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Gal Calms Senior Dog To Show Her There’s More To Life Than Being Locked Up

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 31, 2023

Senior dogs often face a difficult time finding forever homes, as many potential adopters prefer younger, more energetic pups. However, one woman’s heartwarming story of adopting a senior dog named Alaska proves that these older canines still have plenty of love and life left in them.


When the woman, Kat, first saw Alaska at the shelter, she was immediately drawn to the dog’s gentle gaze, which seemed to silently beg her to take her home. Despite the initial challenges of helping Alaska adjust to her new environment, the woman was determined to give the senior dog a chance at a better life.

In the beginning, Alaska was scared to walk out the door. She was easily startled and was terrified of people. She didn’t act like a typical dog at all. Kat decided to give Alaska a nice bath, and as the dog fell asleep in the tub, she knew there was no turning back. She was committed to giving Alaska the love and care she deserved.


For days, Kat stayed by Alaska’s side, helping her adjust to her new surroundings. Slowly but surely, Alaska began to open up and experience the joys of life outside the shelter. The woman worked with her daily, showing her all the things she had been missing out on during her years in confinement.

Some days were better than others, and the process required a lot of patience. But when Alaska finally ran by Kat’s side, she was overcome with emotion. She felt as though she had just witnessed her own child taking her first steps. The adoption had given Alaska the opportunity to experience freedom and true happiness for the first time in her life.


Kat admits that she never considered herself to be a particularly selfless person, but caring for Alaska has taught her the importance of putting another living being first. She believes that our limits stretch far beyond what we think they do, and the experience of adopting a senior dog has been more than worth it.

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