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From The Vet: 6 Ways To Help Your Dog Get Rid of Stanky Breath

| Published on September 8, 2015

Dog breath is fodder for jokes, but not really… especially if you have a dog who likes to be in your face, like I do. When our dog friends have bad breath, it damages our bonding time and after all, that is what we enjoy most about having a dog. These 6 tips might make a difference for you and your dog.

Assess what you are up against.

If there is visible brown calculus on the teeth anywhere in the mouth, nothing that you can do at home will help completely. Be aware that for your naked eye to be able to see the build-up, it has to contain more than a trillion bacteria! If you can see it, it will require more than an at-home program to get it off and you will need your vet. But once the teeth are clean, these tips will definitely apply.

Brush the teeth.

Everyone has plaque on their teeth because of the natural state of the mouth, but if you can brush your dog’s teeth at least once daily, the plaque is disrupted and cannot become the hard tartar that necessitates professional help. If you brush each day, you will significantly impact your dog’s dental health for the better. She might still have periodontal disease, but by removing the plaque and stimulating blood flow to the gums, you are really helping her to limit bad breath and slow dental disease and pain. Remember, do not use human tooth paste because a dog may swallow it and it could cause vomiting. There are pet pastes that are a much better choice.

Rinse or flush out his mouth.

There are many products designed to flush dogs’ mouths out, removing food residue and improving breath. There are sprays and rinses. Any of these will help. They may not completely eliminate odor alone, but are an important player in overall dental hygiene. You will have to acclimate your dog to the sound, taste and feel of the flush or spray, so go slowly so he does not learn to fear or resent it.

Water and food dental additives can play a role too.

Some companies make additives for the water than help maintain a slick and smooth surface on the tooth enamel, thus resisting the plaque’s ability to adhere to the teeth. The water must be completely fresh every day with a new dose of the additive, but clinical studies have shown efficacy for some dogs. There are also enzyme powders that can be added to food to help encourage healthy dental immunity and fight tartar build-up. Do a trial to make sure that your dog will not stop drinking the water or eating the food with the additive in it.

Dental Sealants

These can be applied while your dog’s teeth when she is anesthetized for her routine dental care. These help slow the build-up of tartar, infection and odor. The one we carry at Applebrook Animal Hospital also has an at-home component that can be applied to the teeth weekly to keep the sealants strong and effective. I can certainly tell which dogs have had the sealants when the time comes for the next dental cleaning. Ask your vet if sealants can be applied to your dog’s teeth.

Oravet® dental chews

These revolutionary dental chews have modified a compound used in human dentistry for use in dogs.  I have tried these treats for my dog (who has some underlying dental issues from her life prior to rescue). Her breath is sometimes less than pleasant. I could really tell when we had the samples of these chews and I cannot wait for them to be officially released and delivered to my practice. Ask your veterinary professionals if they plan to stock Oravet® dental chews.

Your veterinary team can tell you which products that they carry and recommend. I am not affiliated with the companies that make any of these products, but I am strongly affiliated with my dog and she loves to be in my face. These are the things that help us, so give them a try. For more specific details about individual products, ask your veterinarian or look me up on TwitterFacebook and Google+ and ask! Hasta Luego, Halitosis!


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