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9 Dog Breeds Who Actually Might Eat Your Homework

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| October 4, 2024


You’ve probably heard the old excuse, “The dog ate my homework!”—a phrase that has become a bit of a joke over the years. But if you own one of these dogs, you might be surprised to find that this excuse could actually be true! Certain dog breeds are notorious for their love of chewing and, if given the chance, could easily mistake your carefully written essay for a tasty snack. Whether it’s their boundless energy or innate curiosity, these dogs have a knack for getting into things they shouldn’t.

Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, and while they’re known for their friendliness and loyalty, they are also infamous chewers. Labs are naturally curious and have an insatiable appetite, which means they’re always on the lookout for something to snack on. Their powerful jaws make quick work of toys, shoes, and, yes, even homework. Labs are particularly prone to chewing when they’re bored or don’t get enough exercise, so it’s important to keep them mentally and physically stimulated to avoid them nibbling on your assignments.



Beagles are notorious for their inquisitive noses and insatiable curiosity. Originally bred as hunting dogs, Beagles are always on the lookout for something to explore, sniff, or chew. While their lovable personalities make them great companions, they are also known to investigate every nook and cranny of your house—especially if it smells interesting. Beagles are notorious scavengers, so if your homework happens to smell even remotely appealing (or is simply lying around), you might find it in tatters by the end of the day. Keeping this breed entertained with chew toys is essential to prevent a homework-eating incident.

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are intelligent, friendly, and loyal, but they also have a playful and mischievous side. While they are great at fetching, they also enjoy carrying things around in their mouths, and your homework could easily become their next target. Golden Retrievers are particularly prone to chewing as puppies, but even as adults, they love to gnaw on things, especially when they’re bored. Their strong teeth and playful nature make them a prime candidate for homework destruction, so it’s best to keep your papers out of reach when a Golden is around.

Jack Russell Terrier


Jack Russell Terriers may be small, but they are mighty when it comes to their chewing abilities. This breed is packed with energy and is always looking for something to do. Jack Russells have a natural instinct to dig and chew, and they’re known for their mischievous nature. If they’re not mentally and physically stimulated, they’ll find ways to entertain themselves, which could include tearing apart anything within reach—like your homework. Their curious nature and boundless energy mean they need plenty of exercise and activities to keep them from turning their belongings into chew toys.

Border Collie


Border Collies are known for their intelligence and high energy levels, which is why they excel in dog sports and as working dogs. However, their intelligence and energy can sometimes get them into trouble, especially when they’re bored. A bored Border Collie will look for ways to entertain itself, and that could mean shredding your homework into tiny bits. Border Collies are problem-solvers, so if they’re left alone with easy access to paper or other chewable items, they may decide to investigate—and destroy. Regular mental stimulation and plenty of exercise can help prevent this from happening.



Dachshunds may have short legs, but they have big personalities—and an even bigger love for chewing. Originally bred for hunting badgers, these dogs are persistent and love to dig and chew. While their small size may seem harmless, Dachshunds are surprisingly strong chewers and are known for their stubborn streak. If a Dachshund finds your homework lying around, it might just decide that it’s the perfect thing to sink its teeth into. Their mischievous and determined nature means you’ll need to keep an eye on them to avoid any paper-based disasters.



Boxers are full of energy, playfulness, and curiosity, which makes them fun companions but also potential troublemakers. These dogs are known for their love of play and their strong jaws, which can make short work of just about anything they get their paws on—including homework. Boxers are prone to chewing when they’re bored or anxious, so it’s important to give them plenty of attention and exercise. Their playful, goofy nature makes them lovable, but if they’re left alone with your homework, you might come back to find it chewed up beyond recognition.

Great Dane


Despite their massive size, Great Danes are known for being gentle giants. However, their size doesn’t stop them from being curious and playful, and they’re not above indulging in a little chewing when the mood strikes. Great Danes are particularly drawn to paper products, which can include books, magazines, and, yes, homework. Because of their size, what might be a small nibble for a Great Dane can result in a pile of shredded paper in no time. Keeping papers and important documents out of their reach is essential to avoid losing your homework to this gentle giant.

Shiba Inu


Shiba Inus are independent, clever, and sometimes a bit mischievous. Known for their strong personalities and curiosity, Shibas can be prone to chewing when they’re bored or seeking attention. While they’re generally tidy dogs, their sharp teeth and inquisitive nature can lead them to chew on items that aren’t meant for them—like homework left unattended. Shiba Inus are quick learners, but they also have a stubborn streak, so if they decide their homework is a fun new toy, it might be difficult to stop them before the damage is done.

The Homework Is Gone, and the Dog Looks Guilty


The next time your homework mysteriously disappears or turns into confetti, you might have a legitimate excuse if you own one of these playful chewers. Breeds like the inquisitive Beagle or the energetic Jack Russell Terrier are known for their curiosity, boundless energy, and a touch of mischief, which can easily lead to them snacking on your assignments. So, if you’re sharing your home with one of these dogs, it’s best to keep your homework safe—because you never know when it might become their next tasty target!