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Dachshund Puppy Training: The Surprising Truth About When to Start

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on August 18, 2023

One of the key questions that new Dachshund owners often ask is, “When should I start training my puppy?” The answer is sooner than you might think. Ideally, training should begin the moment your Dachshund puppy arrives at your home. At this point, your puppy is usually around 8 to 12 weeks old and is perfectly capable of learning basic commands and house rules.

Puppies have a critical socialization period that occurs between 3 and 14 weeks of age. This is the time when they are most receptive to learning and forming associations with their environment. During this period, positive and gentle training can help shape a puppy’s future temperament and behavior.

Starting training early doesn’t mean rigorous sessions; it simply means incorporating basic commands and positive behavior reinforcement into your daily interactions with your Dachshund. Simple commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and ‘come’ can be introduced through playful sessions. Potty training should also begin immediately, with a consistent schedule and plenty of praise for correct behavior.

Waiting until your Dachshund is older may make training more challenging, as some unwanted behaviors may have already become habits. The earlier you start, the easier it will be for your puppy to learn the rules of the house and become a well-mannered family member.

Behavior Problems from Delayed Training of Your Dachshund

Not starting the training process as a puppy can lead to several behavior issues in Dachshunds. This breed is known for its intelligence and strong will, which can translate into stubbornness if not guided properly. Here are some common problems you might encounter if you delay training:

  1. Aggression and Fearfulness: Without early socialization, Dachshunds may become fearful of unfamiliar people and animals, which can lead to aggressive behavior as a defense mechanism.
  2. Housebreaking Issues: Delaying potty training can result in a Dachshund developing a preference for relieving itself indoors, which can be a tough habit to break.
  3. Excessive Barking: Dachshunds are naturally vocal, and without training, they might use barking as their primary means of communication, which can become disruptive.
  4. Digging and Chewing: These are natural behaviors for Dachshunds, but without proper training and redirection, they can become destructive.
  5. Separation Anxiety: Without early training to get used to being alone for short periods, Dachshunds can develop separation anxiety, leading to destructive behavior when left alone.

Addressing these issues in an adult dog can be time-consuming and stressful for both the owner and the dog. Early training helps prevent these behaviors from becoming entrenched habits.

The Benefits of Online Dog Training Courses for Your Dachshund

In today’s digital age, online dog training courses have become increasingly popular for several reasons. Here are two significant benefits of using an online training course for your Dachshund:

  1. Convenience and Flexibility: One of the most significant advantages of online dog training courses is the convenience they offer. You can train your Dachshund at your own pace, without having to adhere to a strict class schedule. This is particularly beneficial for those with demanding jobs or irregular hours. The lessons are typically available 24/7, allowing you to fit training into your schedule, not the other way around.
  2. Access to Expertise: Online courses often provide access to experienced professional trainers whose knowledge and techniques might not be available in your local area. These courses are typically designed with the input of experts, offering detailed instructions, video demonstrations, and personalized feedback. This ensures that you are using proven, effective methods to train your Dachshund.

In addition, online courses usually come with forums or other community features that allow you to connect with other Dachshund owners. This can be an invaluable resource for advice, support, and sharing experiences.

The Only 2 Online Puppy Training Courses We Recommend

1. SpiritDog’s Ultimate Puppy Bundle (BEST BUDGET FRIENDLY OPTION)

This comprehensive online puppy training program, designed by experienced trainer Steffi Trott, aims to help dog owners raise a well-behaved, social, and friendly puppy. The course provides lifetime access to over 70 lessons, including videos and an exclusive eBook, with a focus on critical behaviors like biting, potty training, and chewing. Participants can learn at their own pace from home, with the ability to ask unlimited questions to professional trainers. The program promises noticeable improvements in puppy behavior with just 10 minutes of practice per day. It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, lifetime personal support, and seven bonus mini-courses covering specific issues like hyperactivity and separation anxiety.

2. K9 Training Institute’s “Dog Masterclass” (BEST OVERALL)

In addition to basic puppy training, this more comprehensive training class tackles any behavior problem you might face with your dog. It’s made an a very easy to follow video format.


In summary, the best time to start training your Dachshund puppy is as soon as they become a part of your family. Early training plays a critical role in preventing various behavioral issues that could develop if training is delayed. For modern, busy dog owners, online training courses are a highly convenient and effective resource. These courses offer flexibility and access to professional expertise that can make the training process smoother and more enjoyable for both you and your Dachshund.

Remember that training a Dachshund, like training any dog, requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. The effort you put into training your puppy in those early days will pay off in the form of a well-behaved, happy, and healthy adult dog.

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