A Family-Oriented Breed?

Basset Hounds are known for their gentle and laid-back nature, making them a potentially great choice for families with children. They tend to form strong bonds with their family members and are known for their patience and tolerance. However, their size and strength, combined with a stubborn streak, require consideration in households with very young children.

Understanding the Temperament of Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds are generally friendly, affectionate, and loyal. They have a calm demeanor, making them good companions for children. These dogs are not typically aggressive, but they have a strong sense of smell and may become distracted by scents, which is important to consider during outdoor activities with kids.

The Importance of Socialization for Basset Hounds

Socialization is important for Basset Hounds, mainly if they interact well with children. Exposure to various people, environments, and other animals from a young age helps them develop into well-rounded, confident dogs. A well-socialized Basset Hound is less likely to be shy or fearful around children.

Training and Discipline: Key for Child-Friendly Basset Hounds

Training is essential to ensure a harmonious relationship between Basset Hounds and children. They can be somewhat stubborn and may require consistent and patient training. Positive reinforcement techniques work best. Teaching children how to interact safely and respectfully with the dog is also essential.

Basset Hounds and Playtime with Kids

Basset Hounds enjoy playtime, although they are not as energetic as some other breeds. Supervised, gentle play is essential, especially with younger children, to ensure that neither the child nor the dog gets too rough. Teaching children appropriate ways to play with the dog, like fetching or finding hidden treats, can be fun and safe.

Health Considerations for Basset Hounds in a Family Setting

Basset Hounds have specific health considerations that families should be aware of, such as a tendency toward obesity, ear infections, and joint problems. Maintaining a healthy weight and regular veterinary care is essential. Understanding these health concerns is important for ensuring the dog’s well-being around children.

Creating a Safe and Enjoyable Environment for Kids and Basset Hounds

Creating a safe environment for both children and Basset Hounds involves teaching children how to interact with the dog, providing the dog with a safe space, and supervising interactions. It’s also important to keep the dog’s environment free of hazards, particularly considering their tendency to follow their noses.


Basset Hounds can be wonderful companions for children, offering a mix of affection and calmness. Their temperament makes them well-suited for families, but their size, exercise needs, and health considerations require commitment from the family. With proper training, socialization, and care, Basset Hounds can enrich the family dynamic with their unique charm and loyalty.


Frequently Asked Questions About Basset Hounds and Children

1. Are Basset Hounds Suitable for Families with Young Children?

Basset Hounds can be suitable for families with young children due to their gentle and patient nature. However, their size and strength mean they should be supervised around young or small children to prevent accidental knocking over during play. It’s important to teach children how to interact gently with these dogs to ensure a safe environment for both.

2. How Do I Introduce My Basset Hound to My Newborn Baby?

Introduce your Basset Hound to a newborn baby gradually and under controlled conditions. Allow the dog to sniff an item with the baby’s scent before the meeting and during the first face-to-face introduction, keep the Basset Hound on a leash, and reward calm behavior. Always supervise interactions to ensure the safety of both the baby and the dog.

3. Can Basset Hounds Be Too Rough with Small Children?

Basset Hounds are not typically rough, but they can accidentally bump or knock over small children due to their size. They should be supervised during interactions to prevent accidental injuries. Teaching the dog and the child appropriate ways to play and interact can help minimize any risks.

4. How Do I Train My Basset Hound to Be Gentle with Kids?

Training a Basset Hound to be gentle with kids involves consistent, positive reinforcement. Focus on basic obedience training and use treats and praise to encourage gentle behavior. Involving older children in the training process can also help the dog learn how to interact safely with them.

5. Are Basset Hounds Protective of Children?

Basset Hounds can be protective of their family members, including children. They are known for their loyalty and may exhibit protective behaviors. However, they are not typically aggressive and their protective nature is more about being a loyal companion than a guard dog.

6. What Are Suitable Activities for Children with a Basset Hound?

Suitable activities for children and Basset Hounds include gentle play, short walks, and scent games, which cater to the Basset Hound’s strong sense of smell. Considering the breed’s physical structure and exercise needs, these activities should not be overly strenuous. Supervision is recommended to ensure safety and enjoyment for both.

7. How Can I Teach My Child to Interact with Our Basset Hound Safely?

Teach your child to interact safely with your Basset Hound by showing them how to approach the dog calmly, pet gently, and avoid disturbing it while it’s eating or sleeping. Explain the importance of not engaging in rough play and always supervise their interactions.

8. What Are the Signs of Stress in Basset Hounds Around Children?

Signs of stress in Basset Hounds around children include excessive panting, drooling, hiding, or avoidance behavior. If these signs are observed, it’s essential to give the dog a break and reassess how they are being interacted with, to ensure future encounters are more comfortable for the dog.

9. How Do I Ensure My Basset Hound Gets Enough Exercise with Kids Around?

Ensuring your Basset Hound gets enough exercise with kids around involves planning family activities that include the dog, such as gentle walks or playtime in the yard. Basset Hounds don’t require intense physical activity, so family activities should be tailored to their exercise tolerance and capability.

10. Can Basset Hounds Adapt to a Busy Household with Multiple Children?

Basset Hounds can adapt well to a busy household with multiple children, provided they receive attention and care. Their laid-back nature makes them suitable for active homes, but they also appreciate their quiet space. Consistent training and establishing clear rules for interaction can help them fit into a lively family setting.

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