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Dog Missing for 19-Days After Crash Reunited with Tearful Owner

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| July 25, 2024

In the summer of 2018, Samantha Orr and her mother, Jennifer, embarked on what was intended to be a memorable family trip to the scenic state of Colorado. As they drove through the breathtaking Rocky Mountains, the pair enjoyed lively conversations, soaking in the stunning vistas around them. Tragically, their adventure took a devastating turn when a large rock obstructed their path, causing Jennifer to swerve. This sudden maneuver resulted in their vehicle losing control and careening 600 feet down the side of a steep mountain, altering their lives forever.

Image Credit: YouTube

The horrific accident claimed Jennifer’s life, leaving Samantha severely injured with displaced ribs and compressed vertebrae. As she grappled with her physical pain and the immense grief of losing her mother, Samantha also faced the heartbreaking uncertainty of her Goldendoodle, Bentley’s, fate. Bentley, who had been in the Jeep at the time of the crash, was nowhere to be found.

According to the Facebook page “Bring Bentley Home,” Samantha witnessed Bentley being thrown from the vehicle during the accident. The trauma of losing her mother and the fear of never seeing her beloved dog again weighed heavily on her.

“My mom and my dog were my best friends,” she shared with KOAA, emphasizing the deep bond she had with both.

Determined to find Bentley, Samantha turned to social media, pleading with the public to help in the search. She believed that locating Bentley would bring some semblance of closure to her shattered family.

Despite two long weeks passing without any sign of Bentley, Samantha and her family refused to give up hope. They were convinced that Bentley was still alive, lost and scared in the vast wilderness of the Rocky Mountains.

“We know he is still out there and scared,” Samantha posted on Facebook. “We need to get Bentley back home to Kansas to his grieving family.”

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The search for Bentley garnered widespread attention, with people from near and far expressing their support and offering assistance. Yet, the days dragged on with no news, and the silence was deafening.

Then, a glimmer of hope appeared. Samantha received a message from Joseph Stratmann, a man who had been tirelessly searching for Bentley and leaving food out for him near the crash site. Joseph’s dedication to finding Bentley reignited Samantha’s hope.

On a Saturday morning, 19 days after the tragic accident, Samantha met Joseph in the mountains. Together, they set out on a mission to find Bentley. The terrain was challenging, and the search was arduous, but they pressed on, driven by the desire to reunite Samantha with her dog.

Miraculously, they spotted Bentley in the distance! However, Bentley was understandably frightened and hesitant to approach them. The sight of her beloved dog brought a surge of emotions to Samantha, but she knew she had to remain calm to not scare him away.

“Eventually his fear got the best of him and he made his way to the ridge (top),” Samantha recounted in a Facebook post. “I slowly but surely followed him, and upon reaching the summit, I could see him watching me.”

Image Credit: YouTube

Samantha carefully laid out some food and a new toy, hoping to lure Bentley closer. But Bentley, still traumatized by the ordeal, remained cautious and wouldn’t budge. Realizing that she needed to give him some space, Samantha stepped back, allowing Bentley to process the situation.

Bentley could be seen in the distance, near the crash site. In the video captured during the search, Bentley is seen looking down at the wreckage of the Jeep, a poignant reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded. Samantha’s cries of “It’s momma” echoed through the mountains, filled with desperation and hope.

Finally, Bentley began to recognize Samantha’s voice and surroundings. Overcoming his fear, he took hesitant steps towards her. Samantha’s heart raced as she continued to coax him gently.

“It’s momma,” Samantha pleaded. “Good boy … come, come.”

After some coaxing, Bentley bolted towards Samantha, finally recognizing the safety and love in her presence. The emotional reunion brought tears to Samantha’s eyes, a mix of relief and overwhelming joy.

Image Credit: YouTube
Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors
Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors

The man responsible is facing felony charges but must never be allowed to own or care for animals again.


“Joe was my living guardian angel Saturday. He safely led me up the mountain, kept me calm and positive, everything I needed in that moment. At times he was a human stepping stool for me when I had no foot placement while climbing the mountain on all fours. This incredible man is the reason I was able to engage with my traumatized Bentley. Had it not been for Joe, this puppy would not have returned home. Thank you so much, Joe.”

The story of Samantha and Bentley’s reunion resonated with many, a testament to the power of hope, perseverance, and the kindness of strangers. It highlighted the unbreakable bond between humans and their pets, and how, even in the face of unimaginable tragedy, love and determination can lead to miraculous outcomes.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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