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Gramps, A Rescue Dog With Cancer Is Checking Off His Bucket List

By: Amber LaRock
Amber LaRock is a writer and reviewer for iHD. She is a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in the field, and she now creates informative content for pet parents.Read more
| October 28, 2019

Saving Grace Animal Society is making sure Gramps enjoys the remainder of his life to the fullest. Growing up a backyard dog, he never knew what it was like to be part of a family.

Erin Deems met Gramps about 5 years ago, when she volunteered with the Alberta Spay and Neuter Task Force. In this position she would help to perform house calls, where they would spay and neuter pets who were still intact.


Being a backyard dog, Gramps faced a lot of daily struggles. He was forced to sleep outdoors each day, never knew the feeling of living inside with a family, and was even shot at one point. Because of this, Deems made sure to check in on him regularly. From the second they met, Deems was drawn to this lovable pup.

During her most recent visit to Gramps’s home, she became worried about his health. She noticed that he had lost weight, and he had some concerning swelling around his mouth.


After speaking with the owners of the residence, she convinced them to surrender Gramps to the care of the Saving Grace Animal Society.

Deems immediately took Gramps to a local animal clinic, where the mass in his mouth was found to be cancer. From that point on, she knew she had to do everything in her power to make the remainder of his life special.

Saving Grace decided to create a bucket list for their senior friend, where they would take Gramps on an array of adventures. Gramps has already eaten an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen, devoured a cake, had a special photo shoot, been on TV, gone for walks in the park, and enjoyed cuddles by the water. He is truly living his best dog life!


In the efforts to create lasting memories with Gramps, the animal society is accepting suggestions to add to his bucket list. His story has been shared by so many dog lovers around the globe, who would love to participate in the chance to add to his list of excitement!

Above all of the items on his bucket list, is the most special one of all; sleeping inside of a warm house, on an orthopedic bed made for a king. While this may seem like a small gesture, it means everything to Gramps.


If you would like to follow his retirement and even contribute to his bucket list, you can follow the Saving Grace Animal Society here.

A big thank you to the team of dedicated animal lovers who have given Gramps the chance at an incredible retirement. We can’t wait to see what he does next!


Image Source: Saving Grace Animal Society

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