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Ask A Vet: Why Do Dogs Sniff Butts?

| Published on September 8, 2015

Have you ever wondered why animals, dogs especially, like to sniff other animals’ butts? Or even seem to like to sniff people’s crotches? We all know that some dogs really like certain smells, sometimes rolling in feces or smelly mud. You might be surprised to know that there is a different reason for this invasion of personal space behavior. The answer lies in your dog’s anatomy and his ability to gain information from olfactory (scent based) clues.


There are glands on either side of a dog’s rectum that produce a very pungent fluid. No one has been able to find a physiological purpose for these glands other than to serve as a name tag for your dog. They tag his body and his feces as belonging to him. He can carry and leave his mark with these secretions, so maybe they are more like a business card.

Because of their ‘less than optimal’ real estate so close to the anus, the glands can become infected and sometimes require medical treatment. Dogs with anal sac disease will lick the area and scoot their rears along the ground or floor. If the glands abscess and rupture, you might even notice a draining hole near the rectum. Because the region has many nerves, these issues cause marked discomfort and owners usually notice unusual behavior. You should see your vet if you notice any of these signs.

Some dogs (and cats) have had their anal glands removed for medical reasons and they are able to live out full and normal lives, if maybe a bit anonymously to other animals.

Skunks have anal glands too, but they are a little more developed in this species and we all know what they smell like and what purpose they serve.

So the next time you see animals greeting each other face to rear, you will know why (And maybe breathe a grateful prayer that humans are not the same).

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