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9 Dog Breeds With the Most Unusual Ways of Showing Affection

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 24, 2024

Every dog has its way of showing love, whether a simple nuzzle or an excited wag of the tail. However, some breeds go beyond the typical displays of affection, using behaviors that might seem unusual or quirky to express their devotion. These unique traits are often tied to the breed’s history, temperament, and instincts, creating an adorable blend of affection and personality. For dog lovers, understanding how these breeds communicate their love makes the bond between humans and canines even stronger.

Shiba Inu


The Shiba Inu, often described as cat-like, has a unique way of showing affection that is different from most dogs. Rather than jumping into their owner’s lap or eagerly seeking attention, Shiba Inus prefer to express their love more subtly. They often follow their owners around the house, staying close without demanding attention. Shibas are also known for their “Shiba scream,” a loud, high-pitched sound they make when they’re excited or seeking interaction. While they may not be as outwardly affectionate as some breeds, their loyalty and quiet companionship are their special ways of showing love.



Known as the “barkless dog,” the Basenji has a quiet but powerful way of expressing affection. Rather than barking, Basenjis communicate through yodels, whines, and other unique vocalizations. When they are particularly happy or affectionate, they may let out a soft, melodic yodel, which they often reserve for their favorite humans. Basenjis also tend to lick their owners gently as a sign of affection, much like cats. Their calm and quiet demeanor makes them less physically demanding in terms of attention, but their gentle presence and occasional yodels are heartfelt demonstrations of love.



Akitas are known for their strong protective instincts and dignified demeanor, but they have a distinctive way of showing affection that sets them apart. Instead of being overly cuddly or playful, Akitas often demonstrate their love by leaning against their owners. This gesture allows them to maintain physical contact and show loyalty without being intrusive. Akitas are also known to follow their family members from room to room, keeping a watchful eye on them while maintaining a respectful distance. This combination of quiet observation and physical closeness is their way of expressing deep affection and loyalty.

Finnish Lapphund


The Finnish Lapphund has a playful and energetic approach to showing affection. Bred to herd reindeer, these dogs are energetic and express their love through playful nips and nudges, similar to their herding behavior. They often nudge their owners with their noses, gently guiding them as if they were part of a flock. This breed also loves to be close to its family, often resting its head on its owner’s lap or leaning into them for comfort. Their lively and affectionate nature makes them one of the more playful breeds when it comes to expressing love.

Tibetan Mastiff


The Tibetan Mastiff may be large and imposing, but when it comes to affection, they show their love gently and subtly. Tibetan Mastiffs are fiercely loyal and protect their families by quietly standing guard. They are not known for being overly demonstrative, but their constant, watchful presence is a powerful sign of their love. Tibetan Mastiffs also enjoy being close to their family members, often lying near or gently touching their legs. Their calm, protective nature and understated displays of affection make them unique in how they bond with their owners.

Pharaoh Hound


Pharaoh Hounds are known for their elegance and athleticism, but they also have an unusual and heartwarming way of showing affection—they blush. When a Pharaoh Hound is particularly happy or excited, the insides of its ears and nose can turn a rosy pink. This rare and unique trait makes their affection literally visible, offering a glimpse into their emotions. Pharaoh Hounds also love to smile, curling their lips in a grin when content. Their physical reactions and playful and affectionate personalities make them one of the more unusual breeds for expressing love.

Australian Cattle Dog


The Australian Cattle Dog is a highly intelligent and independent breed, often showing affection more reservedly and purposefully. These dogs enjoy being near their owners but prefer to express their love through actions rather than physical affection. Australian Cattle Dogs often “shadow” their humans, following them from room to room and ensuring their safety, much like livestock. Their loyalty is evident in their constant desire to be involved in their owners’ activities, and their protective nature shines through as their way of showing love.

Chow Chow


Chow Chows have a reputation for being aloof and independent, but their affection, while understated, is deeply genuine. This breed tends to bond closely with one or two family members and shows their love by quietly staying nearby. Chow Chows may not be overly expressive, but they are fiercely loyal and protective of their loved ones. They are also known to gently lean against their owners or nuzzle them quietly, demonstrating their affection without being overly demanding. This dignified breed prefers to express love through quiet companionship and subtle gestures of loyalty.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


While Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known for being affectionate lap dogs, they have one unusual way of showing love that sets them apart: they often mimic their owners’ behavior. These dogs are highly in tune with humans and frequently mirror their moods and actions. If their owner is feeling down, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel may sit quietly beside them, offering comfort through their presence. On the other hand, if their owner is playful and energetic, the dog will eagerly join in the fun. This breed’s ability to adapt its behavior to match its owner’s emotions is a unique and heartwarming way of showing affection.

Quirky Yet Endearing Displays of Love


These dog breeds have quirky and unusual ways of showing affection, making them stand out in the world of canine companionship. From the Shiba Inu’s quiet loyalty to the Pharaoh Hound’s blushing, these breeds show that love comes in many forms. Whether through protective instincts, gentle nudges, or simply being nearby, these dogs remind us that affection doesn’t have to be loud—it can be as unique as the breed itself. Their unconventional displays of love make them even more cherished by the families who adore them.