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PLEASE SHARE: Woman Dying of Cancer Needs a Home for Her Dog


| April 18, 2014

A Fort Collins, CO resident has fought hard to overcome her final-stage of breast cancer. With an end insight, Patricia Cudd has made it a priority to find a loving home for her pit bull mix before she loses her battle to cancer forever.


 Sherlock, has been a place of refuge for Cudd during this devastating time of her life. Cudd expresses that his continuous, unconditional love has given her the strength to fight as long as she has. She is working hard to find Sherlock a suitable home before she deceases so can she can finally fulfill her dream of showing Sherlock the same love he has shown her over the years.

 “I love him so much. I want him to have the best, you know?” she said with a smile, as the 5-year-old dog lay across her lap on the bed.

 Cudd adopted Sherlock, also known as “Sherie,” from the Longmont Humane Society in the early fall of 2011. Sherlock was originally hesitant of to trust his new owner, but they quickly grew to be best of friends, enjoying long walks and playing at the local park when Cudd took breaks from her schoolwork at Colorado State University.

 Their carefree fun came to a halt when doctors diagnosed Cudd with metastatic breast cancer back in 2013.

After exceptionally taxing chemotherapy treatments, Cudd would turn to her friend Sherlock for emotional support to regain her energy. The two once spend the entire day nestled next to each other in the hotel room, watching movies and enjoying each other’s company.

Cudd is slowly, but surely, seeing the emotional and physical toll that cancer is taking on her. She and the doctors are looking into transferring her into hospice care, which would leave Sherlock left without anyone to walk or care for him the way he deserves to.

 “I am passing away. I don’t know when exactly. Of course, everyone is passing away. But the cancer, you know — stage 4 is the ultimate stage — and he needs a home,” she said.

 Throughout the duration of owning Sherlock, Cudd has had a difficult time finding landlords who permit pit bull breeds. The negative perception of pit bulls leaves Cudd concerned that she will not find a fitting living situation for her dog.


Cudd recognizes that pit bulls, Sherlock in specific, tend to have a natural protective temperaments, but she defends his loyalty by highlighting his playful and loving characteristics.

Cudd has remained resilient throughout this process and holds onto the hope of finding him a family. She believes in her heart that Sherlock will find a home where he can provide happiness and love to the people around him.

“I have to place him somewhere. It breaks my heart,” she said. “But if he could go to a good home, you know, it would help me so much. It would give me peace.”

To find more information on the possibility of adopting Sherlock, call (970) 775-0797 or email

Please share to help find Sherlock a home!

Source: Coloradoan

Hat Tip: Dogster

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