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4 Extraordinary Ways Dogs Can Detect Illness in Humans

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| February 12, 2024

Dogs have long been celebrated for their loyalty, companionship, and remarkable ability to understand human emotions. However, beyond these well-known qualities lies an even more extraordinary capability: their ability to detect illness in humans. This remarkable skill, attributed to their acute sense of smell and keen observation of human behaviour, has garnered attention from both the medical community and the public. Dogs’ abilities to identify various health issues, sometimes even before medical tests can, open up new pathways for early disease detection and monitoring. This article explores four extraordinary ways dogs can sense illness in humans, showcasing the depth of the bond between dogs and their owners and highlighting the potential for canine assistance in medical fields.

1. Detecting Cancer

Dogs have an incredible ability to detect various types of cancer in humans through scent. Research has shown that dogs can be trained to sniff out skin, breast, bladder, lung, and even ovarian cancer with remarkable accuracy. This is because cancerous cells release different metabolic waste products than healthy cells, which dogs can detect even in the early stages of the disease. For instance, dogs have been known to persistently sniff or lick a specific area on their owner’s body, which later turns out to be a cancerous tumour. Their keen sense of smell, which is estimated to be tens of thousands of times more sensitive than that of humans, enables them to pick up on these unique odours, offering a non-invasive way to screen for early signs of cancer.

2. Sensing Changes in Blood Sugar Levels

Dogs can also detect significant changes in an individual’s blood sugar levels, making them invaluable companions for people with diabetes. Through scent, they can sense when someone’s blood sugar is too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia), often before the person notices symptoms themselves. Diabetic alert dogs are specifically trained to alert their owners to dangerous blood sugar levels, either by barking, pawing, or performing another predetermined signal. This early warning system can give the person time to test their blood sugar and take appropriate action, potentially preventing a diabetic emergency. The exact mechanism by which dogs detect these changes is still being researched, but it’s believed that fluctuations in blood sugar alter the body’s scent, which dogs can pick up on.

3. Identifying Seizures Before They Happen

Some dogs have the astonishing ability to predict seizures before they occur, providing invaluable assistance to individuals with epilepsy. Though the scientific community is still trying to understand how dogs do this, it is believed that they may detect subtle changes in human behaviour or scent before a seizure happens. Seizure-alert dogs can provide a critical warning to their owners, allowing them to find a safe place or position themselves to prevent injury during the seizure. This ability not only offers physical protection but also provides emotional support, reducing the anxiety and fear associated with the unpredictability of seizures.

4. Recognizing Signs of Stress and Anxiety

Dogs are highly attuned to human emotions and can detect signs of stress and anxiety through body language, scent, and changes in vocal pitch. They often respond to these emotional states by offering comfort through physical closeness, such as laying their head in their owner’s lap or gently leaning against them. This intuitive response not only provides immediate comfort but can also alert individuals to their emotional state, encouraging them to seek help or employ stress-reducing strategies. The ability of dogs to recognize and react to human emotional distress highlights their deep empathy and connection with humans, further underscoring the therapeutic potential of canine companionship.

The extraordinary ways in which dogs can detect illness in humans underscore the incredible bond between canines and their owners. These abilities also point to the potential for further collaboration between the medical field and trained service dogs, offering hope for non-invasive, early detection of various health issues. As research continues to uncover the depths of dogs’ capabilities, it becomes increasingly clear that our canine companions are not only friends but also allies in health and well-being.