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How Often Do I Take a Boston Terrier Outside to Pee?

By: Zyra Capalac
Zyra is a Special Project Coordinator of HomeLife Media and a writer for She has 3 dogs namely Skye, Luna, and one of them is a rescue, named Tesla.Read more
| November 5, 2023

Boston Terriers are adorable, lively, and intelligent dogs known for their friendly disposition and distinctive tuxedo-like coat. These compact and lovable canines make fantastic companions, but like all dogs, they have specific needs when it comes to bathroom breaks. Proper potty training is essential for a harmonious coexistence with your Boston Terrier, and understanding how often to take them outside to pee is a crucial aspect of that training. In this article, we will discuss the frequency of bathroom breaks for Boston Terriers at different life stages – puppies, adults, and senior dogs.

Potty Training Basics

Before delving into the specific guidelines for different age groups, let’s cover some essential potty training basics that apply to Boston Terriers of all ages.

  1. Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to potty training. Establish a routine for bathroom breaks and stick to it as closely as possible. This helps your Boston Terrier understand when and where they should do their business.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement to reward your Boston Terrier when they pee outside. This can be in the form of praise, treats, or affection. Positive reinforcement helps reinforce the behavior you want to encourage.
  3. Supervision: Keep a close eye on your Boston Terrier, especially during the initial stages of potty training. If you can’t supervise them, confine them to a crate or a designated area to prevent accidents.
  4. Patience: Potty training takes time, and accidents will happen. Be patient and avoid scolding your Boston Terrier for accidents, as this can create fear and anxiety around the potty training process.

Now, let’s explore how the frequency of bathroom breaks should vary based on your Boston Terrier’s age.

Potty Training Guidelines for Boston Terrier Puppies

Puppies are adorable bundles of energy, but they also have tiny bladders and limited bladder control. Proper potty training during the puppy stage is essential for setting a solid foundation for your Boston Terrier’s bathroom habits.

Boston Terrier puppies typically need to go outside to pee more frequently than adults or senior dogs due to their small bladder size and higher metabolism. Here are some guidelines for taking your Boston Terrier puppy outside to pee:

  1. Age in Weeks: The age of your Boston Terrier puppy plays a significant role in how often they need to go outside. As a general rule of thumb, puppies can typically hold their bladder for approximately one hour for each month of age. For example, a two-month-old puppy may need to go out every two hours.
  2. Frequent Breaks: Puppies require frequent bathroom breaks throughout the day, including immediately after waking up, after eating, and after playtime. Be prepared to take your puppy out every 1-2 hours during the day.
  3. Crate Training: Crate training can be a valuable tool during potty training. Puppies are less likely to eliminate in their crate because they instinctively avoid soiling their living space. Use the crate to help your puppy learn bladder control.
  4. Nighttime: At night, expect your Boston Terrier puppy to need a bathroom break once or twice. Set an alarm to wake up and take them outside during the night. As they grow older, they will gradually be able to sleep through the night without needing to pee.
  5. Watch for Signs: Pay close attention to your puppy’s behavior. If they start sniffing the ground, circling, or whining, these may be signs that they need to go outside immediately.
  6. Patience and Positive Reinforcement: Remember to reward your puppy with praise and treats when they pee outside. Positive reinforcement is crucial for reinforcing good behavior.

Potty Training Guidelines for Adult Boston Terriers

As your Boston Terrier grows and matures into an adult, their bladder capacity increases, and they gain better control over their bodily functions. However, adult Boston Terriers still require regular bathroom breaks to maintain good habits and prevent accidents.

  1. Age: By the time your Boston Terrier reaches adulthood, around 6-12 months of age, they should have better bladder control and be able to hold it for longer periods compared to when they were puppies.
  2. Regular Breaks: Adult Boston Terriers typically need to go outside to pee every 3-4 hours during the day. However, this can vary depending on your dog’s individual needs, activity level, and diet.
  3. Mealtime Routine: Feeding your Boston Terrier on a regular schedule can help regulate their bathroom habits. Take them out to pee shortly after meals to establish a routine.
  4. Activity Level: Keep in mind that more active dogs may need more frequent bathroom breaks. If your Boston Terrier is playing vigorously or engaging in physical activities, they may need to go outside sooner.
  5. Avoid Overhydrating: While it’s essential to provide your dog with fresh water, avoid overhydrating them right before bedtime or long periods when you can’t take them outside.
  6. Watch for Signals: Just like with puppies, pay attention to your adult Boston Terrier’s signals that they need to go outside. They may exhibit restlessness, sniffing, or pacing.
  7. Continue Positive Reinforcement: Even as adults, Boston Terriers benefit from positive reinforcement when they pee outside. Offer praise and treats to encourage the desired behavior.

How Often Do I Take a Boston Terrier Outside to Pee?

Potty Training Guidelines for Senior Boston Terriers

As Boston Terriers age, their bathroom habits can change. Senior dogs may experience changes in bladder control and may need more frequent bathroom breaks or have different bathroom needs.

  1. Age: Boston Terriers are considered seniors around the age of 7-8 years, but individual dogs may age differently. As they get older, you may notice changes in their bathroom habits.
  2. Frequent Breaks: Senior Boston Terriers may need to go outside to pee more frequently than adults, especially if they are dealing with age-related health issues like arthritis, which can make it harder for them to hold it for extended periods.
  3. Potential Health Issues: Keep an eye out for signs of urinary tract infections, incontinence, or other health issues that can affect a senior dog’s bathroom habits. If you notice any unusual changes, consult your veterinarian.
  4. Comfort and Access: Make sure senior dogs have easy access to the outdoors. Consider installing a doggie door or providing ramps or steps if they have trouble navigating stairs.
  5. Stay Attentive: Continue to monitor your senior Boston Terrier for signals that they need to go outside and respond promptly to their needs.
  6. Adjusted Schedule: Be prepared to adjust your dog’s bathroom schedule based on their changing needs. They may need shorter intervals between bathroom breaks during their senior years.
  7. Comfort and Support: Provide your senior Boston Terrier with comfortable bedding and make adjustments to their living space to accommodate any mobility issues they may have.


Understanding how often to take a Boston Terrier outside to pee is crucial for successful potty training and ensuring their overall well-being at every life stage. Puppies, adult dogs, and senior dogs all have varying needs when it comes to bathroom breaks, and it’s essential to adapt your routine accordingly.

Remember that patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are key elements of successful potty training. By following these guidelines and being attentive to your Boston Terrier’s individual needs, you can establish good bathroom habits that will lead to a happy and harmonious relationship between you and your beloved pet.

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