One thing is for sure: An animal’s spirit is both bold and beautiful! Any obstacle in their way can often be overcome with their love and determination. No matter the size of the animal or the species, their tenacious nature inspires humans to be better and do better. No wonder we love animals so much! In this winning Superbowl LIX commercial, we meet a young colt who’s not quite ready to run with ‘the big boys,’ but his age and size will not deter him from following his heart.

We first meet this sweet horse in the stable. The Budweiser Clydesdales line up, ready for the placement of their harnesses as they prepare for their journey. The colt adorably lines up with them, believing he is going too, but his owner must break the news that he’s not quite ready yet. Let’s just say this man hasn’t met a horse like him before!
The colt watches as the big horses take off with the kegs of beer. Their neighs echo as they ride off the ranch. But then, a keg falls off the wagon, and the young horse comes up with a plan. He’s ready and eager to save the day!

He jumps the fence, gallops over, and guides the keg down the road himself. He is on a mission, and nothing will stop him! He pushes the keg while heading up a mountain, then over train tracks. His journey continues as he guides the keg down into the river below. He runs alongside it as it floats downstream.

The keg makes its way to a waterfall and just when it seemed the colt’s mission was a fail, fate stepped in. The keg rolled into town with the determined horse behind it. The colt rolls it past the other Clydesdales straight toward the local pub. Everyone is in awe! One bar patron jokes, beginning with the famous line: “So, a horse walks into a bar,” and suddenly, there he is! The horse did walk into a bar!
It’s official: The colt has arrived with his first delivery. This incredible commercial cannot be missed! It proves we should never underestimate a horse’s heart, regardless of size or age.