Unfortunately, officials tested the fox and it came back positive for rabies. Both Howard and Hazen have been given multiple rabies shots and Domino is quarantined for 90 days.
According to neighbors, Domino was not up-to-date on the rabies vaccine.
Since he was bit three times, health officials told the Howard family it’s probable he will contract the disease and have to be euthanized.
It will be a tough 90 days for the Howard family and their community, as they wait to find out the fate of the heroic dog.
A few children, including Madison Hazen, 5, were playing in a yard when a fox came running at them.
“I was down there, and the fox was coming around. It got my pant leg, and I had to run,” Hazen told local news.
Ricky Howard, 13, and his Husky Domino were nearby and heard the girl screaming.
“She was screaming very loudly,” Howard tells the news.
He ran over and kicked the fox away from the girl and it ran under a play structure. Howard went to grab a shovel to hit the fox with – in the meantime his dog rushed in and stopped the fox as it was going toward Hazen again.
“(The fox) came around again, and it bit the dog three times before it got me,” Hazen said.
The parents of the girl are grateful for having a neighborhood like Howard with a dog like Domino around to protect them all.
(H/T: Wpxi.com)