Shelter Dog Meal Donation Count:

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URGENT: Help Us Fly Dogs Like Brutus from Kill Shelters to Safety!

The flight leaves January 29th, IF we can raise enough support

Here’s how you can help!

This Item Funds 4 Miles of Rescue Transport!


This Item Funds 1 Mile of Rescue Transport!

$23.99 ($19.99)

This Item Funds 1 Mile of Rescue Transport!


This Item Funds 5 Miles of Rescue Transport!

$22.00 ($19.99)

This Item Funds 1 Mile of Rescue Transport!

$12.99 ($19.99)

This Item Funds 1 Mile of Rescue Transport!

$4.49 ($19.99)

This Item Funds 1 Mile of Rescue Transport!

$17.98 ($19.99)

This Shirt Feeds 4 Shelter Dogs!

$12.99 ($19.99)

This Necklace Feeds 1 Shelter Dog!

FREE ($19.99) Just pay S&H

Donate to Fund This Flight

Our Impact Since 2013!

Thanks to your purchases and our partners at, since 2013 we’ve raised over $7 million dollars to help homeless pets and US veterans! See our latest impact report below.