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Author’s Passion for Pups Inspires a Book Series and a Home for 20+ Rescue Dogs!

Written by: Molly Weinfurter
Molly Weinfurter is a writer for iHeartDogs, and she’s passionate about helping animals in need. She volunteers for Bailing Out Benji and a local dog rescue.Read more
| Published on August 26, 2019

David Rosenfelt is a famous author that is known for his Andy Carpenter mystery books, but he also has a strong passion for rescuing dogs. His book series centers around a lawyer that solves crimes with the help of his dog. The protagonist also rescues dogs in the series, which is actually much like Rosenfelt’s own life. Rosenfelt and his wife typically have at least 20 rescue dogs in their home at once.

About Rosenfelt’s Dogs

It all started when David Rosenfelt met his wife, Debbie Myers. She had a Golden Retriever named Tara that he fell in love with right away. At the time, neither of them had ever had more than one dog at a time, but Tara helped their love for dogs to grow.

Sadly, Tara got ill and passed away not long after. Myers was so devastated that she made it clear that she did not want another dog. However, a friend of hers convinced her to volunteer at the shelter instead, so she and Rosenfelt decided to give it a try.

By volunteering at the shelter, Myers and Rosenfelt quickly learned that not all of the dogs at the shelter would get adopted. The older dogs and dogs with illnesses were often left with no one to love them. This is what caused the two of them to start up the Tara Foundation. This foundation was created to help find new homes for shelter dogs.

Rosenfelt and Myers found that many shelters had horrible conditions for the dogs. To prevent this, they would rescue hundreds of dogs at a time just to ensure that the dogs could find a better home. The couple always had about 25 dogs up for adoption at once.

They created the Tara Foundation to save all the shelter dogs that couldn’t seem to find homes. Many of the dogs they saved were quickly adopted, but there were still some that weren’t as lucky. Therefore, any of the dogs that couldn’t seem to find their forever home would stay with Myers and Rosenfelt.

The couple ended up adopting so many of the unwanted rescue dogs that their home was always full of 20 to 40 dogs at a time. To some people, a house with that many dogs might seem chaotic, but to them, it just feels like home.

“It’s actually very rewarding to take a dog out of a terrible situation and have them safe and happy and loved,” says Rosenfelt.

They now live in Mid-Coast Maine where they own 10 acres. There is a 3-acre fenced in area with a dog door on the house that allows the dogs to go in and out as they please. Therefore, all the dogs have plenty of room to roam.

Rosenfelt and Myers are happy with their large dog family. They do not do as much rehoming of dogs as they used to because the quality of shelters has greatly improved in Maine. Now, the couple just focuses on the dogs they already have. Of course, Rosenfelt spends plenty of time writing too.

About David Rosenfelt’s Books

Rosenfelt is most well-known for his Andy Carpenter series, which is an ongoing series with 20 different novels so far. Each one is a mystery story about Andy Carpenter and his dog, Tara. Tara is named after the beloved golden retriever that passed away when Rosenfelt and Myers met.

The most recent book in the series, “Bark of Night,” came out in July 2019. In October 2019, the next novel, “Dachshund Through the Snow,” will be released as well. Nearly all of the books in this series feature a dog on the cover.

He also has many stand alone books that are separate from the series. “Dogtripping” is one of his most well-known ones. It tells the story of him and his family of dogs moving all the way from Southern California to Maine.

Dogs play a huge part in both Rosenfelt’s novels and in his life, which proves that it is good to write what you know. Every time a dog is rescued it makes a difference, and Rosenfelt goes above and beyond when it comes to saving the lives of dogs.

Featured Image: Sharon DiPietro/Facebook
H/T: News Center Maine

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