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9 Dog Breeds That Can Jump The Highest

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on April 23, 2024

In the canine world, some breeds are known for their incredible jumping abilities, which can be a sight to behold. These dogs often excel in agility sports and activities that require high levels of physical fitness and dexterity. The ability to jump high is typically a combination of strong hind leg muscles, overall athletic build, and sometimes, a deep-seated instinct to chase or herd. High-jumping dogs are not only impressive in competitive sports but also require specific training and safety measures to ensure they do not injure themselves in their exuberant leaps. This article will explore nine dog breeds known for their ability to jump significantly higher than the average dog, highlighting the characteristics that contribute to their remarkable ability and the ways in which this trait can be both a benefit and a challenge for their owners.

1. Greyhound

Greyhounds, famed for their speed, also possess a notable ability to jump high. This breed’s long legs and muscular build allow it to not only run fast but also leap great heights. Greyhounds can jump impressively high fences when motivated, often driven by their strong prey drive. This ability makes them excellent candidates for sports like lure coursing, where their speed and jumping skills are put to the test. Owners need to ensure adequate fencing at home and during play to prevent escape attempts, which can be quite frequent with this breed.

2. Border Collie

Border Collies are highly energetic and agile, often excelling in agility competitions, including high-jump events. This breed’s incredible intelligence and desire to work make them quick learners, able to master jumping techniques with ease. Their lean build and strong legs help them make high jumps, which were originally useful in their herding duties, allowing them to navigate rough terrains and obstacles. For Border Collie owners, engaging their pet in agility sports can be an excellent way to harness their jumping ability in a controlled and safe manner.

3. Whippet

Whippets are close relatives of the Greyhound and share many physical attributes, including the ability to jump high. Known for their speed and agility, Whippets can easily leap over tall obstacles when in pursuit of prey or during competitive sports. This breed’s slender, muscular body is perfectly suited for both sprinting and jumping, making them formidable competitors in dog sports. Whippet owners must provide safe, enclosed spaces for exercise to prevent injury and ensure their energetic leaps are safely contained.

4. Belgian Malinois

Belgian Malinois are renowned for their work in police and military roles, partially due to their ability to perform physically demanding tasks, including high jumps. This breed’s intense energy and strong build allow it to excel in obstacle courses, often leaping over barriers that would stop other dogs. Training for activities such as search and rescue or police work often harnesses this ability, making the Belgian Malinois an invaluable asset in many high-stakes environments.

5. Jack Russell Terrier

Despite their small size, Jack Russell Terriers are known for their surprising ability to jump high, often reaching heights many times their own size. This breed’s boundless energy and drive make it a frequent high-jumper, whether in playful antics at home or in structured sports like agility and flyball. Jack Russells often use their jumping skills to chase small prey or balls, making them lively and entertaining companions.

6. Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are not only good herders but also exceptional jumpers. Their agility and responsiveness make them natural candidates for sports that involve jumping, such as agility trials. The Australian Shepherd’s strong hindquarters provide the power needed to leap over obstacles, and their intelligent, trainable nature allows them to excel at high-jump competitions.

7. Vizsla

Vizslas, with their lean bodies and boundless energy, are naturally adept at jumping. Originally bred to hunt in the forests of Hungary, their ability to leap over underbrush and logs made them effective hunting partners. Today, this ability translates well into sports like agility, where they can showcase their jumping prowess. Vizslas require plenty of exercises to manage their energy levels and maintain their muscle tone for jumping.

8. German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointers are athletic dogs that excel in various sports, including those that require jumping. Their strong legs and agile bodies make them capable of high leaps, which were useful in their traditional roles as hunting dogs. GSPs often participate in agility sports, where their ability to navigate obstacles and jump over barriers can be fully utilized.

9. Springer Spaniel

Springer Spaniels, particularly known for their work as hunting dogs, possess a natural ability to jump high, which was crucial for flushing birds out of dense brush. This breed’s energetic and enthusiastic nature drives it to leap and bound through fields and forests, making it a joyful sight for many dog lovers. In modern times, this jumping ability makes them excellent participants in dog sports, especially agility.


The breeds discussed here are notable for their jumping abilities, which can provide them with distinct advantages in various dog sports and working roles. For owners, understanding and managing this trait is crucial to prevent accidents and ensure their pets’ energy is channeled positively. Proper training, adequate exercise, and appropriate mental stimulation are essential to keeping these high-jumpers happy and healthy, making the most of their remarkable natural talents.