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8 Cleanest Dog Breeds for Owners Who Like a Tidy House

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 28, 2024
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When choosing a dog, one concern many prospective pet owners have is cleanliness. For individuals who pride themselves on maintaining a neat and tidy home, selecting a dog breed that is relatively clean, low-shedding, and easy to groom is a priority. Fortunately, several dog breeds naturally keep themselves clean, shed minimally, and are less likely to cause messes, making them perfect companions for those who want to maintain a spotless household. Below, we explore eight of the cleanest dog breeds that are ideal for owners who value cleanliness and order.

8. Basenji


Known as the “barkless dog,” the Basenji is a breed that stays quiet and keeps itself remarkably clean. These small, agile dogs are naturally fastidious and have been compared to cats for their grooming habits. Basenjis are known to lick themselves clean, much like felines, and they shed very minimally, which means less fur floating around the house. Their short coat requires little maintenance and no strong odor, making them an ideal breed for owners who want a tidy, low-maintenance pet.

7. Bedlington Terrier


The Bedlington Terrier is not only known for its lamb-like appearance but also its clean and manageable coat. This breed has a distinctive, curly coat that sheds very little, making it a great choice for owners who want to avoid fur-covered furniture. Bedlington Terriers have a low odor and do not drool, which adds to their cleanliness. While their coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting, it doesn’t shed excessively, ensuring your home remains relatively fur-free. Their friendly and calm nature makes them easy to manage in a tidy household.

6. Shiba Inu

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Shiba Inus are known for their self-cleaning tendencies and low-maintenance grooming needs. This Japanese breed has a dense, double coat that sheds twice a year, but in between those shedding seasons, they tend to stay clean and odor-free. Shiba Inus are naturally fastidious, often grooming themselves in the same way cats do. They are independent and like to keep their surroundings neat, which aligns well with a tidy household. Shiba Inus are also known to be relatively quiet and do not drool, further contributing to their reputation as one of the cleanest dog breeds.

5. Greyhound


Greyhounds are sleek, elegant dogs that are surprisingly low-maintenance in grooming and cleanliness. With their short, smooth coats, Greyhounds shed minimally and have little body odor. This breed does not drool, and their shedding is almost imperceptible, making them a great option for tidy homes. Greyhounds are also very calm indoors, preferring to spend most of their time lounging on the couch rather than making a mess. Their low-maintenance grooming routine and clean habits make them a perfect match for owners who want a dog that won’t disrupt a neat living environment.

4. Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless Dog)


The Xoloitzcuintli, also known as the Mexican Hairless Dog, is one of the cleanest dog breeds, thanks to its lack of fur. With little to no hair to shed, Xolos are hypoallergenic and require minimal grooming. Their skin needs to be moisturized and protected from the sun, but they are otherwise incredibly low-maintenance when it comes to cleaning. The lack of fur also means they do not have the typical doggy odor that other breeds may carry. Xolos are also known for being calm and composed indoors, making them an ideal choice for owners who value cleanliness.

3. Bichon Frise


The Bichon Frise is a small, white fluffy dog known for its cheerful disposition and clean habits. This breed has a soft, curly coat that doesn’t shed much, which makes it perfect for households looking to avoid excess fur. Bichons have a minimal odor, and their coat can be easily managed with regular grooming. While they require occasional brushing and trimming, they don’t leave a mess around the house. Bichons are also hypoallergenic, making them a great choice for people with allergies who want a clean, low-shedding pet.

2. Whippet


Whippets are similar to Greyhounds in their sleek, clean appearance and low-maintenance grooming needs. With a short, fine coat, Whippets shed very little and do not have a strong odor. They are also known for their calm demeanor indoors, often preferring to snuggle up on the couch rather than cause a ruckus. Whippets do not drool, and minimal shedding requires very little cleaning. Their easygoing nature and clean habits make them an excellent choice for owners who want a pet that blends seamlessly into a tidy home environment.

1. Poodle


Topping the list is the Poodle, a breed renowned for its intelligence and hypoallergenic, low-shedding coat. Whether you choose a Standard, Miniature, or Toy Poodle, this breed is known for its clean habits and minimal shedding. Poodles have a curly, dense coat that traps loose fur, preventing it from spreading around the house. While their coat requires regular grooming to keep it in good condition, Poodles have little to no odor and do not drool, making them an excellent choice for a tidy household. Their clean, manageable coat and affectionate nature make Poodles one of the cleanest and most popular breeds for owners who value cleanliness and companionship.

Clean Breeds, Clean Homes


For dog owners who prioritize a clean and tidy living space, these eight breeds stand out for their low-maintenance grooming needs, minimal shedding, and clean habits. From the sleek Greyhound to the hypoallergenic Poodle, each of these breeds brings not only companionship but also cleanliness to the home. Whether you’re seeking a dog with minimal fur to manage or one that naturally keeps itself tidy, these clean breeds are perfect for keeping both your house and your heart full.