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Can a Newfoundland Live in An Apartment?

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| November 13, 2023

The Newfoundland, known for its massive size, gentle nature, and exceptional swimming ability, is a breed that often captures the hearts of dog lovers. Originally bred as working dogs for fishermen in Newfoundland, these dogs are notable for their strength, calm demeanor, and loyalty. This article explores whether an apartment setting is suitable for a Newfoundland, taking into account their specific needs, temperament, and the potential challenges they may face in a smaller living space.

1. Understanding the Newfoundland Breed

Newfoundlands are giant dogs, with males often weighing 130 to 150 pounds and females slightly smaller. They are known for their thick double coats, large bones, and powerful muscles. Despite their size, they are known as “gentle giants” due to their calm and friendly nature. Newfoundlands require ample space, consistent training, and proper care to thrive.

2. Space Requirements for Newfoundlands

Given their large size, Newfoundlands require a significant amount of space. In an apartment, space constraints can be a major challenge. They need enough room to move around comfortably without feeling cramped. A small apartment can lead to discomfort and stress in these large dogs.

3. Exercise Needs in an Apartment Setting

Newfoundlands are relatively active and require regular exercise to maintain their health. Daily walks and play sessions are essential. In an apartment, ensuring they get sufficient outdoor exercise is crucial to prevent health issues like obesity and to keep them mentally stimulated.

4. Grooming and Coat Care

The thick, water-resistant coat of a Newfoundland requires regular grooming. This includes daily brushing to prevent matting, as well as regular baths and professional grooming sessions. In an apartment, managing shedding and keeping the living space clean can be challenging but is essential.

5. Temperament and Socialization

Newfoundlands are gentle and patient, making them excellent companions. They are good with children and other pets, but due to their size, interactions should always be supervised. Socialization is important, especially in an apartment, to ensure they are comfortable in various environments and situations.

6. Drooling and Cleanliness

Newfoundlands are known for drooling, especially after eating or drinking. In an apartment, this can require extra cleaning and maintenance to keep the space hygienic and comfortable.

7. Noise Levels and Barking

Generally, Newfoundlands are not excessive barkers. However, they will be alert to unfamiliar situations or when they need attention. In an apartment, it’s important to manage their barking and ensure they are well-trained to minimize disturbance to neighbors.

8. Health Considerations in Apartment Living

Due to their large size, Newfoundlands are prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and heart conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet are important, especially in an apartment where they may have limited space for exercise.

9. Training and Adaptability

Newfoundlands are intelligent and can be trained effectively. Training is essential to ensure they are well-behaved, especially in a confined space like an apartment. Their adaptability to apartment living depends largely on their owner’s commitment to meeting their exercise, space, and training needs.

10. Considerations for Hot Weather

Newfoundlands have thick coats designed for cold weather. In an apartment, particularly in a warmer climate, it’s essential to provide a cool environment and ensure they don’t overheat. Air conditioning and access to fresh water are must-haves in warmer conditions.


In conclusion, while it is possible for a Newfoundland to live in an apartment, it presents several challenges. The primary concerns are ensuring enough space, regular and sufficient exercise, and proper grooming. Prospective owners should consider whether they can provide these conditions in an apartment setting before deciding to bring a Newfoundland into their home. With the right care, attention, and environment, a Newfoundland can be a loving and gentle companion, even in an apartment. However, the commitment to meet their needs in such a setting should not be underestimated.


Frequently Asked Questions An Apartment Owner Might Ask Before Getting A Newfoundland

1. How much space does a Newfoundland need in an apartment?

Newfoundlands are large dogs and require significant space to move and rest comfortably. In an apartment setting, it’s crucial to have a spacious area where they can stretch out, as well as a comfortable place to sleep. Due to their size, smaller apartments might not be suitable for this breed.

2. Can Newfoundlands adapt to living in a warmer climate, especially in apartments?

Newfoundlands are built for cold climates, and their thick coats make them prone to overheating in warm environments. In an apartment, particularly in a warmer climate, it’s essential to provide air conditioning and access to cool, shaded areas. Regular grooming also helps in managing their comfort in warmer temperatures.

3. How much exercise does a Newfoundland need?

Despite their size, Newfoundlands require regular exercise to maintain their physical health and mental well-being. This typically includes daily walks and opportunities for swimming, which they naturally excel at and enjoy. Lack of sufficient exercise can lead to health and behavioral issues.

4. Are Newfoundlands suitable for first-time dog owners living in apartments?

Newfoundlands can be a challenge for first-time dog owners, especially in an apartment setting. They require consistent training, exercise, and grooming, which might be overwhelming for someone inexperienced with large breeds. However, their gentle temperament makes them good companions for those willing to commit to their care.

5. How do Newfoundlands behave around children and other pets?

Newfoundlands are known for their gentle and patient nature, making them excellent around children and other pets. However, due to their large size, interactions should always be supervised. Early socialization is important to ensure they are comfortable and gentle around other animals and people.

6. What are the grooming requirements for a Newfoundland in an apartment?

Grooming a Newfoundland involves regular brushing, at least a few times a week, to manage shedding and maintain coat health. They also require occasional baths and nail trims. In an apartment, more frequent grooming is necessary to control fur buildup and maintain cleanliness.

7. How vocal are Newfoundlands, and will this be an issue in an apartment?

Newfoundlands are not known for being excessively vocal, but they do bark when necessary. In an apartment, their barking is typically not a significant issue, but it’s important to provide training and socialization to manage any potential noise concerns.

8. Can Newfoundlands be left alone in an apartment for long periods?

Newfoundlands value companionship and can struggle with being left alone for extended periods. This can lead to separation anxiety and possible destructive behaviors. If you must leave them, providing toys and engaging activities can help, but it’s advisable not to leave them alone for too long.

9. What kind of diet is best for a Newfoundland living in an apartment?

A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients is crucial for Newfoundland’s health. Given their large size and less active lifestyle in an apartment, it’s important to monitor their food intake to prevent obesity. Consult a veterinarian for a diet plan that suits their specific needs.

10. How do I ensure my Newfoundland gets enough social interaction in an apartment?

Ensuring enough social interaction for Newfoundland involves regular walks, visits to dog parks, and socialization with other dogs and people. They are sociable by nature and benefit from regular interaction. Engaging them in community dog activities can also be beneficial for their mental well-being.

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