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23 Dogs Who Believe Naps Are a Full-Time Job

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| October 7, 2024


Dogs are known for their love of sleep, but some breeds take this to a whole new level, treating napping as if it were their full-time occupation. Whether lounging on the couch or curling up in a sunny spot, these dogs seem to relish the art of relaxation. For many breeds, napping is not just a pastime but a necessary part of their day, as they recharge their batteries between play sessions or simply enjoy a calm and peaceful environment.

English Bulldog


English Bulldogs are the ultimate couch potatoes. Known for their stocky build and wrinkled faces, these dogs adore lounging around and taking naps. Their low-energy lifestyle makes them perfect for people who want a calm and laid-back companion. Bulldogs often snore loudly, which is a sign of how deeply they can sink into their naps. Though they may enjoy short bursts of activity, these dogs believe that a good nap is the highlight of their day.

Basset Hound


With their droopy eyes and long ears, Basset Hounds have a naturally sleepy appearance and their personality matches. These low-energy dogs love to relax and can nap for hours on end. Their calm demeanor and love of comfort make them ideal nap enthusiasts. Basset Hounds are gentle and patient, often seen lounging in their favorite spot until something more interesting comes along—like food. They are famous for being couch companions who thrive on relaxation.

Great Dane


Despite their massive size, Great Danes are incredibly lazy dogs who believe in the power of a good nap. They have short bursts of energy, but for most of the day, these gentle giants prefer to stretch out and relax. Great Danes are known for their calm and patient nature, making them excellent family dogs who enjoy spending time snoozing at their owners’ feet or lounging on oversized dog beds. Their size might be intimidating, but their love for napping is undeniable.

Shih Tzu


Shih Tzus are small, affectionate dogs that love nothing more than curling up for a long nap. Their luxurious coat may require regular grooming, but once they are pampered, these little dogs are ready to snooze the day away. Shih Tzus are known for being great lap dogs and companions for people who enjoy quiet, relaxing moments. Their calm, low-energy nature means they are often found napping, making them a perfect fit for anyone who appreciates a sleepy pup.

Saint Bernard


Saint Bernards may be known for their work in rescuing stranded travelers in the mountains, but when they’re not working, they are expert nappers. These large, gentle dogs are famous for their love of relaxation and can spend hours dozing. Their size and calm nature make them ideal napping companions, especially in colder climates where they can cozy up next to their owners. Saint Bernards enjoy short play sessions followed by long periods of rest, proving they take napping very seriously.



Pugs are known for their charming, playful personalities, but they also have a strong affection for naps. These small, sturdy dogs love to relax and are often seen napping in funny positions. Pugs are perfect for apartment living, as they don’t require much exercise and are content to spend their time lounging around. Their snorting and snoring only add to their endearing nature, making them the perfect napping buddies for anyone who loves a sleepy companion.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are affectionate dogs that enjoy lounging just as much as they love to play. Known for their calm and gentle demeanor, these spaniels thrive on human companionship and are often happiest when napping next to their owners. Their adaptable nature means they can enjoy both outdoor adventures and quiet, restful afternoons at home. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are the perfect combination of playful and sleepy, making them ideal for families who appreciate a well-rounded napper.

French Bulldog


French Bulldogs are small but mighty nappers. These compact dogs are known for their playful nature, but they also require plenty of rest throughout the day. French Bulldogs can often be found lounging in their favorite spot, whether it’s a sunny patch on the floor or a cozy dog bed. Their love of napping makes them an excellent choice for people who want a dog that doesn’t demand too much physical activity but still enjoys bursts of play.

Bernese Mountain Dog

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Bernese Mountain Dogs are large, fluffy dogs that love to relax. While they are known for their strength and ability to work in the mountains, they are also masters of napping. After a play session or a walk, these dogs are more than happy to curl up and take a long nap. Their calm and gentle nature makes them perfect for families who want a big dog that also enjoys downtime. Bernese Mountain Dogs treat naps as a well-earned break from their otherwise active lives.

Chow Chow


Chow Chows may look like fluffy lions, but underneath all that fur is a dog who adores napping. These independent and aloof dogs are known for their love of relaxation and can often be found snoozing in quiet corners. While they may not be as outwardly affectionate as some other breeds, Chow Chows enjoy peaceful environments where they can rest undisturbed. Their thick coat makes them particularly suited for colder climates, where they love to curl up and nap the day away.



Despite being one of the fastest dog breeds in the world, Greyhounds are surprisingly low-energy when they’re not sprinting. These sleek dogs are known as “40 mph couch potatoes” because they love nothing more than lounging around when they’re not running. Greyhounds are calm, gentle dogs that thrive in a quiet home where they can spend their time napping. Their love for relaxation makes them ideal pets for people who want a dog that enjoys short bursts of energy followed by long, restful naps.


