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10 Best Dog Breeds for a Family with a Baby

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 26, 2024

Bringing a dog into a home with a baby requires careful consideration. The dog should be gentle and calm, with a temperament that can adapt to the new dynamics of a household with a newborn. While some dog breeds are well-known for their family-friendly nature, others also fit the bill but are lesser-known. We will explore a range of dog breeds, from famous to lesser-known, that make ideal companions for families with babies. These breeds are known for their loyalty, kindness, and protective instincts, making them great family pets.



The Newfoundland is often called a “gentle giant” because of its calm and caring nature. Known for their sweet temperament, Newfoundlands are incredibly patient and protective, especially with children and babies. Despite their large size, they are gentle around little ones and are known to be watchful and nurturing. Newfoundlands is excellent for families who want a protective but loving dog that will fit in well with children of all ages.


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Whippets are often overlooked as family pets, but their calm demeanor and affectionate personality make them great companions for families with babies. They are gentle and low-energy indoors and form strong bonds with their family members. Whippets are known for being quiet and well-mannered, which can be beneficial in a home with a baby. Their affectionate nature means they enjoy cuddling and being close to their humans, and they are not overly boisterous, making them a good choice for a peaceful household.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They are small, friendly dogs that get along well with children and babies. Cavaliers are incredibly adaptable and can adjust to the quieter, more subdued environment that comes with a baby in the house. They thrive on companionship and love to cuddle, making them a great fit for families looking for a loving, gentle dog that will bond closely with their child.

Clumber Spaniel


The Clumber Spaniel is a lesser-known breed that excels as a family companion. Their calm and laid-back demeanor makes them well-suited for households with young children, including babies. Clumbers are affectionate, gentle, and known for being patient, even with little ones who are still learning how to interact with dogs. Their sturdy build and low-energy nature mean they are less likely to be excitable or overwhelming around small children, making them a great fit for families who want a reliable and calm dog.

Shih Tzu


The Shih Tzu is another small breed that is perfect for families with babies. Known for their affectionate nature, Shih Tzus are gentle and loving dogs that enjoy being close to their family members. They are patient and can handle the sometimes erratic behavior of small children. Shih Tzus are known for their playful yet calm personality, which makes them a good choice for households with babies. Their small size makes them less likely to accidentally knock over or overwhelm a young child.

American Water Spaniel


The American Water Spaniel is a versatile and family-friendly dog breed that is often overlooked. They are affectionate, intelligent, and gentle with children. American Water Spaniels are known for their loyalty and adaptability, making them great companions for families with babies. They are playful but not overly rambunctious, and their patient nature ensures they can handle the unpredictable nature of babies. This breed also forms strong bonds with their families and is protective without aggression, making them ideal for households with young children.

Basset Hound

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Basset Hounds are known for their laid-back and gentle nature, which makes them perfect companions for families with babies. Despite their sometimes mournful expression, Basset Hounds are affectionate and patient dogs that love being around their family members. They are known to be particularly tolerant of children and can easily adjust to a quieter, more relaxed household environment. Their calm demeanor and loyalty make them an excellent fit for families looking for a dog that will be gentle with babies and young children.

Finnish Lapphund


The Finnish Lapphund is a lesser-known breed that excels as a family dog. Known for their gentle and calm temperament, Finnish Lapphunds are great with children, including babies. They are affectionate, intelligent, and known to be highly trainable, making them adaptable to the changing dynamics of a household with a baby. Their calm nature ensures they are not overly excitable, and their loyalty makes them protective and watchful over their family. Finnish Lapphunds are gentle yet playful, making them ideal companions for young children.



Collies are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and gentle nature, making them one of the best family dogs, especially for families with babies. Their protective instincts and nurturing temperament make them wonderful companions for households with small children. Collies are gentle and patient, often forming close bonds with the family’s youngest members. Their calm and adaptable nature allows them to fit seamlessly into a family environment that focuses on caring for a newborn.



The Vizsla is an affectionate and gentle breed that forms close bonds with its family. They are known for being loyal and protective, making them great companions for families with babies. While they are active dogs, they are also known for their calm demeanor indoors and around young children. Vizslas thrive on human interaction and love to be close to their family, making them ideal for families looking for a dog that will be gentle, loving, and protective of their baby.

Bedlington Terrier


The Bedlington Terrier is a unique breed known for its affectionate and gentle nature. They are patient and calm, making them great companions for families with babies or small children. Bedlington Terriers are known to be very tolerant and gentle, making them less likely to become agitated around babies. Their playful yet calm demeanor makes them a good fit for families seeking a dog that will be loving and patient with the youngest members of the household.

Always by Your Baby’s Side


These dog breeds are celebrated for their gentle, patient, and loving nature, making them excellent companions for families with babies. Whether you are seeking a large, protective dog or a smaller, affectionate breed, these dogs will seamlessly integrate into your home. They offer comfort, companionship, and a reassuring presence, ensuring your family’s youngest members are well cared for and safe. Their nurturing personalities, loyalty, and adaptability make them ideal for families looking for a devoted dog to grow alongside their baby.