iHeartDogs.com is excited to announce that your purchases now help provide food to shelters across the United States! With each purchase of a product on our website, you’ll be providing a specific number of daily meals to shelter dogs through our partnership with Goods by Greater Good Charities
Goods by Greater Good Charities supports freight-paid deliveries to smaller, less visible non-profits that have limited access to resources. They operate on the national food bank model, accepting food donations from many manufacturers, distributors or retailers. Goods by Greater Good Charities then schedules and pays for the freight to deliver the donation to a regional distribution center where it is picked up by pre-qualified non-profit groups.
For each product you purchase in the iHeartDogs.com store, your purchase will fund the delivery of food for shelter dogs!
Frequently Asked Questions
YES! We are going to still make sure the dogs get their meals even if you return the item. That’s our pledge to them and we take on that cost personally.
You can view a list of the organizations currently receiving donations here.
If you are a shelter or rescue organization, and interested in receiving donations, please visit this page.
If you are a shelter or rescue organization and interested in receiving donations, please visit this page.
Great question! You can make a tax deductible donation directly to RescueBank here.
In 2016, 35% of our net profits were donated to our charity partners GreaterGood.org and RescueBank (based on data from January – December 2016).
In addition, our company funds other charity projects including clean water wells, school build projects, and anti-human trafficking efforts. You can learn more about our other charity projects here.
Where Are The Meals Distributed?
The following map displays Goods by Greater Goods Partner Distribution Center Across the United States:
Making An Impact
The following is just a small sampling of success stories resulting from Goods by Greater Goods efforts!