Banksy, a four-year-old Staffordshire Terrier mix, has been creating quite a name for himself in his hometown of Bristol in the United Kingdom. From news articles to photoshoots, Banksy has received massive amounts of media coverage and is quickly becoming famous for his artwork.
Banksy’s paintings have, so far, raked in over £500 for the rescue organisation he calls home: Bristol Animal Rescue Centre.

The dog is named for the famously mysterious England-based street artist, political activist, and film director. Like his namesake, Banksy loves to create. So far, he has seven unique pieces under his collar, all of which are made with dog-safe paints and peanut butter.
Banksy uses his nose, tongue, and paws to spread the paint across the canvas. According to his handlers at the rescue centre, he loves to show off his talents to visitors. He also loves to appear on camera!

One of the things that has brought Banksy so much notoriety is a featured article written by popular news outlet, The Mirror. This article, which was published in March of this year, has drawn lots of attention to Banksy and his rescue group from people all across the globe. People have even shown interest in flying to Bristol from their home countries to visit Banksy and see his artwork in person.

Banksy Still Searching For The Perfect Family
Though this special talent makes him incredibly unique (and adorable), Banksy is still lacking just one thing: a forever home. Banksy has had a rough start to life and has been passed back and forth between homes for over a year now. While Banksy is very smart and talented, he is also full of energy and has been said to have a boisterous nature.
Banksy’s caretakers at the rescue centre have described him as a misunderstood dog with a lot of potential – he just hasn’t found the right home (yet).

“Banksy appeared on TV around the world and people were fascinated by his skills; Unbelievably, despite all the press, he is still here. We are desperate to find him a loving home.” – Gina Jones, communications manager at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre
Banksy is still searching for a permanent, stable home with a mommy or daddy who will show him unconditional love and patience. He would thrive with a family that has plenty of time to dedicate to the energetic, fun-loving lifestyle that Banksy needs.

If you or someone you know would like to adopt this beautiful, talented pup, please visit Bristol Animal Rescue Centre online to learn more.
H/T to The Mirror
Featured Images via Facebook/Bristol Animal Rescue Centre