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Dog Comforts Little Foal Until He Got Over The ‘Loss’ Of His Mother

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| April 30, 2024

Karla Swindle, a dedicated animal enthusiast, established the S & K Quarter Horses Farm in the tranquil setting of Fayette, Alabama. Her profound passion for the welfare of animals drove her to create this haven where horses and various other creatures could find care, protection, and love. The farm, known for its heartwarming tales of animal camaraderie and recovery, became a beacon of hope and joy. However, one particular story that unfolded in March stood out distinctly, weaving a deeply moving narrative of unexpected loss and the beautiful bonds that formed in its aftermath.


It began with a 22-year-old mare at the farm giving birth to a foal, a moment that should have marked the beginning of a new chapter of life. However, just a week after the birth, the mare fell gravely ill and tragically passed away. The sudden loss of the mare left the newborn foal, later named Tye, without a mother to nurture and guide him through the early, crucial stages of his life.

In the wake of this tragedy, Karla Swindle took it upon herself to fill the void left by the mare’s passing. She spent countless hours in the barn, providing Tye with the essential care and affection he needed during this vulnerable time. It was during one of these tender moments that an unexpected figure trotted into the barn—Zip, Karla’s loyal dog. Zip, an older dog with a gentle demeanor, seemed to intuitively understand Tye’s profound loss and grief. From that night onwards, Zip refused to leave Tye’s side, as if he had appointed himself the foal’s protector and companion.

Karla was deeply touched by this display of empathy and solidarity. She watched as Zip lay down beside Tye, offering warmth and comfort. The barn was filled with soft whines and quiet sobs, sounds that spoke of shared sorrow but also burgeoning trust and companionship. This was the beginning of a heartwarming bond that transcended species.

As days turned into weeks, Zip’s unwavering dedication to Tye became the cornerstone of the foal’s recovery and development. Zip was always there, watching over Tye as he made his first tentative steps, guarding him as he slept, and playing with him as he grew stronger and more confident. This continuous companionship and protection were pivotal in transforming Tye from a frail orphaned foal into a vibrant, thriving young horse.


Karla observed with pride as Tye gained weight and his coat took on a healthy sheen. Under Zip’s watchful eye, Tye not only survived but flourished, overcoming the early adversities with remarkable resilience. Over time, Tye began to explore the wider world around him, spending more time with his older sister and learning the ways of the herd under her guidance.

Yet, even as Tye grew independent, the special bond he shared with Zip remained a touching testament to their relationship. Karla often found them together at dusk, Zip always close by, his presence a comforting shadow by Tye’s side.

This story of Zip and Tye at S & K Quarter Horses Farm has resonated with many, exemplifying the profound impact of kindness and the healing power of companionship. It’s a poignant reminder that love, in its purest form, knows no boundaries and can emerge in the most unexpected places, forever altering lives.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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