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How Long Does Freeze Dried Food Last?

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on November 1, 2023

Freeze-drying, a technique used for decades in various industries, has gained immense popularity in the realm of dog food due to its ability to preserve nutritional quality and extend shelf life. But just how long does freeze-dried food last? This article delves deep into the shelf life of freeze-dried foods, factors affecting their longevity, and storage best practices to ensure optimal freshness and safety.

1. Understanding the Freeze-Drying Process

To comprehend the longevity of freeze-dried food, it’s vital first to understand the freeze-drying process. In essence, freeze-drying, or lyophilization, involves:

  • Rapid Freezing: The food is frozen quickly to form small ice crystals.
  • Sublimation: Under a vacuum, the ice transforms directly into water vapor, bypassing the liquid phase.
  • Desorption: Any remaining bound moisture is removed under specific heat and vacuum conditions.

This process ensures almost all moisture is removed, creating a stable environment where microorganisms and enzymes, which typically cause food degradation, can’t easily thrive.

2. The Typical Shelf Life of Freeze-Dried Food

Generally, freeze-dried dog food can last anywhere from 25 to 30 years if unopened and stored properly. This remarkable shelf life is due to moisture removal, which results in a meager water activity level, inhibiting the growth of bacteria, molds, and yeasts. Additionally, the food’s cellular structure and nutritional components remain intact, further preserving its quality.

3. Factors Affecting Shelf Life

Several factors can influence the longevity of freeze-dried food:

  • Packaging: Quality packaging that protects against light, moisture, and oxygen ingress is crucial. Many freeze-dried foods are packed with oxygen absorbers to prevent oxidation.
  • Storage Conditions: Temperature, humidity, and light exposure play significant roles. Cooler, dark, and dry environments are optimal.
  • Type of Food: Different ingredients have varying shelf lives. For instance, freeze-dried meats might have a shorter shelf life than freeze-dried fruits or vegetables due to their fat content.

4. Recognizing Spoiled Freeze-Dried Food

Even with its impressive shelf life, freeze-dried food can go bad. Indicators of spoilage include:

  • Odor: An off or rancid smell is a clear sign of spoilage.
  • Appearance: Discoloration, mold growth, or clumping can indicate moisture intrusion or contamination.
  • Packaging Damage: Bulging, punctures, or seals that have lost their vacuum can compromise food quality.

Related: We Test The Top Freeze Dried Raw Dog Foods for 30 Days. Here’s Our Results

5. Best Practices for Storing Freeze-Dried Food

For maximum shelf life:

  • Temperature Control: Store in a cool environment, preferably below 75°F (24°C). Every 10°F (5.5°C) increase above this can halve the food’s shelf life.
  • Limit Light Exposure: Direct sunlight can degrade the food and packaging. Store in a dark place or use opaque containers.
  • Avoid Moisture: Ensure storage areas are dry. Consider using desiccants if humidity is a concern.
  • Seal After Opening: Once opened, reseal the package tightly or transfer the food to an airtight container.

Related: Best Freeze Dried Dog Foods 2023

6. Consumed Shelf Life vs. Nutritional Shelf Life

While freeze-dried food might be safe to eat for many years, its nutritional quality can degrade over time. Essential vitamins and fats are especially susceptible. It’s crucial to note that while the food might still provide caloric value, it might not offer the same nutritional benefits as when it was fresher.

7. Comparing Freeze-Drying with Other Preservation Methods

Other preservation methods, like canning or dehydrating, don’t offer the same longevity as freeze-drying. While these methods extend shelf life, they often do so at the cost of nutritional degradation due to the high temperatures used.

8. The Economic and Environmental Impact

Given its long shelf life, freeze-dried food can be a cost-effective choice in the long run, reducing waste and frequent repurchases. Additionally, with less food wastage, the environmental impact can be significantly reduced.

9. Safety Considerations for Older Freeze-Dried Foods

If consuming freeze-dried food that’s been stored for an extended period, always check for signs of spoilage. While the food might be safe, it’s essential to ensure it’s free from contamination or degradation.

10. The Bottom Line: Is It Worth the Investment?

For dog owners seeking a long-lasting, nutritionally rich food option, freeze-dried products are a worthy consideration. Not only do they offer convenience, but their extended shelf life also promises safety and quality, provided they’re stored under the right conditions.


The shelf life of freeze-dried dog food is nothing short of impressive. Understanding its longevity, coupled with proper storage practices, ensures that dog owners can provide their pets with nutritionally dense meals for years to come. As always, vigilance in storage and regular checks for spoilage ensure the food’s quality and safety.


Frequently Asked Questions About Freeze Dried Dog Food

1. What is freeze-dried dog food?

Freeze-dried dog food is made by removing almost all moisture from the food through a process called lyophilization, which involves freezing the food and then subjecting it to a vacuum that removes the ice by sublimation. This process preserves the food’s nutrients, flavor, and texture, resulting in a lightweight and non-perishable product that is convenient for storage and feeding.

2. How long can freeze-dried dog food last?

Properly stored freeze-dried dog food can last up to 25 years, as the lack of moisture prevents the growth of microorganisms that cause spoilage. To achieve this extended shelf life, the food must be kept in airtight containers away from heat and moisture.

3. Does freeze-dried dog food retain its nutritional value?

Freeze-dried dog food retains up to 97% of its original nutritional value, making it one of the best methods for preserving food without significant loss of vitamins and minerals. This is because the freeze-drying process is gentle and does not involve high temperatures that can destroy sensitive nutrients.

4. Can freeze-dried dog food go bad?

Yes, freeze-dried dog food can spoil if exposed to moisture, heat, or air. Signs of spoilage include mold, bad odors, and changes in texture. It’s important to store the food in airtight containers and consume it before its expiration date to prevent spoilage.

5. Is freeze-dried dog food safe from bacteria and parasites?

Freeze-dried dog food is generally safe from bacteria and parasites because the freeze-drying process involves extreme temperatures that are inhospitable to such organisms. However, it is still essential to handle and store the food properly to minimize the risk of contamination.

6. How do you store freeze-dried dog food for long-term use?

For long-term storage, freeze-dried dog food should be kept in airtight containers such as Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers and stored in a cool, dry place that stays under 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Proper storage is crucial to prevent reabsorption of moisture and to maintain the food’s shelf life.

7. Can freeze-dried dog food be rehydrated?

Yes, freeze-dried dog food can be rehydrated by adding water, which restores the food’s texture and may make it more palatable for some dogs. Rehydration is a simple process; just add the recommended amount of water and wait a few minutes before serving.

8. What are the advantages of feeding my dog freeze-dried food?

The advantages of feeding freeze-dried dog food include a longer shelf life, retention of nutritional value, convenience of storage and transportation, and typically higher palatability for pets due to the concentration of flavors and nutrients. It’s also often seen as a good compromise between raw diets and traditional kibble.

9. How does freeze-dried dog food compare to kibble?

Freeze-dried dog food is typically more nutrient-dense than kibble, as it undergoes less processing and does not require high temperatures, which can degrade certain nutrients. It is also generally more palatable and closer to raw food, providing a fresher taste experience for the dog.

10. Can all types of dog food be freeze-dried?

Not all dog foods are suitable for freeze-drying; high-fat foods or those with high moisture content may not freeze-dry well. Additionally, some textures and nutritional contents may be altered through the freeze-drying process, so it is best suited for certain types of dog food formulations.

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