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7 Crazy Things That Are Perfectly Normal For Shelties

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| May 27, 2024

Shelties, or Shetland Sheepdogs, are known for their striking beauty, intelligence, and lively personalities. These little herding dogs pack a lot of character into their small frames, and their quirky behaviors never fail to entertain their owners. If you’ve ever lived with a Sheltie, you know that their day-to-day antics can range from downright hilarious to puzzlingly endearing. From their herding instincts that extend to household members to their impressive vocal abilities, Shelties keep life interesting in the most delightful ways. Here are seven crazy things that are perfectly normal for Shelties.

1. The Herding Hero

One of the most iconic behaviors of Shelties is their strong herding instinct. These dogs were bred to herd sheep, and they take this job very seriously, even if no sheep are around. Instead, they will attempt to herd people, other pets, and moving objects like vacuum cleaners or bicycles. Watching a Sheltie try to corral a group of children in the backyard or circle the family cat is amusing and impressive. Their herding hero behavior is a testament to their intelligence and instincts, making them protective and a bit bossy.

2. The Spin Cycle

Shelties have a unique way of expressing excitement: they spin in circles. They will perform their signature spin cycle at high speed, whether anticipating a meal, a walk, or simply happy to see you. This dizzying display of joy is both hilarious and heartwarming. Their spinning can become quite elaborate, sometimes incorporating jumps and twirls that resemble a choreographed dance routine. The spin cycle is a sign of their exuberant and playful nature, making every greeting a special event.

3. The Vocal Virtuoso

Shelties are known for being exceptionally vocal. They have a wide range of sounds they use to communicate, from barks and yips to grumbles and howls. They will “talk” to you, telling you exactly how they feel about any situation. Whether they’re alerting you to a visitor, expressing excitement, or just having a conversation, their vocal virtuosity is entertaining and noisy. Understanding their various sounds and what they mean is part of the fun of living with a Sheltie. Their vocal talents add to their charm and make them delightful conversationalists.

4. The Fluffy Foot Follower

Shelties strongly desire closeness to their humans, often acting like little shadows. They will follow you from room to room, ensuring they’re always part of the action. This fluffy foot follower behavior means you’ll rarely have a moment alone, as your Sheltie will be right there, ready to offer their companionship and support. While their constant presence can sometimes be overwhelming, it’s also lovely and a testament to their loyalty. Having a Sheltie means having a devoted companion who wants to be involved in every aspect of your life.

5. The Nuzzle Nudger

Shelties are incredibly affectionate and have a charming habit of nuzzling their humans. They gently nudge you with their noses, seeking attention, pets, or simply expressing their love. This nuzzling nudger behavior is both endearing and a little demanding, as they can get what they want with those soulful eyes and gentle nudges. Their desire for close contact and affection clearly shows their loving nature. Embracing their nuzzle nudges means enjoying endless cuddles and a solid emotional bond with your furry friend.

6. The Intelligence Game Master

Shelties are exceptionally intelligent and love mental challenges. They thrive on learning new tricks, solving puzzles, and engaging in activities that stimulate their minds. This intelligence game master behavior can lead to impressive feats, such as learning complex commands or figuring out how to open doors. Their sharp minds and eagerness to learn make them excellent students, always ready for the next challenge. Providing plenty of mental stimulation is essential to keep them happy and engaged. Their love for learning and problem-solving adds to their dynamic and playful personality.

7. The Velcro Lap Lounger

Despite their high energy and herding instincts, Shelties also have a surprisingly lazy side. They love to lounge around and often find the most comfortable spot to curl up and relax, preferably right next to or on top of their favorite human. This Velcro lap lounger behavior means you’ll have a constant companion for your downtime, always ready for a snuggle session. Their ability to switch from active herder to relaxed lounger is amusing and endearing. Providing them with cozy relaxing spots ensures they enjoy their downtime as much as their playtime.

Shelties are full of personality and quirks that make them truly special. Their herding heroics, vocal virtuosity, and nuzzle-nudging antics bring endless joy to those lucky to share their lives with these lively dogs. While their behaviors might seem crazy to some, Sheltie owners know these traits are just part of what makes them such wonderful companions. Each quirk reminds us of their loving, playful nature, making every moment with a Sheltie a delightful adventure.

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