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20 Fun & Fascinating Facts About Shih Tzu Puppies

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| October 26, 2023

Shih Tzus, often referred to as “lion dogs”, are an ancient and enchanting breed. Their distinct appearance and charming temperament have made them favorites among dog lovers for centuries. Delve into the captivating world of Shih Tzu puppies with these 20 enlightening facts.

1. The Shih Tzu breed has ancient origins.

The Shih Tzu’s history traces back to ancient China, with roots potentially going as far back as 1,000 years or more. These dogs were bred to resemble lions, which are highly revered in Chinese culture. Paintings and sculptures from ancient Chinese artifacts often depict dogs resembling the Shih Tzu.

2. They were royal lapdogs.

Shih Tzus held a special place in the hearts of Chinese royalty, especially during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. These pups were often treated as cherished companions and lived luxurious lives in palaces, enjoying the company of emperors and their families.

3. The name “Shih Tzu” means “Lion Dog”.

In Mandarin, “Shih Tzu” translates to “Lion Dog.” This name was given to them because of their resemblance to the traditional Chinese guardian lion statues. Their lush mane and bold personality perfectly encapsulate the spirit of a lion.

4. Shih Tzus have a distinct coat.

One of the Shih Tzu’s most distinguishable features is its long, flowing double coat. This coat can come in a variety of colors and combinations. While beautiful, it requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best.

5. Their flat faces have a special term.

The Shih Tzu’s unique face is described as “brachycephalic,” meaning they have a broad, short skull. This gives them their characteristic short snout. While adorable, this facial structure can sometimes lead to breathing difficulties, especially in hot and humid conditions.

6. Shih Tzu puppies are born with a blue eye.

It’s not uncommon for a Shih Tzu puppy to be born with one blue eye. However, this blue hue typically fades as they grow, giving way to the more common dark-colored eyes in adulthood.

7. They are known for their friendly disposition.

Shih Tzus are renowned for their affectionate and outgoing nature. They tend to be excellent companions, getting along well with adults, children, and even other pets. Their sociable nature makes them ideal family dogs.

8. Shih Tzus are relatively low-energy dogs.

While they enjoy playtime and short walks, Shih Tzus are not as high-energy as some other breeds. They’re content with moderate exercise and are just as happy cuddling on the couch.

9. The breed nearly went extinct.

After the Chinese Revolution, the Shih Tzu breed saw a drastic decline in numbers. Thankfully, a few were taken to England, where breed enthusiasts worked to revive and stabilize the breed’s population.

10. Shih Tzus has a sturdy build.

Despite their small size, Shih Tzus has a solid and sturdy frame. They’re more robust and durable than they might appear at first glance, making them resilient little companions.

11. Their underbite is a breed characteristic.

Many Shih Tzus sport a distinctive underbite. This feature, combined with their facial structure, gives them their unmistakable and endearing expression.

12. Shih Tzus has been a Hollywood star.

From appearing in movies to featuring in TV shows, Shih Tzus have had their fair share of the limelight. Their charismatic presence and cute looks make them a favorite for various roles.

13. They are one of the oldest dog breeds.

Given their ancient origins, Shih Tzus are among the oldest known dog breeds. This long history adds to the allure and charm of these captivating dogs.

14. Shih Tzus are adaptable.

Whether living in a spacious house or a compact apartment, Shih Tzus are adaptable pets. Their moderate exercise needs and contented nature make them suitable for various living situations.

15. They make great therapy dogs.

Given their affectionate demeanor, Shih Tzus often excels as therapy dogs. Their gentle nature can provide comfort and companionship to those in need.

16. They have a distinct gait.

Shih Tzus has a unique, flowing gait. This smooth, distinctive trot adds to their regal appearance and is a sight to behold.

17. Shih Tzus are generally healthy dogs.

While they have some breed-specific health concerns, with proper care, regular vet visits, and a balanced diet, Shih Tzus can lead long, healthy lives.

18. Their personalities can be quite varied.

From playful and mischievous to calm and dignified, Shih Tzus can showcase a range of personalities. Each pup is unique, making them continuously endearing.

19. They’re excellent companions for seniors.

Given their moderate activity level and affectionate nature, Shih Tzus are often chosen as companions for the elderly. They provide comfort and company without the need for intensive care.

20. Shih Tzus has a rich international lineage.

While they originated in China, Shih Tzus have been bred and loved in many countries. Their lineage often incorporates genes from various regions, contributing to their diverse and unique appearances.


The Shih Tzu, with its illustrious history and captivating charm, continues to capture hearts worldwide. These “Lion Dogs” boast a blend of elegance, resilience, and affection, making them exceptional companions. Whether you’re a Shih Tzu enthusiast or someone newly introduced to the breed, these facts shed light on the rich tapestry that forms the backdrop of these delightful dogs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Shih Tzu Puppies

1. What is the origin of the Shih Tzu breed?

The Shih Tzu breed traces its roots back to ancient China, where they were bred to resemble lions, highly revered animals in Chinese culture. These dogs were cherished by Chinese royalty, particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

2. How often does Shih Tzus need grooming?

Shih Tzus has a long, flowing double coat that requires regular grooming. Ideally, they should be brushed daily to prevent tangles and mats, and they should have a full groom, including a bath and trim, every 3 to 6 weeks.

3. Are Shih Tzus good family pets?

Yes, Shih Tzus are known for their affectionate and sociable nature. They get along well with adults, children, and other pets, making them excellent family dogs. However, interactions with very young children should be supervised to ensure the safety of both the child and the dog.

4. How long do Shih Tzus typically live?

With proper care, a balanced diet, and regular veterinary check-ups, Shih Tzus typically has a lifespan of 10 to 16 years. Some even live beyond this range, especially if they’re kept healthy and active.

5. What are the common health concerns for Shih Tzus?

Shih Tzus, like all breeds, has specific health concerns to watch out for. These include brachycephalic syndrome due to its short snout, hip dysplasia, ear infections, and certain eye conditions like progressive retinal atrophy.

6. Do Shih Tzus bark a lot?

Shih Tzus are generally not excessive barkers. However, like many small breeds, they can be alert and will often bark to notify their owners of visitors or unusual noises. Training and socialization can help manage unnecessary barking.

7. What is the ideal diet for a Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzus benefits from a balanced and high-quality dog food appropriate for their age, weight, and activity level. Since they can be prone to dental issues, offering them dry kibble can help reduce plaque. However, always consult with a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations.

8. Are Shih Tzus hypoallergenic?

No dog breed is entirely hypoallergenic. However, Shih Tzus are often recommended for people with allergies because they have hair instead of fur. Regular grooming and cleaning can help reduce allergens in the environment.

9. How much exercise does Shih Tzus need?

Shih Tzus are not highly energetic dogs but still benefit from regular exercise. Daily walks, playtime, and mental stimulation through training or toys are essential for their overall well-being and happiness.

10. Are Shih Tzus easy to train?

Shih Tzus are intelligent and eager to please, but they can also be a bit stubborn. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to successful training. Early socialization and puppy training classes are beneficial for them.

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