When Florian and Katherin experienced the heartbreaking loss of their unborn child, they found solace in an unexpected place: the eyes of a frightened dog named Fausto. As they scrolled through pictures of animals at a shelter, Fausto’s expression seemed to cry out for help. Little did they know that the decision to adopt him would change their lives forever.

Fausto’s story began in a Slovakian shelter, where he spent several months after being brought in by a family. He had a difficult start in life, as he was very small and seemed to have never bonded with a mother. Eventually, he was transferred to a Swiss animal shelter, where Florian and Katherin discovered him.
From the beginning, it was clear that Fausto was a dog with many fears. He was terrified of lights, bicycles, cars, airplanes, and even water. Although he was incredibly trusting of other dogs and humans, the outside world terrified him. Florian and Katherin were determined to help him overcome his fears and began working with various instructors.

Despite their efforts, Fausto’s progress was slow, and they struggled to get him to leave the apartment. He was also mouthy and tended to jump up and give warning nibbles on their faces. In an attempt to break free from the stress and worry, the couple decided to take a vacation with Fausto. It was during this trip that they finally saw him come to life, exploring his surroundings without being consumed by fear.
Over the next few months, Fausto continued to grow and develop, both physically and emotionally. He proved to be an intelligent and thoughtful dog, able to take feedback and learn from it quickly. For example, when Katherin’s mother expressed concern about Fausto getting too close to her face, he instantly understood that faces were off-limits.

Despite his fears, Fausto has a strong desire to please his adoptive family and make them happy. He has a unique appearance, which a visiting physiotherapist described as a “Frankenstein dog” in the sweetest way possible. Over time, Fausto has learned to control his fears, allowing him to accompany Florian and Katherin to various public places, such as banks and restaurants.
Fausto’s journey has not been without its challenges, but he has come a long way since his days in the Slovakian shelter. He has found a loving home with his parents, who needed him just as much as he needed them. Their bond has grown stronger through their shared struggles and triumphs, proving that love and patience can truly transform lives.