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12 Dog Breeds That’ll Give You All Their Love

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| September 16, 2024

Many want a companion that offers unwavering love, loyalty, and affection when seeking a dog. Some breeds excel at forming deep, lasting bonds with their humans, making you feel like the center of their world. Through their protective instincts, playful nature, or sheer devotion, these dogs are full of love and affection. These breeds are guaranteed to shower you with attention and form a lifelong bond, making them perfect companions for those seeking love and loyalty in their furry friend.



The Akita is a powerful breed known for its unwavering loyalty and protective instincts. Originating from Japan, Akitas were bred to guard and protect, and this trait translates into their deep bond with their families. While Akitas can be reserved and independent around strangers, they form strong, unbreakable bonds with their chosen person. Known for their devotion, Akitas are incredibly protective and affectionate towards their family, always ensuring their loved ones feel secure and cherished. Their noble and dignified nature and quiet loyalty make them a breed that gives all their love to those they trust.

Shiba Inu


The Shiba Inu, another Japanese breed, is known for its independent yet loyal personality. Though they are often seen as reserved, Shibas form strong attachments to their owners. They have a unique ability to balance independence with love, making them the perfect companion for someone who wants a dog that respects their space but still provides affection. Shibas love to bond with their families, and once they choose their person, they are fiercely loyal and protective. While they may not be as outwardly affectionate as other breeds, their quiet devotion speaks volumes, making them a breed that gives their all to their chosen human.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are the epitome of a loving companion. These dogs are incredibly affectionate, always eager to snuggle and stay close to their owners. Their gentle temperament makes them excellent companions for people of all ages, and they are particularly well-suited to being therapy dogs due to their calming presence. Cavaliers thrive on being part of the family, and their affectionate gaze and constant desire for attention make them irresistible to anyone looking for a dog that’s always ready to show love. Whether lounging on your lap or following you around the house, this breed will fill your life with warmth and affection.



Known as the “barkless dog,” the Basenji is a unique breed that is highly independent but forms deep bonds with its owners. Basenjis are intelligent and curious, with a playful side that emerges once they feel comfortable. While they are independent and often aloof with strangers, Basenjis show affection in subtle, meaningful ways to their owners. Their quiet, watchful nature allows them to connect deeply with their family, offering loyalty and love through their close companionship. With their unique demeanor, Basenjis make wonderful companions for those who appreciate an independent and affectionate dog.

Chow Chow


The Chow Chow, with its distinctive lion-like appearance and regal bearing, is often perceived as aloof, but beneath that dignified exterior lies a deeply devoted dog to its family. Chows are known for being reserved around strangers but incredibly affectionate and loving with their owners. They form strong, protective bonds with their family and thrive on having a close, one-on-one relationship with their person. While they may not be as overtly affectionate as some breeds, their quiet loyalty and deep sense of protection make them a breed that gives all their love to those they hold dear.

Tibetan Mastiff


The Tibetan Mastiff is a giant breed known for its protective instincts and deep loyalty to its family. These dogs have a long history of guarding livestock and homes in the Himalayas, and they bring that same level of devotion to their relationships with their owners. Tibetan Mastiffs are highly independent and often reserved around strangers, but they form incredibly strong bonds with their family, particularly with one person. They are gentle and affectionate with those they trust, offering protection and companionship in equal measure. Their loyalty and love for their chosen person are unmatched, making them a breed that gives all their heart to their family.



The Keeshond is a cheerful, affectionate breed that is known for its love of human companionship. Often called the “Smiling Dutchman” due to its perpetually happy expression, the Keeshond is a loyal and loving dog that thrives on being close to its family. These dogs form strong bonds with their owners and are always eager to be involved in family activities. Their friendly, outgoing nature ensures they get along well with children, adults, and other pets, making them a perfect addition to any household. The Keeshond’s affectionate personality ensures they will give all their love to their family, making them a delightful companion for anyone seeking a loyal and devoted dog.

Coton de Tulear


The Coton de Tulear is a small, fluffy breed full of affection and love. Known for its cheerful, playful nature, the Coton de Tulear forms deep bonds with its family and is always eager to please. These dogs are incredibly social and thrive on human companionship, often following their owners around the house just to stay close. Cotons are known for their loyalty and love of cuddles, making them perfect lap dogs. Their affectionate personality and desire to be close to their family make them a breed that will give all their love to those who care for them.

Skye Terrier


The Skye Terrier is a lesser-known breed that is known for its fierce loyalty and devotion to its family. Skye Terriers form strong bonds with their chosen person and are often described as “one-person dogs” due to their deep attachment to one family member. These dogs are known for their courage and independence, but they are incredibly affectionate and protective once they choose their person. Skye Terriers thrive on forming close, personal relationships with their owner, offering loyalty and love in return for the care they receive. Their devotion makes them a breed that will always make their owner feel cherished.

Lhasa Apso


The Lhasa Apso, originally bred to guard Tibetan monasteries, is a small, independent breed with a big heart. Lhasa Apsos form strong bonds with their family and are incredibly loyal to their chosen person. Despite their independent nature, Lhasa Apsos are affectionate and loving with their family, always eager to offer companionship and protection. They have a deep sense of loyalty and are known to be very protective of their home and loved ones. With their affectionate nature and desire to form close bonds, Lhasa Apsos are a breed that will give all their love to their family.

Finnish Lapphund


The Finnish Lapphund is a spitz-type breed known for its friendly and loving personality. These dogs are incredibly loyal and form strong bonds with their family, often becoming very attached to one person. Finnish Lapphunds are known for their gentle and affectionate nature and thrive on companionship. Their playful and cheerful demeanor makes them a joy to have around, and they are always eager to please their family. With their deep loyalty and love for their family, Finnish Lapphunds are a breed that will give all their love to those they trust.

Shetland Sheepdog


Shetland Sheepdogs, also known as Shelties, are intelligent and deeply affectionate dogs that form close bonds with their owners. These dogs are known for their loyalty and devotion, always eager to be by their owner’s side. Shelties are highly intuitive and can often sense their owner’s emotions, offering comfort and companionship when needed. Their playful yet gentle nature makes them excellent family dogs, and they thrive on being involved in all family activities. With their deep sense of loyalty and affectionate personality, Shetland Sheepdogs are a breed that will give all their love to their family.

Dogs With Endless Love To Give


These breeds are renowned for their unwavering loyalty, affection, and devotion to their families, making them exceptional companions. With their unique ability to form deep, lasting bonds, these dogs ensure their chosen person feels cherished, protected, and adored. Each breed brings a special kind of love, offering constant companionship and unwavering support. Whether you’re seeking a calm, loyal companion or a playful, affectionate friend, these breeds will shower you with love and devotion, making them the perfect addition to any household looking for a genuinely loyal companion.