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Are Boston Terriers Good with Kids?

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on November 26, 2023

Boston Terriers, often called “American Gentlemen,” are renowned for their friendly disposition and distinctive tuxedo-like markings. This article delves into the compatibility of Boston Terriers with children, exploring various aspects that make them suitable or challenging as family pets.

Boston Terriers: A Family-Friendly Breed?

Boston Terriers are generally known for being affectionate and gentle. They usually have a friendly nature which makes them excellent companions for children. These dogs are eager to please and enjoy being part of family activities. Their size, typically small to medium, also makes them a good match for households with limited space.

Understanding the Temperament of Boston Terriers

Boston Terriers are characterized by their even temperament. They are typically well-mannered and rarely aggressive, a significant advantage in a household with kids. However, like any breed, individual temperaments can vary, and it’s important to remember that a dog’s behavior is often a reflection of its training and socialization.

The Importance of Socialization in Boston Terriers

Socialization is key in nurturing a well-behaved Boston Terrier. Exposure to different people, environments, and situations from a young age helps them become adaptable and less likely to be nervous or skittish around children. A well-socialized Boston Terrier is generally more tolerant and can handle the unpredictable nature of kids better.

Training Your Boston Terrier for Child Interaction

Training ensures a harmonious relationship between your Boston Terrier and your children. These dogs are intelligent and respond well to positive reinforcement methods. Basic commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and ‘come’ are vital for safety and control, and teaching your dog gentle play habits can prevent overexcited behavior around children.

The Energy Levels of Boston Terriers and Children’s Play

Boston Terriers are moderately energetic. They enjoy playtime and need regular exercise, but they are not as high-energy as some other breeds. This makes them a good companion for children, as they can keep up with play without becoming exhausted or excitable.

Health Considerations for Boston Terriers in Family Settings

Boston Terriers are prone to certain health issues, like brachycephalic syndrome due to their short snouts, which can affect their tolerance for vigorous play. They also have a propensity for eye injuries and allergies. Regular vet check-ups and being mindful of these health concerns are essential when they are part of a family with children.

Creating a Safe Environment for Kids and Boston Terriers

Ensuring a safe environment for both kids and your Boston Terrier is essential. This includes educating children on how to interact with the dog properly and creating a safe space for the dog to retreat to when needed. It’s also important to supervise interactions, especially with younger children, to prevent accidental injuries.


Boston Terriers can make wonderful family pets and get along well with children when properly trained and socialized. Their friendly nature, adaptability, and manageable size make them an excellent family choice. As with any pet, it’s essential to consider the dog’s temperament, train them well, and ensure children understand how to interact safely. With these considerations in mind, a Boston Terrier can be a loving and playful addition to any family.


Frequently Asked Questions About Boston Terriers and Children

1. Are Boston Terriers Good with Young Children?

Boston Terriers are generally good with young children, thanks to their friendly and patient nature. They are known for their gentleness and often form strong bonds with kids. However, as with any dog breed, interactions should always be supervised, especially with very young or energetic children, to ensure the safety of both the child and the dog.

2. How Do I Introduce My Boston Terrier to a Newborn Baby?

Introduce your Boston Terrier to a newborn baby gradually and under controlled conditions. Start by allowing the dog to familiarize itself with the baby’s scent, perhaps through an article of clothing. During the first meeting, keep the dog on a leash and observe its reactions, rewarding calm and gentle behavior. Always supervise interactions and give your dog time to adjust to the new family member.

3. Can Boston Terriers Be Overprotective of Children?

Boston Terriers can become protective of their family members, including children. This trait is generally positive, but it’s important to monitor their behavior to ensure they don’t become overly protective or aggressive. Training and socialization can help manage protective instincts and ensure they react appropriately in different situations.

4. What Should I Do if My Boston Terrier Is Too Rough with My Child?

If your Boston Terrier is too rough with your child, intervene immediately and calmly separate them. It’s important to teach your dog gentle play behaviors and to reinforce these lessons consistently. Children should also be taught to safely interact with the dog to avoid overexciting them during play.

5. Are Boston Terriers Easy to Train to Be Gentle with Kids?

Boston Terriers are generally easy to train due to their intelligence and eagerness to please. Consistent, positive reinforcement techniques teach them to be gentle with children. It’s important to start training early and involve the children in the process, under supervision, to foster mutual respect and understanding.

6. How Can I Teach My Child to interact safely with Our Boston Terrier?

Teach your child to approach the Boston Terrier calmly, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises. Show them how to pet the dog gently and recognize signs of discomfort or disinterest from the dog. It’s also crucial to teach children not to disturb the dog while eating or sleeping.

7. What Are the Signs Children stress My Boston Terrier?

Signs of stress in Boston Terriers include excessive licking, yawning, avoiding eye contact, tucking their tail, or trying to move away. If you notice these behaviors, giving your dog a break and a safe space away from the children is essential. Over time, you can gradually reintroduce them to each other with close supervision.

8. How Much Supervision Is Needed When Children Play with a Boston Terrier?

Close supervision is always recommended when children play with a Boston Terrier. This ensures that play remains safe and fun for the child and the dog. Young children often don’t understand a dog’s boundaries, and even a well-behaved dog can become overwhelmed or overstimulated.

9. Can Boston Terriers Adapt to a Busy Household with Children?

Boston Terriers can adapt well to a busy household with children, given their sociable and adaptable nature. However, it’s important to provide them with a quiet space where they can retreat if they feel overwhelmed. Regular routines and consistent training also help them feel secure in a dynamic family environment.

10. What Activities Can Children and Boston Terriers Safely Enjoy Together?

Children and Boston Terriers can enjoy various activities, such as playing fetch, walking, and learning new tricks. Choosing age-appropriate activities that consider the child’s and dog’s physical abilities and temperament is important. Always supervise their interactions to ensure safety and enjoyment for both.

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