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How Often Do I Take a Pekingese Outside to Pee?

By: Zyra Capalac
Zyra is a Special Project Coordinator of HomeLife Media and a writer for She has 3 dogs namely Skye, Luna, and one of them is a rescue, named Tesla.Read more
| November 9, 2023

Pekingese dogs are a delightful and charming breed known for their regal appearance and unique personality. Like all dogs, they have specific needs when it comes to bathroom breaks, and understanding their requirements is essential for responsible pet ownership. In this article, we’ll explore the question, “How often do I take a Pekingese outside to pee?” We will discuss the factors that influence the frequency of bathroom breaks, taking into account a Pekingese’s age, and provide guidelines for puppies, adult dogs, and senior Pekingese.

Pekingese Basics

Before diving into the specifics of bathroom breaks, let’s start by understanding some basics about the Pekingese breed. Pekingese dogs are small in size, weighing between 7 to 14 pounds (3 to 6 kg) on average, and they stand about 6 to 9 inches (15 to 23 cm) tall at the shoulder. Their distinctive appearance includes a long, flowing double coat, a flat face, and a tail that arches over their back.

Pekingese are known for their independent and somewhat stubborn nature, which can make housetraining a bit challenging. However, with patience, consistency, and the right approach, you can successfully housetrain your Pekingese.

Factors Affecting Bathroom Break Frequency

The frequency with which you should take your Pekingese outside to pee depends on various factors. These factors include the dog’s age, activity level, health, and housetraining status. Understanding these factors will help you determine the appropriate schedule for bathroom breaks.

  1. Age of the Pekingese:
    • Puppies: Pekingese puppies have smaller bladders and weaker bladder control compared to adult dogs. They will need more frequent bathroom breaks, especially during the first few months of their life.
    • Adult Dogs: Adult Pekingese generally have better bladder control and can hold their urine for longer periods compared to puppies.
    • Senior Dogs: Senior Pekingese may experience age-related health issues, including decreased bladder control. This can lead to more frequent urination, similar to puppies.
  2. Activity Level:
    • A Pekingese that is more active, playing, or engaging in physical activities may need more frequent bathroom breaks.
  3. Health:
    • Certain health conditions, such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, or kidney problems, can increase a dog’s need to urinate more frequently. If you suspect your Pekingese has a health issue, consult with your veterinarian.
  4. Housetraining Status:
    • The housetraining progress of your Pekingese plays a significant role in determining how often they need to go outside. A fully housetrained dog will require fewer bathroom breaks compared to one in the midst of training.

Now, let’s delve into specific guidelines for puppies, adult Pekingese, and senior Pekingese.

Potty Training Pekingese Puppies

Potty training a Pekingese puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Since puppies have smaller bladders and less control, they will need more frequent bathroom breaks. Here’s a guideline for potty training Pekingese puppies:

  1. Frequent Breaks: Puppies should be taken outside to pee every 1 to 2 hours during the day. Additionally, take them out:
    • After waking up in the morning.
    • After eating or drinking.
    • After playtime or exercise.
    • Before bedtime.
  2. Supervision: Keep a close eye on your puppy when they are indoors. If you notice any signs that they need to go, such as sniffing, circling, or whining, take them outside immediately.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques like praise and treats when your puppy eliminates outside. This helps them associate outdoor potty breaks with positive experiences.
  4. Crate Training: Consider crate training your puppy when you cannot supervise them. Puppies are less likely to eliminate in their crate because they don’t want to soil their sleeping area. Take them out as soon as you release them from the crate.
  5. Be Patient: Remember that accidents will happen, and it’s essential to remain patient and consistent with your training.

Transitioning to Adult Potty Breaks

As your Pekingese puppy matures, their bladder control will improve. Here’s a guideline for transitioning to adult potty breaks:

  1. Gradual Increase: As your Pekingese puppy grows, gradually increase the time between potty breaks. Start by extending the intervals by 15-30 minutes each week.
  2. Monitor Signs: Continue to monitor your dog’s behavior for signs that they need to go outside. Even adult Pekingese may signal their need to go by scratching at the door or whining.
  3. Consistency: Stick to a consistent schedule for bathroom breaks, and reinforce positive behavior with rewards.

Potty Breaks for Adult Pekingese

Adult Pekingese generally have better bladder control and can hold their urine for longer periods compared to puppies. However, it’s essential to provide regular bathroom breaks to ensure their comfort and well-being. Here are some guidelines for adult Pekingese:

  1. Regular Schedule: Adult Pekingese typically need to go outside to pee every 4 to 6 hours. However, some may require more frequent breaks, especially if they are active or have specific health concerns.
  2. Morning and Evening Walks: In addition to regular bathroom breaks, adult Pekingese benefit from morning and evening walks. These walks provide mental and physical stimulation while also allowing your dog to relieve themselves.
  3. Monitor Water Intake: Pay attention to your dog’s water intake. While it’s important to keep them hydrated, avoid excessive water consumption close to bedtime to reduce nighttime bathroom trips.
  4. Routine and Consistency: Maintaining a consistent schedule for bathroom breaks helps your Pekingese understand when to expect potty time.

How Often Do I Take a Pekingese Outside to Pee?

Potty Breaks for Senior Pekingese

Senior Pekingese may experience age-related health issues that affect their bladder control and urinary habits. Here are some guidelines for senior Pekingese:

  1. Frequent Breaks: Senior Pekingese may need to go outside to pee more frequently than adults due to potential bladder issues. Aim for bathroom breaks every 3 to 4 hours, or as needed based on your dog’s individual condition.
  2. Special Considerations: Keep an eye out for signs of urinary incontinence, which is more common in senior dogs. If your Pekingese is having accidents indoors or seems to be straining to urinate, consult with your veterinarian for guidance.
  3. Gentle Exercise: Encourage gentle exercise to help maintain your senior Pekingese’s muscle tone and overall health. Short walks can also stimulate their need to eliminate.
  4. Comfort and Accessibility: Ensure that your senior Pekingese can access the outdoors easily. Consider ramps or steps if they have difficulty navigating stairs.
  5. Veterinary Care: Regular check-ups with your veterinarian are crucial for senior Pekingese to address any health issues promptly.


Taking a Pekingese outside to pee involves understanding their unique needs based on age, activity level, health, and housetraining status. Puppies require frequent breaks due to their small bladders and limited bladder control, while adult Pekingese can hold it for longer periods. Senior Pekingese may need more frequent breaks due to age-related health concerns.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article and being attentive to your Pekingese’s individual needs, you can ensure that your furry friend stays happy, healthy, and accident-free in the house. Remember that patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are essential elements of successful potty training and overall care for your beloved Pekingese.

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