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Newfoundlands are large, gentle dogs that love water, but they also have a great appreciation for napping. Known for their calm and patient demeanor, these dogs are content to rest after a day of playing or swimming. Newfoundlands are excellent family dogs, especially for those who enjoy spending time at home. Their love of napping makes them perfect for a quiet afternoon of relaxation, proving that even the biggest dogs can be the sleepiest.

Tibetan Mastiff


Tibetan Mastiffs are independent, strong-willed dogs that enjoy their alone time—especially when it involves a good nap. These dogs are known for their protective nature, but when they’re off duty, they love to relax. Tibetan Mastiffs are low-energy dogs that can often be found lounging around, conserving their energy for when it’s needed most. Their thick coat and calm demeanor make them ideal for cold climates, where they can enjoy long naps in peace.

Lhasa Apso

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Lhasa Apsos were bred as watchdogs in Tibetan monasteries, but they also knew how to take it easy. These small dogs are alert and protective, but they also love to relax and nap when they’re off duty. Lhasa Apsos are perfect for people who want a low-energy dog that enjoys lounging around the house. Their calm nature and small size make them ideal for apartment living, where they can nap in cozy spaces.

Cocker Spaniel


Cocker Spaniels are known for their friendly, affectionate nature, and they also have a soft spot for napping. These medium-sized dogs enjoy playing and being active, but they also appreciate a good nap in between play sessions. Cocker Spaniels are gentle and easygoing, making them great companions for families who enjoy both playtime and quiet moments of relaxation. Their adaptable nature means they can enjoy both active and restful days, with napping being a top priority.


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Bullmastiffs are large, powerful dogs that are surprisingly low-energy. Known for their protective instincts, these dogs are calm and laid-back when they’re not guarding their family. Bullmastiffs love to nap, often spending hours lounging in their favorite spot. Their size might suggest they need lots of exercise, but they are content with short walks and plenty of rest. Bullmastiffs make excellent companions for people who want a large dog with a relaxed, easygoing personality.



Pekingese dogs may be small, but they have a royal history of lounging around. Bred to be companions to Chinese emperors, these dogs know how to take it easy. Pekingese love to relax and are known for their calm, dignified demeanor. They are perfect lap dogs for people who enjoy quiet moments and cuddling. Pekingese dogs are low-energy and content to nap for most of the day, making them ideal for apartment living or homes where relaxation is a priority.

Scottish Deerhound


Scottish Deerhounds may have a history of hunting, but these days, they are more interested in napping than chasing prey. These large, gentle dogs are calm and easygoing, making them excellent companions for quiet households. Scottish Deerhounds love to relax and can often be found napping in peaceful spots around the house. Their love for napping makes them perfect for people who want a large dog with a laid-back personality.



Leonbergers are giant, fluffy dogs that love to relax after a day of play. These gentle giants are known for their calm and patient nature, making them excellent family dogs. Leonbergers enjoy short bursts of activity, but they are more than happy to spend the rest of the day napping. Their size and thick coat make them ideal for colder climates, where they can curl up and enjoy a long, restful nap after a walk or playtime.

Japanese Chin


The Japanese Chin is a small, elegant dog that knows how to enjoy the finer things in life—like naps. These dogs were bred to be companions to Japanese nobility, and they took their napping duties seriously. Japanese Chins love to relax and are often found lounging in comfortable spots around the house. Their calm, laid-back nature makes them perfect for people who want a low-energy dog that enjoys quiet moments and plenty of rest.

Clumber Spaniel


Clumber Spaniels are known for their calm and easygoing nature, making them excellent napping companions. These medium-sized dogs love to relax and can often be found lounging around the house. Clumber Spaniels are low-energy and enjoy spending their time napping between short bursts of activity. Their love for napping makes them ideal for families who want a dog that is both affectionate and relaxed.



The Bolognese is a small, fluffy dog that loves to nap. Known for their calm and affectionate nature, these dogs are perfect for people who enjoy quiet moments of relaxation. Bolognese dogs are low-energy and content to spend their day napping in cozy spots around the house. Their love for lounging makes them excellent companions for people who want a small, low-maintenance dog that enjoys napping as much as they do.

Neapolitan Mastiff


Neapolitan Mastiffs are massive, wrinkled dogs known for their protective instincts, but they also have a strong affinity for napping. These calm giants love to lounge around the house, often finding a comfortable spot where they can snooze undisturbed for hours. Their low-energy nature means they are content with short walks followed by long periods of relaxation. Neapolitan Mastiffs are gentle, affectionate dogs that thrive in peaceful environments, making them perfect companions for anyone who enjoys a quiet day of relaxation and, of course, naps.

The Nap Masters Have Spoken!


These dogs take napping to the next level, showing that sleep can indeed be a full-time commitment. Whether they are large, fluffy companions or small lap dogs, each of these breeds thrives on a relaxed, laid-back lifestyle centered around plenty of rest. For dog lovers who appreciate calm, easygoing pets, these breeds are perfect snooze-loving companions. They will ensure your days are filled with peaceful naps, quiet moments, and plenty of cuddles, making them ideal for anyone who enjoys a slower pace of life.