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DIY Muzzle-Watering Bacon Cheddar Doggy Muffins!

| Published on March 16, 2016

If there is one thing on this earth that dogs love more than anything, it’s probably bacon. That salty, savory treat that has them licking their chops and wagging their tails at the slightest wiff. Now, imagine combining that adored snack with yet another favorite among the canine crowd, cheddar cheese! Yum! These simple DIY bacon cheddar bites will have your pups begging and barking while they’re still cooking in the oven!


1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour

2 Slices Crispy Bacon Chopped

2 Tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

2 Tsp Baking Soda

2 Tbsp Coconut Oil

2 Eggs

1/2 Cup Skim Milk

Stir Ingredients

1 Cup Cheddar Cheese

Scoop Into Muffin Tins

Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, cool, and then serve them up to your furry friends!


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Once you can remove your delectable doggy muffins from the oven, just let them cool down and then serve one up to your pups!

Screenshot 2016-03-10 at 1.01.06 PM

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