Did you know that your pets can accidentally spark fires inside your home?
Yup, that’s right! And to show you that it’s really possible, here’s a news video of dog in Connecticut who mistakenly ignited a stove while she was reaching for some food placed on top of the stove.
Brookfield the Black Lab saw some pizza boxes on top of the stove. Her family was enjoying their pizza in the other room, so while they were busy and eating, and since no one is looking, Brookfield went through the boxes of pizza, in hopes that she could have a piece.

But as she was reaching for some pizza, she accidentally turned one of the burners on, and the boxes immediately caught fire.
Watch the video below for the full story!
Brookfield almost set the house on fire. Luckily, they came into the room just in time and they were able to put the flames out before it spread!
Let this be a warning to all pet owners. Since pets can start a fire which can burn your house down, please be more careful and take extra precaution by removing the knobs on the stove.
Do you have any more safety tips you can share with your fellow dog owners? Share it by leaving a comment below!