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Families Panic Over Missing Pets After Miami Condo Collapsed

By: Molly Weinfurter
Molly Weinfurter is a writer for iHeartDogs, and she’s passionate about helping animals in need. She volunteers for Bailing Out Benji and a local dog rescue.Read more
| June 29, 2021

Several days after the Champlain Towers South Condo collapsed near Miami Beach, only 11 have been found dead, with 150 still missing. Yet, that isn’t the only heartbreaking part of the situation. Now, many survivors are coming forward to ask about their pets, who have been missing since the collapse.

With people being the priority, officials haven’t been searching for the furry family members, so residents fear the worst.

Collapsed Miami building
Image: Melissa Bales Facebook

Pets Are Family Too

It’s unclear what the pet restrictions were in this condo. Some say that only therapy animals were allowed while others say that all pets were. Either way, it’s clear that some animals were living in the condo, and many of them are still missing. Someone claimed they saw a large dog being rescued with their family, and another individual reported that their dog didn’t survive. But like humans, many animals are still unaccounted for.

Susana Alvarez is one of the residents speaking up about lost animals. Her emotional support cat named Mia is missing. If Mia survived, Alvarez believes that she’ll be hiding beneath her bed, too scared to move. Alvarez just needs someone to help bring her furry friend down.

“I am alone – I have nobody,” said Alvarez. “I thought we were being bombed. If I hadn’t been so scared, in hindsight, I would have gone back in to get her, but I was terrified.”

Missing cat tower collapse
Image: Melissa Bales Facebook

Right now, there’s not much being done for the missing pets. Of course, finding the missing people is the current priority, so finding pets will have to wait until the humans have been accounted for. That leaves families even more worried about their pets’ safety.

An Ongoing Tragedy

This tragedy seems to be an accident caused by a damaged garage and pool deck. Yet, the damage it caused is surreal, and the search for survivors looks like it won’t end anytime soon. Along with the many heroes already at the scene, animal organizations have also stepped up to help reunite lost pets.

“There are a number of families we know who have not been reunited with their pets and we are working to identify others,” said Yolanda Berkowitz with Friends of Miami Animals Foundation. “Any persons displaced by this tragedy in need of boarding, medical assistance, or anything else their pet may need during this time can contact us at for assistance.”

Oreo Search and Rescue Dog
Image: Juan Nadal Facebook

Some residents are trivializing the pet deaths of the collapse, arguing that everyone should be worried about the people instead. Yet, it’s okay to worry about more than one thing at a time. Anyone who has an animal in their family knows how loving and loyal they can be. Our pets wouldn’t give up on us, so that’s why their families are searching so hard for them.

Hopefully, there will soon be some good news for both humans and animals affected by the collapse. Authorities suggest that pet parents should register their furry friends as missing to receive more assistance in the matter.

Featured Image: Champlain South Surfside Building Collapse, Rescue and Resources Facebook

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